
  1. 本文论述能源平衡统计的国际准则及中国能源平衡存在的问题。按国际准则计算了中国终端能源消费量和结构以及物理能源效率。

    This paper discusses the international criterion of energy balance , and problems of China 's energy balance system , and calculates China 's final energy consumption and mix , and physical energy efficiency ( thermal efficiency ) .

  2. 其次,从经济的增长、人口、产业结构的变化、能源结构的变化、居民生活消费等几个方面选取自变量用组合模型对大连市规划年的终端能源消费量和一次能源消费量进行了预测。

    Secondly , several independent variables were selected from economy , population , industry structure , energy structure and resident living aspects , and forecasted the primary energy consumption and final energy consumption in Dalian using the combined forecasting model .

  3. 2005年,按国际准则计算的中国终端能源消费量为1307Mtce,其中农业占4.4%,工业58.6%,交通运输16.3%,民用、商业和其他20.7%。

    In 2005 , China 's final energy consumption was 1307 Mtce , of which consumption of agri - culture sector , industrial sector , transport sector , residential & commercial sectors and others shared 4.4 % , 58.6 % , 16.3 % and 20.7 % respectively .