
  • 网络learning organization theory
  1. 探析学习型组织理论与图书馆的管理创新

    On the theory of learning organization and management innovation of libraries

  2. 因此,学习型组织理论应运而生。

    Therefore , the theory about learning organization came into being .

  3. 学习型组织理论下新型教师的发展方向

    Development Direction of the New-type Teachers with the Theory of Learning Organization

  4. 学习型组织理论;学生生活园区;生活服务体系。

    Learning organization theory ; Student Life Park ; Life Service System .

  5. 学习型组织理论在高校行政管理队伍建设中的运用

    Application of Learning type Organization Theory in Team Construction of University Administration

  6. 学习型组织理论在学习型高校创建中的运用

    The Application of the Learning Organization Theory in Establishing the Learning University

  7. 学习型组织理论在教学中应用的理论研究

    Theoretical Research of Application of Learning Organizational Theory to Teaching

  8. 学习型组织理论是管理理论的一次重大创新。

    The Theory of Learning Organization is a radical innovation of organization theory .

  9. 基于学习型组织理论的航天七院培训体系研究

    Research on Training System of Aerospace Seventh Academy Based on Study Organization Theory

  10. 学习型组织理论反思与中国当代教育组织的发展方向

    Theoretical Reflection on the Learning-typed Organization & Developmental Orientation of Contemporary Chinese Educational Organization

  11. 学习型组织理论是当今最前沿的管理理论。

    The theory of studying - type organization is the very fashionable at present .

  12. 基于学习型组织理论的公务员职业能力提升路径探析

    Analysis the path of servant professional ability construction base on the learning organization theory

  13. 学习型组织理论视角下的教师专业发展

    On Teachers ' Professional Development from the Perspective of the Theory of Learning Organization

  14. 学习型组织理论与大学图书馆建设

    Learning organization theory and university library construction

  15. 学习型组织理论对高校基层党建工作的启示

    Inspirations of Learning Organization Theory for the Basic - level Party Building Work in University

  16. 作为一种前沿的管理理念,学习型组织理论的提出给学校管理带来了深刻的影响。

    The theory of learning organization exerts profound influence on the management of educational institutions .

  17. 从冲突走向融合&论中国报告文学的发展与90年代报告文学的成熟税收信息化:基于学习型组织理论的多视角分析

    From Conflict to Combination On Tax Information

  18. 介绍学习型组织理论在班级教育和教学中的应用。

    This article introduced the application of study-type organization theory in class education and teaching .

  19. 试论学习型组织理论在图书馆管理中的应用&构建学习型图书馆初探

    Application of Learning Organization Theory on Library Management : My Perspective on Constructing Learning Library

  20. 主要论述了学习型组织理论产生的时代背景、学习型组织的涵义、特点和建立学习型组织的必要性等问题。

    Mostly discussing the times background , the connotation and the necessity about the studying-type organization .

  21. 学习型组织理论是指导学习型学校创建的指南。

    Building a study type school should be directed by the theory of study type organization .

  22. 学习型组织理论与《思想道德修养与法律基础》课教学

    Learning Organization Theory and Teaching " Ideological and Moral Cultivation and the Fundamentals of Law "

  23. 第二章概述,对研究型大学基层学术组织和学习型组织理论进行了整体概述。

    Chapter two is holistic summarize on basic academic organization and the theory of learning organization .

  24. 学习型组织理论在高校思想政治教育工作中的运用

    Application of the Organizational Theory Concerning Study in University and College 's Ideological and Political Education

  25. 基于学习型组织理论的高校学术创新团队建设机制探讨

    A Study on the Academic Innovation Team Building in the College Based on Learning Organization Theory

  26. 第二部分对企业文化和学习型组织理论的理论进行了回顾。

    In the second part , it reviews the theory on enterprise culture and learning organization .

  27. 学习型组织理论对高校工会的建设,甚至对建设整个社会都有理论指导实践和操作的意义。

    Learning organization theory has great theoretical and practical significance for the construction of college labour union .

  28. 学习型组织理论是以系统动力学为理论基础创建的一种先进的管理理念。

    Theory of learning-type organization is an advanced management ideas founded on a theoretical basis of System Dynamics .

  29. 强化学习型组织理论促进百年老矿再次创业

    Strengthening Study-oriented Organization Theory

  30. 从天人合一到系统思考&论学习型组织理论与中国传统思维方式

    FROM ONENESS BETWEEN HEAVEN AND MAN TO SYSTEMS THINKING On learning organization and Chinese traditional mode of thinking