
  1. 论述了锅炉给水除氧器用新型PKXF型可调式旋缝节能喷嘴的结构、主要技术性能参数及基本设计原则。

    The paper presents the construction , main technical performance parameters and basic design principles of a new PKXF type adjustable energy-saving gap and vortex deoxygenization sprayer .

  2. 浅议工业锅炉给水除氧技术

    The Technology of Water Supply and Deoxidization in the Industry Boiler

  3. 两种锅炉给水除氧技术的比较

    Comparison Between two Techniques for Deoxygenization from Boiler Feed Water

  4. 锅炉给水除氧技术的探讨及其进展

    Discussion and Progress of Oxygen Removal Technology for Boiler Feedwater

  5. 一种新型锅炉给水除氧器的研究

    A Study of a New Type of Boiler Feedwater Deaerator

  6. 锅炉给水除氧技术的发展与应用

    Development and Application of Boiler Supply Water Deaerating Technology

  7. 膜分离技术在油田注汽锅炉给水除氧中的应用

    The Application of Membrane Separation Technique in the Deoxygenating of Stream-generate Boiler Supply Water

  8. 一种新型锅炉给水除氧方法

    New method of removing dissolved oxygen from boiler

  9. 锅炉给水除氧方法的选择

    Selection Of Deoxidize Method Of Boiler Feeding

  10. 锅炉给水除氧常用的几种方式

    Methods for Removing Oxygen from Boiler Feedwater

  11. 研究了一种新型锅炉给水除氧器&加氢除氧器。

    A new type of boiler feed water deaerators in which , oxygen is removed by hydrogen , is studied .

  12. 旋膜式除氧器可保证锅炉给水除氧效果,延长电站机组运行寿命。

    The deaerator can guarantee the deaerating effect of the boiler water and prolong the operation life of machines in power station .

  13. 阐述了工业锅炉给水除氧的原理,并对常用的热力除氧、真空除氧、解吸除氧等技术进行了分析。

    There are many familiar oxygen removal methods of boiler feedwater all over the world , the advantages and disadvantages of which are analyzed .

  14. 膜法除氧技术效果较好,且节能环保,在电子等行业的高纯水制备中已得到广泛应用,但是在锅炉给水除氧中还未得到普遍应用。

    With its high efficiency , energy-saving and some other advantages , the technology of membrane oxygen removal has been widely used in the process of preparation of pure-water in electronic industry , but not so popular in oxygen removal of boiler water .

  15. 大气热力除氧器广泛应用于工业锅炉的给水除氧。

    Atmosphere thermal deaerators are widely applied to supply water deoxygenation of industrial boilers .

  16. 水泥厂的余热电站与水泥窑运行密切相关,水泥窑的波动严重影响了电站锅炉给水的除氧效果。

    The waste heat power station in cement plant is closely related to the operation of cement kiln , whose fluctuation has an seriously effect on the boiler feed water deaeration result .

  17. 介绍新疆稠油热采注汽站的工艺流程和技术特点,并对注汽锅炉给水的除氧方式、热能利用和排放水回收进行探讨。

    Abstract This paper discusses the process flow and technological characteristics of the steam plant for heavy oil recovery in Xinjiang . It also deals with the ways of deoxidization of feed water , the utilization of thermal energy and reuse of the waste water from steam generator .

  18. 锅炉给水加氢除氧器的试验研究

    Study on a new type of boiler feed water deaerator