
shī ér fù dé
  • lost and found;bring oneself home;recover all that was lost;recover what one has previously lost;regain what is lost;be lost and found again
失而复得 [shī ér fù de]
  • [regain what is lost;be lost and found again] 失去而又得到

失而复得[shī ér fù dé]
  1. 有一天,父亲告诉她一个好消息:“Beauty,奇迹发生了。我的一艘船回到港口了。我的钱失而复得,我们马上要过回富裕的生活了。”

    Then one day , he came to her with wonderful news . " Beauty , " he said , " a miracle has happened . One of my ships has returned to port . A fortune 's been restored . We will be rich again . "

  2. 尽管被盗手表中的60件依然下落不明,但藏品核心部分的56只宝玑表(breguet)中的多数已失而复得。

    Although 60 of the stolen watches are still missing , the majority of the 56 Breguet watches that form the heart of the collection were recovered .

  3. 一个匿名电话导致被盗珠宝失而复得。

    An anonymous call led to the recovery of the stolen jewels .

  4. 研究:有宝宝照片的钱包最易“失而复得”。

    Wallets with baby pictures'most likely to be returned ' .

  5. 我们在庆祝乔伊的医疗保险失而复得。

    We 're just celebrating that Joey got his health insurance back .

  6. 你的车失而复得,一定非常高兴。

    You must be very happy to have found your lost car .

  7. 钱是否能失而复得,实在令人怀疑。

    It was doubtful that the money would ever be found again .

  8. 而两年后这幅画在佛罗伦萨的一家旅店失而复得。

    The painting was discovered two years later in a Florence hotel .

  9. 终于失而复得多亏夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生的奇才

    Thankfully recovered , owing to the prodigious1 talent of Mr Sherlock Holmes .

  10. 当母亲看到她失而复得的儿子时,情不自禁地哭起来。

    When the mother saw her lost son , she couldn 't help crying .

  11. 不带文件夹的项目将放置在一个名为“失而复得”的文件夹中。

    Items without a folder will be placed in a folder called lost found .

  12. 400.在讨论中我发现盖子失而复得。

    400 . In the discussion I discovered that the lost cover was recovered .

  13. 双性同体的失而复得&《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳形象新析

    A New Analysis of the Image of Catherine in " The Wuthering Heights "

  14. 是真的吗什么失而复得的兄弟之�

    Is it real ? Is what real ? This renewed sense of brotherhood .

  15. 柯南·道尔遗物失而复得百万英镑拍卖文件书信

    Conan Doyle sale nears & 1m mark

  16. 只要保持观照这个觉知失而复得的过程,并从中学习。

    Just keep looking at this progress of losing and regaining awareness and learn from it .

  17. 你终究会失而复得

    You got to lose to win

  18. 老人的钱包失而复得;他喜出望外。

    The old man was exhilarated when his lost wallet blew back , into his hand .

  19. 他仍然坚持认为他的汽车是失而复得的。

    He is still sticking to his story that his car was stolen and later retrieved .

  20. 英国最新的一项社会实验发现,博物馆成为“遗失钱包的最佳地点,因为与其他场所相比,失主们更有可能失而复得。研究者发现那些在文化中心遗失的钱包中,有近半数最终归还失主。

    Researchers found almost half of wallets misplaced at cultural centres were retrieved by their owners .

  21. 这就是乐园失而复得了。

    It is Paradise Regained .

  22. 但是你一定能够在接下来的两天失而复得。

    But you can definitely get back in the swing of things over the next couple of days .

  23. 这些宝藏已送往英雄博物馆,其中有一些是失而复得的。

    The treasure , some of which has been recovered , has been sent to the British museum .

  24. 各国部长都不愿估计,自己期待有多少亿美元的税款会因为这项协议失而复得。

    None of the ministers would estimate how many billions in otherwise unpaid taxes they might now expect to see .

  25. 因此,北欧的劳动力市场变得更富有弹性,危机期间丧失的工作岗位失而复得。

    As a result , the labour market was made more flexible and jobs lost during the crisis were regained .

  26. 他失而复得的主体统一性不过是想象出来的又一个理想自我。

    Head 's recovered unity of subjectivity is no more than his another ideal ego conjured up in the imaginary order .

  27. 最新研究发现,放有宝宝照片的遗失钱包最有可能失而复得。研究人员在去年将240个钱包丢在了爱丁堡的大街上,来验证有多少可以物归原主。

    Researchers left 240 wallets on the streets of Edinburgh last year to see how many were returned to their owners .

  28. 纳斯托斯湖据说它的湖水具有魔力可以满足你失而复得的愿望

    Lake Nostos . Its waters are said to have magical properties that can return to you something that was once lost .

  29. 她买了一张彩票,一周之内经历了中奖、失奖券、重新失而复得这样的传奇经历。

    She bought a lottery ticket , won , lost the ticket , then got it back , all in one week .

  30. 然后呢,我的那些珍贵新年摄影又失而复得,比如第一次见到我小外甥能走路了。

    Then and Then I got back my precious New Year shootings , such as my first sight of nephew 's walk .