
shī guāng
  • chalkiness;blinding
失光[shī guāng]
  1. 处理后表面洁净、不失光、不褪色、不泛黄。

    The treated surface is unfading , non yellowing and glossy .

  2. 外墙乳胶漆失光率研究

    Study of Gloss Reduction of Latex Paint for Exterior Wall

  3. 浓香型白酒、果露酒出现失光和晶状沉淀的分析

    Analysis of Losing Lustre or Crystal Sediment in Luzhou-flavour Liquor and Fruit Wine

  4. 户外曝晒与加速老化中航空涂料失光率的研究

    Study on the Gloss Reduction of Aircraft Coatings in Outdoor Exposure and Accelerated Weathering Tests

  5. 引发啤酒混浊失光的最常见的原因是蛋白质-多酚的复合。蛋白质-多酚混浊的出现,主要是由于敏感多酚及敏感蛋白的过量或不均衡引起的。

    The main precipitation is the complex of protein and polyphenol , which is caused by the excessive sensitive-polyphenol and sensitive-protein .

  6. 黄金何其失光;纯金何其变色。圣所的石头倒在各市口上。

    How dark has the gold become ! How changed the best gold ! The stones of the holy place are dropping out at the top of every street .

  7. 而对聚酯涂层的光泽、颜色、粉化影响较大,特别是初期前段的失光、变色、粉化较明显,尤其是对较深颜色的聚酯涂层变色、粉化更明显。

    However , there is an obvious effect of irradiation time on those properties of polyester coating , especially at the initial stage and for the dark colour polyester .

  8. 采用膜超滤技术可有效除去白酒因高级脂肪酸乙酯含量过高降度后出现的浑浊、失光现象。

    In the production of low alcohol liquor , the alcohol dropping process would induce the turbidity of liquors with the excessive higher contents of higher fatty acid ethyl esters .

  9. 从理论和实际操作,浓香型白酒、果露酒出现失光和晶状沉淀与恶劣气候有较大关系。

    The things that the liquor and fruit wine losing lustre or even present crystal sediment relate very much to the bad weather in winter on the theory and practical operation .

  10. 为了详细地说明MDDI和LDDI这两种类型的相互作用对于磁孤子激发的影响,我们选取了蓝失谐光晶格,其中系统中的LDDI由外部激光场诱导产生。

    To find how these two types of dipole-dipole interactions affect the soliton excitations , we choose a blue-detuned optical lattice , and an external laser field is imposed into the system to induce the LDDI .

  11. 对单模大失谐光场来说,很明显动力学具有自发对称性破缺发生。

    As the light field is detuning , it could be seen that spontaneous symmetry breaking occurring .

  12. 本文主要是围绕实现单原子的囚禁及其操控为日标,开展了远红失谐光偶极阱中单原子的囚禁及其在两个远红失谐光偶极阱间的转移的实验研究。

    This thesis mainly focuses on trapping and manipulating single neutral atoms . We successfully trapped a single atom in red-detuned far off resonance optical dipole traps and transferred it between two traps .

  13. 特别地,我们选取了蓝失谐光晶格,提出了等效温度概念,并将这一系统中磁振子的激发过程与光学振动腔中光子的激发过程进行了类比。

    Specially , we choose a blue-detuned optical lattice and define an effective temperature for this system . We make a comparison between the genera-tion process of magnons and that of photons in optical vibration cavity .

  14. 红移高功率大失谐驻波光场原子光刻

    Atom Lithography in Red Far Detuning High Power Standing Wave

  15. 这一研究结果为利用单光子频率失谐控制光的群速度提供了理论与实验参考。

    This conclusion provides theoretical and experimental references for controlling the group velocity of light by means of one-photon detuning .

  16. 理论计算了二能级原子在这一光场中所受的辐射压力,在实验上观测到了钠原子束在负失谐漫射光中的减速。

    The expression of radiation pressures produced by monochromatic red shifted diffuse light are obtained by solving the two-level atom model and deceleration of Na atoms in an atomic beam have been observed in experiment .

  17. 进而揭示并讨论了带入射信号系统光放大输出的增益阈值及其变化规律,同时发现了系统失谐与光放大条件和频率牵引效应的关系。

    Fur - ther we reveal and discuss the gain threshold of amplifying output and its variation rule for the system with inject signal . Mean - while , we find out the relationships between the detunings and the conditions of light amplifying , also the frequency pulling effect .

  18. 本文研究了双光子跃迁依赖强度耦合JC模型的原子偶极压缩,着重讨论了失谐量和光场强度的影响。

    The atomic dipole squeeze in the two-photon intensity dependent coupling JC model is investigated giving emphasis to the effects of detuning and field intensity on it .

  19. 群速度失配造成的光脉冲位置偏移,在没有补偿措施的情况下,普通单模光纤不适于现有的FH-OCDMA系统。

    The normal single mode optical fiber is not available for FH OCDMA system without any compensation scheme .

  20. 频率失谐对相干光脉冲合并和面积演化的影响

    Effects of frequency detuning on coherent optical pulse combination and area evolution

  21. 分别讨论了初始光场的平均光子数和失谐量对光场量子特性的影响。

    The influences of initial average photon numbers and the detuning are discussed .

  22. 转角的大小可以由探针光频率失谐,耦合光功率,以及气室温度来控制。

    Polarization control can be achieved by coupling power , probe frequency detuning , and temperature .

  23. 催化剂失活是影响光催化过程用于污染治理经济实用的关键因素。

    Catalytic deactivation is one of the key factors to affect photocatalytic degradation directly in the practical application .

  24. 分析了自相位调制,交叉相位调制和群速度失配对三倍频光脉冲形状以及转换效率的影响。

    The effects of SPM , XPM and GVM on the pulse shape and conversion efficiency have been analyzed .

  25. 从几何光学和物理光学出发,对抛物面镜以离轴90°的方式应用于激光束的聚焦光路时,光轴的角度失准和入射光发散角对聚焦光斑造成的影响进行了分析。

    Based on combining geometrical and physical optics , the effects of the angular misalignment of the optical axis and divergence angle on the focal power density are analyzed .

  26. 当光纤尖的端头进入样品表面隐失波区域时,产生局域全内反射受抑,光纤尖端头界面将有隐失场光耦合进入光纤,从而得到携带物体表面精细结构的隧道信息。

    When a probe is inserted into the evanescent field , the evanescent wave will be frustrated and be coupled into the fiber probe through the top end of the tip so that the photon tunneling information can be obtained .