
  • 网络rhus succedanea;Rhus succedanea L;Wax Tree;Toxicodendron succedaneum
  1. 日本野漆树(Toxicodendronsuccedaneum)属漆树科漆树属落叶小乔木,是一种以采籽产蜡为主的特用经济树种。

    Toxicodendron succedaneum is a small deciduous tree of Toxicodendron of Anacardiaceae , a special economic species which can harvest seeds and wax .

  2. 【结果】化橘红中柚皮苷与野漆树苷在紫外光254nm下显示分开的暗斑点;

    [ Results ] Spots of naringin and rhoifolin varied when the wavelength of ultraviolet was at 254 nm .

  3. 常见例子有盐肤木、白背漆、野漆树、假海芋、海芋、芋及海漆。

    Common examples include Rhus chinensis , Rhus hypoleuca , Rhus succedanea Alocasia cucullata , Alocasia macrorrhiza , Colocasia esculenta and Excocaria agallocha .