
tuō wěi
  • trailing;smear;hangover;trailer
拖尾[tuō wěi]
  1. URL上拖尾的斜线,以及命令尾部的句点,都很重要-这两个符号确定从库存中下载的文件,在当前的目录中结束;

    The trailing slash on the URL , and that period at the end of the command , are both important-they make sure that downloaded files from the repository end up in the current directory ;

  2. 文中首先介绍了视频信息隐藏技术的基础知识和典型算法,然后研究了基于游程编码、拖尾系数、DCT系数以及运动矢量的视频信息隐藏技术。

    After the introduction to basic knowledge of video information hiding technology and typical algorithms , the video information hiding techniques based on run-length encoding , trailing coefficient , and DCT coefficients have been studied .

  3. 大鼠外周血淋巴细胞单细胞凝胶电泳拖尾面积实验Ⅱ组和实验Ⅰ组均高于对照组(P<0.05);

    The tailing areas of PBC in experiments were higher than those in the control ( P < 0.05 );

  4. CCD图像传感器拖尾的研究

    Research on Chancing Vertical Smearing of Frame Transfer Array CCD Image Sensor

  5. 在处理拖尾现象和保持图像信息方面,该方法优于基于Fourier分析的频域滤波方法。

    This method is better than Fourier transform based filtering in frequency field .

  6. 基于CCD拖尾特性的空间目标单帧检测方法

    Detecting Method for Space Target in Single Frame Base on CCD Smear Characteristic

  7. 通过单细胞凝胶电泳,计数拖尾细胞发生率和DNA迁移度。

    Singe cell gel electrophoresis was used to investigate the DNA damage and DNA migration of mice treated with etoposide .

  8. 但肝细胞DNA损伤的拖尾率和拖尾尾长无显著变化(P>0.05,P>0.05)。

    However , the comet rate and comet length of liver DNA had no significant changes ( P > 0.05 ) .

  9. 结果:醋酸铅染毒后小鼠睾丸细胞DNA单链断裂,出现彗星状拖尾。

    Result : Lead acetate induces the breakage of DNA single strand in testis and resulted in comet cells with tail .

  10. 对C波段实测雷达海杂波数据进行了统计分析,并为分析杂波拖尾特性构造了修正的均方差检验法;

    C band real radar sea-clutter data were analyzed and the modified mean square difference test for analyzing the tail of clutter was constructed .

  11. 双凸极永磁电机中五种PWM控制方式下的电流拖尾现象

    Mechanism of Current Lag Under Five PWM Control Strategies in Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Motors

  12. 结果:在一定浓度范围内,3种受试物均可直接引起离体小鼠睾丸细胞的DNA单链断裂,出现拖尾的彗星细胞。

    Results : In certain concentration , the three tested substances could induce the breakage of DNA single strand and resulted in comet cells with tail .

  13. 各类吸附构型均以短链为主,平伏形(train)和环形(loop)构型数目比拖尾形构型数目多得多。

    The lengths of various adsorption configuration are overwhelming shorter ones , the amounts of train and loop configuration are much greater than that of tail configuration .

  14. 提出了一种解决LCD“拖尾”的新方案&写入期和显示期分离的驱动方案。

    A new drive method to eliminate LCD " smearing " based on separation of writing period and displaying period is proposed .

  15. 10μg/ml、20μg/ml酪醇的预处理可使过氧化氢染毒细胞的拖尾百分率和DNA迁移长度显著降低。

    The pretreatment of p tyrosol ( 10 μ g / ml or 20 μ g / ml ) markedly decreased the tail length of CHL cells treated by hydrogen peroxide .

  16. 吸附层厚度主要受分子链长影响,与拖尾形构型(tail)伸展到体相中的长度相当;

    The layer thickness of adsorption is mainly coincided with the depth of tail configuration extending to solution which is mainly determined by chain length .

  17. 并且证明运动估计算法要用来解决LCD的拖尾问题必须要在其运算实时性和算法质量上做出改进。

    And prove that to be solve the problem of tailing must be enhance its real-time computing and improve the quality of algorithms .

