
  1. RobGo是NextView风险投资公司的联合创始人。这是一家种子期投资公司,专注于互联网创新应用。

    Rob Go is co-founder of NextView Ventures , a seed-stage investment firm focused on Internet-enabled innovation .

  2. 韩家店期主要为潮坪-浅水陆棚沉积。

    In Hanjiadian Age , it mainly was the tidal flat-shallow shelf environments .

  3. 川中地区在整个须家河期多为滨、浅湖沉积,时而发育有由盆地边缘推进的辫状河三角洲前缘。

    The middle of Sichuan basin was mainly shore-shallow lake deposition , sometimes developed the braided fluvial river delta front .

  4. 川东北类前陆盆地须家河期盆-山耦合和层序充填样式

    Basin-range coupling and sequence filling patterns of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Northeastern Sichuan analogous foreland basin , China

  5. 上周联赛CEO理查德。斯库达莫尔访问了这几家球队以期缓和局势。但是却遭遇了愤怒的回应。

    Last week , the Premier League 's chief executive , Richard Scudamore , visited the clubs in an attempt to alleviate the situation , but met an angry response .

  6. 一家为发情期小狗设计的情侣旅馆在巴西开业,在该旅馆的天花板上有一块心形的镜子,以及酷似骨头的床头板。

    A love motel , complete with a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and a headboard resembling a doggy bone , has opened for amorous pooches in Brazil .

  7. 两广优良种源家系幼林期生长普遍优于对照,种源家系间和家系内存在着较大差异。

    The growth of fine provenance families in Guangdong and Guangxi in the young forest period was widely superior to that of the control , the relatively big differences existed among and inside the provenance families .

  8. 这家商店将无限期关闭。

    The store will be closed for an indefinite period .

  9. 本研究通过对玉米L050×B73的180个F2:3家系进行开花期干旱胁迫处理和分子标记鉴定,重点对开花相关性状进行了数量性状位点(QTL)分析。

    Totally 180 F 2:3 families were grown under well watered condition and drought stress at flowering stage . Quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) analyses for flowering related traits were conducted for two environments .

  10. 结论5家试剂检测急性期戊肝患者抗体阳性率均能达90%以上,具有很高的一致率,而应用于普通人群HEV感染的调查,其抗体阳性率从31.74%~3.48%不等。

    Conclusion The positive rates of all the 5 kits were over 90 % and had a very high conformity in detecting anti-HEV IgG in clinical patient with hepatitis E , positive rates of 3.48 % to 31.74 % were found in detecting the normal persons ' sera .

  11. 他说在家里照顾康复期病人要比在医院里好。

    He said that it was better for convalescents to be cared for at home rather than in a hospital .

  12. 系统地研究了司家营铁矿一期露天矿矿石的化学组成、矿物组成、嵌布特征及嵌布粒度。

    Systematically studied the chemical composition , mineral composition , main mineral dissemination characteristics and dissemination size of ores from Sijiaying Iron Ore Mine first-stage opencast .

  13. 这家911跑车制造商期内的营业利润达5.28亿欧元,销售利润率为17.5%。

    The maker of the 911 sports car generated € 528m in operating profit during that period , equivalent to a 17.5 per cent return on sales .

  14. 养生专家们一直频繁宣传鼓励在家做饭,以期能够降低肥胖症、心脏病和糖尿病的发病率。

    Noting this , public health experts frequently promote home cooking as a way to curb the obesity epidemic and reduce risk factors for heart disease and diabetes .

  15. 在次优级独角兽当道的时代,这一切都正中要害,因为一家公司在成长期养成的习惯,对其最终的经营表现具有巨大影响。

    All this is most germane in the era of the subprime unicorn because the habits adopted during the formative years of a company have such an influence on its eventual operating performance .