
  • 网络behavior;behavior stage;action stage
  1. 二年级大学生体育锻炼行为阶段性特点的调查研究

    The Stages Character or Exercise Behavior Change in 1 ~ 2 Grades Undergraduates

  2. 大学新生锻炼行为阶段变化特点研究

    Study on Stage Change of Exercise Behavior of Freshman

  3. 郴州市大专学生体育锻炼行为阶段性调查研究

    The Investigation and Study on Colleges ' Students Periodic Physical Training Action

  4. 广州地区8138名大学生不同吸烟行为阶段转变的影响因素分析

    Study on the related factors of smoking behavior transition at different stages among undergraduate students I

  5. 虚拟思维方式的形成经历了三个阶段:行为阶段的虚拟思维方式、语言文字符号的虚拟思维方式和数字化的虚拟思维方式。

    The forming of virtual thinking mode undergoes three stages : behavioral stage , linguistic stage and digital stage .

  6. 不同的行为阶段有不同的动机,即认知失调、自我效能、自我概念、目标设置、自我决定与归因。

    So whether the physical exercise action can be accomplished or not mainly depends how these stages interlink and develop .

  7. 侦查工作就是要根据不同行为阶段的特点采取不同的措施手段去搜集犯罪信息,获取侦查线索。

    Investigation work applies various measures to collect criminal information and obtain investigation clues based on characteristics in different action stages .

  8. 每一行为阶段的法律救济期间届满后,不允许在接下来的确定程序中再对该行为的合法性提出异议。

    After the law relief expiry of each stage , it is forbidden dispute the legality of the conduct in the next decision procedure .

  9. 活动是由动机决定的,可以分为不同的行为阶段,每个行为阶段有特定的目标,由不同的操作组成。

    Activity is determined by motivations and can be divided into different action stages . Each action stage has its specific goal consists of different operations .

  10. 行为阶段聚类描述有望应用于对电路的功能分析、设计验证和测试中。

    Behavioral phase clustering descriptions bridge the high and low level descriptions . It can be used in functional analysis , verification and test of designs . 2 .

  11. 然后进行系统交互设计,建立了系统的功能结构,设计了各行为阶段主要的交互流程,并设计实现了系统的界面原型。

    We build the system function structure and design the main interactive process of each behavior stage . We also design and implement a prototype of the system interface .

  12. 本文首先对第三人效果理论的产生、发展过程进行简单的梳理,详细、系统化的对理论的认知和行为阶段进行全面性的概括和总结。

    Firstly , this thesis briefly summarizes the generation and development history of the third-person effect hypothesis ; specifically and systematically conclude the perception phase and the subsequent act phase .

  13. 第三人效果理论提出之初,戴维森就将其主要分为两个阶段,即认知阶段和后续行为阶段。

    At the beginning of the third-person effect hypothesis was proposed by Davison , it was divided into two phases principally , which are the perception phase and the subsequent act phase .

  14. 在过去的40多年中,CALL经历了三个不同的发展阶段,即行为主义阶段、交际法阶段及集成化阶段。

    In the last 40 years or so , CALL has gone through three different phases , i.e. , the Behavioristic CALL , Communicative CALL and Integrative CALL .

  15. 接下来就是portlet的职责,重新获得这些在行为处理阶段使用的数据。

    It is then the portlet 's responsibility to retrieve the data to use during the action processing phase .

  16. 我国城镇居民消费行为的阶段及倾向分析

    Analyses of phase and propensity for Chinese town resident consumption behavior

  17. 青少年锻炼行为的阶段变化模化研究

    Research on stage of changes model of exercise behavior among adolescents

  18. 休闲体育行为发展阶段动机因素的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Motivation of the Leisure Sport Behavior Stage

  19. 体育锻炼行为不同阶段的动机研究

    Study of Motivation in Different Stages of Physical Exercise Action

  20. 青少年锻炼行为分阶段转变的制约因素及干预策略

    The Constraining Factors and Intervention Strategies of Adolescent Exercise Behavior Change in Stages

  21. 大学生的体育锻炼行为具有阶段性动力特征;

    Their exercise behaviors are of periodical dynamic features .

  22. 中国大学生闲暇体育锻炼行为的阶段性特征研究

    Research on Staggered Feature of Physical Exercise Behavior of Our College Students during Extracurricular

  23. 大学生体育锻炼行为分阶段干预效果的动态观察

    A dynamic observational study on effect of intervention by stages on university students ' exercise behavior

  24. 心理学家认为那男子因面临新形势而正处于行为回归阶段。

    The psychologist believed that the man was experiencing regression as a result of dealing with a new situation .

  25. 银行风险行为二阶段模型、监管误差与资本充足要求有效性分析

    Analysis of Two-phase Model of Bank 's Risk-behaviors , Financial Supervision Errors and the Effectiveness of Capital Adequacy Requirements

  26. 一般性限制、身体虚弱、忧郁或孤立的态度以及行为在此阶段十分常见。

    General restrictions , physical weakness , melancholy or isolated attitude and behavior are all most common during this time period .

  27. 在群体行为建模阶段,根据研究区域的个体行为模型,从个性到共性,研究不同收入群体(低收入、中等收入和高收入)的行为模式;

    At the aggregate level , based on the result of the individual level study , the aggregated behaviour models for different income classes were developed .

  28. 建立了车辆拖延行为3阶段模型,重点推导了拖延行为模型中,低匀速行驶的时间与不发生拖延行为的正常状况下的停车等待时间之间的关系。

    A 3-phased dragging behavior model was provided and the emphasis was put into the calculation of the relationship between the slow-driving time and the waiting-time .

  29. 纵观西方课堂管理的变化,我们可以看出它主要经历了四个阶段:心理咨询阶段、行为矫正阶段、教师效能研究、最后三者融合发展。

    Throughout the Western classroom management changes , we can see that it has gone through four major stages : psychological counseling stage ; behavior modification stage ; teacher effectiveness research ; the last three integrated development .

  30. 论文系统研究了建设工程质量政府监督管理体制、机制、行为、阶段和分部监督管理,主要的内容如下。

    This dissertation has systematically studied the organization systems , mechanism , actions , phases of government supervision , and main part administration and supervision . The main contents are summarized as follows : Organizational systems and mechanism .