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  1. 水稻野败不育系与保持系线粒体DNA限制酶酶切图谱分析

    Restriction Patterns Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA between Rice Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line of Wild Abortion and Maintainer Line of Indica

  2. 运用AFLP技术筛选分离野败型水稻mtDNA中与雄性不育性状相关的片段

    Isolation of the mtDNA Bands Associated with CMS by AFLP Technique

  3. 野败型育性恢复基因在AA基因组野生稻中的分布与遗传

    Distribution and Inheritance of the Fertility Restorer Genes for WA-CMS in Wild Rice with AA Genome

  4. 稻瘟病菌90-2菌株系是从大田水稻雄性不育细胞质(CMS)上分离的对野败型(W)CMS专化致病的生理小种。

    Pyricularia oryzae 90 2 strain which is isolated from rice CMS in field is selectively pathogenic to rice W CMS .

  5. 本文还提出滇Ⅰ型、BT型和野败型三种不育胞质的恢复基因遗传模式。

    Inheritance patterns of restoring genes in Dian - ⅰ, BT and WA type cytoplasmic male-sterility were put forward in the paper .

  6. 应用SPSS软件对具有代表性的六个野败型杂交水稻组合和两个包台型杂交水稻组合进行聚类分析。

    According to these genetic fingerprint maps of six WA combinations and two BT hybrid rice combinations , the cluster analysis was carried out by using SPSS software .

  7. 利用野败型不育系缙1A对33份美国稻的恢保关系进行了测定,观测了F1的小穗育性。

    Wild abortion ( WA ) type CMS line Jin 1A was used to test-cross with 33 American rice varieties and F_1 pollen fertility was tested .

  8. 来自野败水稻雄性不育胞质cms-WA,在一些试验中其恢复可育至少有2对独立的恢复基因,它们的互作效应随不同组合而异;

    Restoring for cms-WA derived from ″ wild abortive ″ rice is found in some experiments to be con-trolled by at least two independent loci with different interactions with parent combinations .

  9. 野败(WA)型细胞质的不育系在籼型杂交稻中应用广泛,将WA型细胞质导入粳稻后发现其恢复系较难找到。

    WA type Cytoplasmic Male Sterile ( CMS - WA ) lines have being widely applied to hybrids of indica rice , but restorer lines were hardly found when CMS - WA was transferred into japonica rice .

  10. 籼稻红莲型(HL)不育系和野败(WA)型不育系除花粉败育的特征不同外,两者还具有不同的恢、保特性。

    Honglian ( HL ) type CMS lines ( Indica ) differed from wild abortive ( WA ) type CMS lines ( Indica ) not only in characteristic of abortive pollen but also in restoring and maintaining abilities .

  11. 野败型水稻细胞质雄性不育恢复基因Rf-4的分子标记定位

    Molecular Mapping of the Fertility Restorer Gene Rf-4 for WA Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Rice

  12. 优I458是利用野败同型不育系优IA与本所育成的早稻强恢复系R458配制而成的杂交早稻新组合。

    " You I458 " is a new hybrid rice combination , which is bred by crossing between wild-abortive homeotypic cytoplasmic male sterile " You IA " and strong restoring line " R458 " .

  13. 野败型杂交水稻种子纯度室内幼苗鉴定方法研究

    Studies on Seed Purity Lab Testing Method for WA Type Hybrid Rice

  14. 野败籼型三系不育系钱江1号A的选育

    Breeding of WA Type Indica CMS Line Qianjiang 1 A

  15. 小粒型优质野败不育系绮A的选育与应用

    Breeding and Application of WA-type Small Grain CMS Line Qi A in Rice

  16. 水稻抗稻瘟病资源与野败型骨干恢复系间的遗传差异

    Genetic Divergence between Rice Germplasms of Blast Resistance and the Major WA-CMS-type Restorers

  17. 野败型水稻的核质互作与基因差异表达

    Interaction Between Nucleus and Cytoplasm and Gene Differential Expression in Rice CMS-WA Type

  18. 利用极大似然法分析野败型杂交籼稻恢复基因的遗传

    Genetic analysis for restoring genes of wild-abortive type Indica hybrid rice by maximum likelihood method

  19. 野败型杂交籼稻的育性基因分析

    A genetic analysis on the fertility of Shan type hybrid rice with Wild Rice Cytoplasm

  20. 野败水稻雄性不育保持系选育的遗传分析

    Genetic analysis for breeding maintainer line of male sterility of wild rice with abortive pollen

  21. 籼粳稻野败型不育细胞质的恢复基因分析

    Analysis on restoring genes for wild abortion type cytoplasmic male sterile lines in Indica and Japonica

  22. 90-2菌株对水稻野败型雄性不育细胞质浸染专化性的研究

    Studies on the Specific Infection of the Isolate 90-2 to the Wild Abortive Male Sterile Cytoplasm of Rice

  23. 野败型不育系水稻畸形籽粒形成原因的探讨水稻粳型不育系中可育株鉴别的研究

    Studies on the causes of formation of deformed kernel of wild abortion type male sterile line in Rice

  24. 四川部分水稻地方品种对野败雄性不育细胞质的育性恢复力鉴定

    A Preliminary Appraisal of the Fertility Restoring Ability of WA Type CMS Line in Some Sichuan Land Rice Races

  25. 野败型水稻不育系献改A的颖花开放慢,闭颖困难。

    Xian-gai A , a wild abortion type male sterile line in rice , delayed flowering and closed glumes difficultly .

  26. 93-11的抗性以及野败型细胞质雄性不育恢复性的分子遗传改良

    Improvement of Resistance to Bacterial Blight 、 Stem Borer and Restoring Ability to WA Type of 93-11 by Molecular Marker-assisted Selection

  27. 灵红A是以汕A为母本,用自选的灵红占为父本杂交转育而成的野败型多穗大穗优质不育系。

    Linghong A is a wild abortive type of male sterile line that has many spikes , big spikes and quality traits .

  28. 遗传分析初步证明该种颖花退化是由野败型细胞质和02428中所带的一对隐性基因互作所致。

    Genetic analysis indicate that the spikelet degeneration is conditioned by the interaction between WA cytoplasm and a pair of recessive nuclear genes inherited from 02428 .

  29. 测交结果表明,选取的2个具6个纯合目标基因的单株对野败型细胞质雄性不育系有良好的恢复力。

    The test showed that 2 selected plants with six homozygous loci were good restorative to wild abortion type cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) lines .