
  1. 供暖热水锅炉房的热负荷预测

    The study on heat load forecast of the heating boiler house

  2. 热水锅炉房内系统管道布置及部件选择

    Pipes Arrangement and Components Selection for Hot Water Boiler Room

  3. 模块燃气热水锅炉房的应用及设计

    Application and Design of Modular Gas-fired Hot Water Boiler Room

  4. 对常压热水锅炉房设计运行中应注意的安全问题进行了探讨,涉及系统流程设计、水击、循环泵汽蚀。

    Study on treatment process of vapour driving oil recovery wastewater reused for high pressure boiler water supply ;

  5. 燃油(气)热水锅炉房水系统的设计

    Discussion on the design of oil ( gas ) - fired hot water boiler houses ′ water system

  6. 阐述了设计模块燃气热水锅炉房时应注意的问题。

    Some problems to which attention should be paid in the design of modular gas-fired hot water boiler room are described .

  7. 针对燃油、燃气蒸汽锅炉房、热水锅炉房设计中有关安全的几个问题进行讨论,提高我们对有关规范、规程的认识水平和有关专业内容的设计水平。

    In view of fuel , gas steam boiler room , hot water boiler room design several issues related to security discussions , present their own views , through the exchange to improve our " norms "," rules " level of awareness and relevant professional content design standards .

  8. 燃气常压热水供热锅炉房的安全设计

    Safety Design of Atmospheric Gas Hot-water Heating Boiler Room

  9. 探讨了燃气常压热水供热锅炉房燃气供气系统、热水循环系统、报警系统等的安全设计。

    The safety design of gas supply system , hot water circulation system , alarm system and so on in atmospheric gas hot-water heating boiler room is discussed .

  10. 对常压热水供热锅炉房的循环泵、回水自动启闭阀、膨胀水箱、大气连通管的设计选型进行了探讨。

    The design and lectotype of circulating pump , automatic return water switch valve , expansion tank and atmospheric connection pipe in atmospheric hot water heating boiler room are discussed .