  18. 彗星电泳结果显示,药物作用后,细胞核电泳形成明显的拖尾,细胞核光密度降低,并且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    Comet assay showed that the nuclei form a distinct tail after electrophoresis , and the nuclear optical density decreased after Dio effecting . The difference was statistically significant , ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 电泳结束后,溴化乙啶(EB)染色,在荧光显微镜下观察、计数拖尾细胞的尾长。

    After stained by EB , tail length of the cells were observed and counted under the fluorescence microscope .

  20. 统计学分析:用四格表χ2检验(确切概论法)比较组间彗星细胞拖尾率;用t检验进行组间DNA迁移距离比较。

    Statistical analysis : The tailing ratio of comet cells between groups were compared with fourfold table χ 2 test , while the t test was used to compare the DNA migration length between groups .

  21. 显微构造(S-C构造、残斑拖尾、云母鱼构造等)和石英C轴组构都指示这些糜棱岩形成于断裂带的左旋剪切过程中。

    Such microstructures as S-C fabrics , rotated feldspar porphyroblasts , and mica fish and quartz c-axis fabrics all indicate sinistral shear sense .

  22. 然而大容量的IGBT存在开关损耗大,尤其是拖尾电流在高频开关工作状态下引起的关断损耗很大,限制了其工作频率的提高。

    However , the IGBT switching losses is large , especially at high-frequency switch with tail current state , which limits the frequency of IGBT .

  23. 5h时,随着核苷酸添加浓度的升高,拖尾率均降低(P<0.01)。

    The nucleotides supplementation significantly decreased the percentage of comet cells at 5 h ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 试验组脾、肝、肾细胞的拖尾率和DNA迁移距离与阳性对照组的同类细胞比较都显著要低(P<001,P<0001)。

    The percentages of cells with comets and the DNA migrations of the three types cells in tested groups were low significantly ( P < 0 01 , P < 0 001 ) compared with the corresponding positive control groups .

  25. 结果:大鼠经小肠前动脉夹闭60分钟、再灌注270分钟后,上述细胞出现程度不同的凋亡或坏死,DNA电泳出现梯形或弥散状拖尾。

    Results : It showed that apoptosis or necrosis occurred in all above cells as manifested by a DNA ladder or diffused DNA tail in agarose electrophoresis , after 60 minutes of superior mesenteric artery occlusion followed by 270 minutes reperfusion .

  26. 单细胞凝胶电泳结果显示,BLM作用下两种细胞均有不同程度DNA损伤,A549-R细胞的拖尾率和DNA迁移长度显著大于A549细胞;

    DNA damage of A549-R cells induced by bleomycin of different concentrations was more serious than A549 cells both in comet cell rate and DNA migration length .

  27. 单细胞凝胶电泳实验中,各剂量组拖尾率、DNA平均迁移长度和DNA损伤程度与阴性对照组相比无显著差异(P>0.05),而与阳性对照组相比差异极显著(P<0.01)。

    In SCGE experiment , the difference of the tail rate , average tail length and DNA damage in each group is unnoticeable compared with negative group ( p > 0.05 ) , remarkable compared with positive group ( p < 0.01 ) .

  28. 这里一个2s,这里一个,当这两个发生拖尾时,我们就像这样结束它。

    S Here you would have a2s , here is a2s , and when the two of them smear we end with something that looks like this .

  29. 经过大量的研究,人们发现LCD产生运动图像拖尾的原因包括了:液晶显示器的响应速度、显示器的保持特性及人类视觉的暂留特性三个方面。

    After in-depth study , people have found that the reasons of LCD motion picture smear and fuzzy include : the response speed of LCD , the hold-type displays of LCD and the human visual characteristics .

  30. 但是由于许多有机染料易光漂白,吸收光谱窄,发射光谱较宽且伴有拖尾,斯托克斯位移小,使得FRET的应用受到了限制。

    However , owing to the poor photostability , narrow absorption spectra , and broad emission spectra of organic dyes , the application of FRET has been limited .