
  1. 企业的研发(R&D)行为是产业组织理论的重要研究领域。

    The research and development ( R & D ) is a very important issue in the Industrial Organization .

  2. 伴随着各个实践领域管理活动的历史进程,组织行为理论、组织理论和战略管理理论依次成为管理学的主导理论。

    " Organizational behavior theory ", " organization theory ", and " strategic management theory " formed three dominant theories orderly in the process of management evolution .

  3. 厂商串谋行为是新产业组织理论研究的重要内容。

    The study on collusion behavior is an important content of the new industrial organization theory .

  4. 主要的工作在于先根据公共选择理论对政府行为分析及其产业组织理论对科层组织的界定,对地方政府行为作出了两个突破性理论假定:经济人和有限理性。

    Main work lies in analysis of government behavior and definition of department layers according to public choice theory industrial organization theory , then we have made two theoretic hypotheses : economic man and limited ration .