
  1. W火焰锅炉炉膛动态数学模型

    Dynamic Mathematical Model of W Flame Boiler Furnace

  2. W型火焰锅炉炉膛温度场的可视化试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Visualization of Temperature Fields in a Boiler Furnace with a W-shaped Flame

  3. 循环流化床锅炉炉膛火焰TV系统的研究开发

    Development of TV System for Furnace Flames of Circulating Fluidized bed Boilers

  4. 基于Java技术的电站锅炉炉膛火焰TV仿真

    Simulation of the Boiler 's Flame TV for Power Plant Based on Java Technique

  5. W型火焰锅炉炉膛传热计算方法的研究

    A Study of The Heating Calculation Methods in Furnace for W-Flame Boiler

  6. 煤焦颗粒燃烧模拟在W型火焰锅炉炉膛设计热力计算中的应用

    Application of Coal Char Combustion Simulation in Thermal Calculation for W Flame Furnace Design

  7. 在燃煤锅炉炉膛的辐射换热中,飞灰是一种重要媒体,吸收指数K是影响其辐射换热的十分关键的参量。

    Flyash is a kind of infra media , which has important effects on the radiative heat transfering procession in pulverized-coal-fire furnaces .

  8. 利用MonteCarlo方法对循环流化床锅炉炉膛传热的数值计算

    Numerical Calculation of Heat Transfer in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Furnace by Utilizing a Monte Carlo Method

  9. 在大型锅炉炉膛上采用4个CCD火焰探测器检测火焰图像。

    The flame image in the furnace of a largescale boiler has been detected by using four CCD flame detectors .

  10. CFB锅炉炉膛温度场检测及处理方法研究

    Study on Measurement and Management of Furnace Temperature Field in Circulating Fluid Bed Boiler

  11. 本实验利用Thring-Newby模化方法对三种典型的W型火焰锅炉炉膛的空气动力场进行了分析研究。

    Three typical aerodynamic flow field found in double-arch flame furnaces are experimentally studied by means of the Thring Newby modelling method .

  12. 建立了测温数学模型,为直接利用CCD摄像机检测锅炉炉膛燃烧火焰温度阐明了物理机理。

    Mathematical model is constructed in order to explain the physical mechanism of flame temperature detection in boiler using CCD camera directly .

  13. 以数值模拟理论及电厂DCS信号转换技术,对电厂锅炉炉膛内部的燃烧情况进行在线监测模拟。

    Inside boiler combustion were monitored on-line using the numerical simulation theory and DCS ( data communication system ) skill .

  14. 本研究以图像处理技术为基础,结合基于BP神经网络的锅炉炉膛火焰燃烧状态的模式识别技术来动态检测火焰的燃烧状况。

    The research is carried on the basis of image processing and the pattern recognition using BP neural-network . This system helps dynamic checking flame combustion status .

  15. 对比了两种循环流化床(CFB)锅炉炉膛内求取辐射换热系数的方法;

    The two methods which obtained the coefficient of radiation heat transfer in the furnace of CFBB had been compared .

  16. 用ALE算法模拟四角切向燃烧锅炉炉膛内的流场

    Numerical simulation of the flow field in the tangential firing boiler furnace by using the ALE algorithm

  17. 仿真实验表明,系统能够满足CFB锅炉炉膛温度场检测的要求。

    The simulation experiment results show that this system can meet the measurement requirement of the CFB boiler for the furnace temperature field .

  18. 在pαy为2.2时双层炉排秸秆成型燃料锅炉炉膛气体的浓度分布较合理,实现了锅炉安全、稳定、经济运行,锅炉的燃烧效率可达98.20%,热效率可达74.39%;

    The gas concentration distribution is more rational on this condition . ( Secure ), stabile and economical operation of the boiler was realized . Combustion efficiency of the boiler reached 98.20 % , thermal efficiency reached 74.39 % .

  19. 600MW超临界锅炉炉膛膜式水冷壁的热行为研究

    Thermal Behavior of Membrane Waterwall of 600 MW Supercritical Pressure Boiler Furnace

  20. 300MW褐煤锅炉炉膛安全监控系统的设计

    FSSS Design Feature for 300 MW Lignite Fried Boiler

  21. 详细分析了FGD系统运行时对锅炉炉膛负压的影响,并对FGD系统和锅炉运行的提出了一系列建议。

    The paper analyzed the influence of negative pressure in FGD operation particularly , and put forward a series of proposals for FGD and boiler operation .

  22. 锅炉炉膛安全监控系统FSSS(FurnaceSafeguardSupervisorySystem)在防止锅炉爆炸方面起着极其重要的作用,目前在电站、钢铁、化工及石化等行业的多种锅炉均设计了FSSS。

    FSSS ( Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System ) is very important in preventing explosion of furnace , which is always designed for various furnaces in the power station , iron and steel industry , chemical and petrochemical industry .

  23. 采用ALE算法,选用与流动方向较一致的网格体系,对四角切向燃烧煤粉锅炉炉膛内冷态流场进行了模拟。

    The cold flow field in the tangential firing boiler furnace is numerically studied by using ALE algorithm together with a grid system which is consistent with the flow direction in the furnace .

  24. 介绍石家庄热电厂220t/h锅炉炉膛安全监控系统(FSSS)的改造原因、改造方案、改造后FSSS的主要结构及FSSS中各个部分的改造原则和作用;

    The retrofitting scheme of the Furnace Safety Supervisor System ( FSSS ) of the 220t / h boiler in Shijiazhuang Thermal Power Plant is presented .

  25. 冷态空气动力场试验和热态燃烧试验证明,火焰可调低NOx燃气(油)燃烧器具有火焰形状变化幅度大、低NOx排放、调节方便等优点,能适应各种锅炉炉膛,符合中国国情。

    It has been proved from cold aerodynamic and thermal test , that gas / oil-fired boiler has the merits of large range to change flame shape , low emission of NOx , easy to adjust and suit for all kinds of furnace .

  26. 300MW机组锅炉炉膛安全保护监视系统初次采用了可编程序逻辑控制器作为主机,推动了该系统的技术发展。

    The first time use of a programable logical controller as master processor in the furnace safeguard supervisory system ( FSSS ) of the 300 MW boiler has propagated the technical development of FSSS .

  27. 四角切圆炉燃烧无烟煤技术在纳雍电厂300MW机组上的应用研究该文模拟研究了声波法四角切圆燃烧锅炉炉膛二维速度场监测方法。

    Investigation of the Tangential Firing Anthracite Boiler for Nayong Power Plant ; In this paper , the monitoring of two-dimensional velocity field in the tangentially fired furnace is studied by using an acoustic method and simulation .

  28. 舰船锅炉炉膛热力计算方法的修正

    Revision of the Thermodynamic Calculation Method for a Naval Boiler Furnace

  29. 超临界压力锅炉炉膛水冷壁系统的设计研究

    Research and Design on Furnace Waterwall Systems of Supercritical Pressure Boiler

  30. 循环流化床锅炉炉膛截面温度分布及其测量

    The Cross-section Temperature Distribution and Measurement in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers