
  • 网络Finishing temperature;finish-rolling temperature;FRT;fdt
  1. 系统地研究了微合金化控轧钢的织构和控轧工艺参数(如终轧温度)对层状撕裂的影响,对层状裂纹的形成与扩展机制进行了探讨。

    The effect of texture and technological parameters ( such as FRT ) on the separation in a microalloy controlled rolling steel have bean studied systematically and inquired into formation of the laminated crack and spreading mechanism .

  2. 通过对半镇静钢气瓶用热轧钢板的三维取向分布函数(ODF)的测试与其反极图的分析,研究厂终轧温度和终轧道次变形量对HP255b热轧板织构和深冲性能的影响。

    The effect of the finishing temperature and finishing pass reduction on the texture and drawability of hof rolled plate of semi-killed steel is studied with an analysis of ODF and inverse pole figure .

  3. 终轧温度对低碳Mn系贝氏体钢性能的影响

    Influence of the Finishing Rolling Temperature on Properties of Low Carbon Mn Bainitic Steels

  4. 终轧温度对低V钢的屈服强度和韧性存在显著影响,但对高V钢的组织性能影响不大。

    Finish rolling temperature showed great effect on yield strength and impact toughness of low V-bearing steel , but showed no obvious effect to the high V-bearing steel .

  5. 终轧温度对超低碳BH钢板组织和性能的影响

    Effect of Hot Rolling Finishing Temperature on Microstructures and Properties of Extra Low Carbon Bake Hardening Steel

  6. 研究了不同终轧温度及轧后冷却速度对低碳MnNbCu钢的力学性能(σs,σb和δ5)的影响。

    This article analyses influences of final rolled temperature and controlled cooling rates on mechanical properties ( σ s , σ b , δ 5 ) of low carbon Mn Nb Cu steel .

  7. 由于传统的模型技术已经不能进一步提高精轧温度的预报精度,本文提出了机理模型与BP神经网络相结合的终轧温度综合预报模型。

    Because traditional modeling technology could hardly improve the hot rolling model 's precision any more , a compositive temperature forecasting model combined mechanism model with BP neutral network is put forward in the paper .

  8. 结果发现,当终轧温度为910℃时,BH值较高,综合性能较好。

    The results show that the sheet steel hot-rolled at 910 ℃ finishing temperature has better mechanical properties and higher BH value .

  9. 终轧温度对16Mn钢板带状组织的影响

    The effect of finishing rolling temperature on banded structure of 16 Mn steel plate

  10. 采用ODF方法,对3种在不同热轧终轧温度下得到的Ti+Nb处理的高强IF钢板退火织构进行了研究。

    The annealing textures of interstitial free and high strength steel sheets treated by Ti & Nb at three finishing temperatures have been examined by means of ODF respectively .

  11. 精轧工艺过程复杂,影响温度的变量繁多,但受现场条件限制有效测温点少,现有生产线利用PID调整机架间的喷淋水量的控制方法对终轧温度的影响有很大的滞后,效果并不理想。

    Hot rolling is a complex process , but only has two effective measuring points . The traditional control methods use PID algorithm to adjust the water spray between racks , which has a serious lag in finishing temperature control and cannot achieve satisfactory control performance .

  12. 结果表明:随终轧温度的降低,实验钢的动态CCT曲线整体向左上方移动,获得铁素体+珠光体组织的冷却速度范围变宽;

    The results show that the dynamic CCT diagrams shift to left and upper , and the region of cooling rate to obtain ferrite and pearlite is widened with decreasing finish rolling temperature .

  13. 研究了不同铁素体区热轧压下量和终轧温度下一种Ti-IF钢的冷轧和退火后性能和织构的特点。

    The properties after annealing and texture of a Ti-IF steel were investigated after different hot rolling reductions in ferrite region at different finished rolling temperatures .

  14. 应用示波冲击试验技术测量了不同终轧温度下HP295钢板在系列温度下的冲击韧性。

    Impact toughness of HP295 steel plate were investigated at different finishing temperature and test temperature by means of instrumented impact test .

  15. 本文采用RBF神经网络对对流换热系数进行优化,弥补传统计算公式的不足,使终轧温度计算值逼近实测值,提高预设定精度。

    This paper , using RBF artificial neural network , optimizes the convection heat transfer coefficient , making up for the defect of the traditional calculation formula , to make the finishing temperature be close to the measured value and improve the accuracy of presetting .

  16. 通过TMCP工艺实验,研究了终轧温度和卷取温度对低碳锰钢力学性能和微观组织的影响规律。

    The effects of processing parameters of TMCP , such as finish rolling temperature and coiling temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of low C-Mn steel were studied by TMCP tests .

  17. 最佳终轧温度为740~750℃。

    The optimum finish rolling temperature was 740 ~ 750 ℃ .

  18. 热连轧带钢终轧温度的影响因素

    Influencing Factors on Finishing Temperature of Strip During Continuous Hot Rolling

  19. 热连轧带钢终轧温度控制样本跟踪策略

    Piecewise Micro Tracking Control of Finishing Temperature During Continuous Strip Hot Rolling

  20. 终轧温度和卷取温度对低碳铝镇静钢性能的影响

    Effect of end rolling temperature and coiling temperature on Mechanical

  21. 热连轧带钢终轧温度预报模拟软件开发

    A Simulation Software for Forecasting Finish Rolling Temperature for Hot Strip Mill

  22. 热带终轧温度计算的逐步回归分析模型

    Stepwise Regression Analysis Model to Calculate Finishing Temperature During Hot Strip Rolling

  23. 热轧终轧温度对冷轧无取向电工钢析出物的影响

    Effect of Finishing Temperature in Hot-Rolling on Precipitates in Non-Oriented Electrical Steel

  24. 较低的终轧温度使珠光体球团直径明显减小。

    The pearlite colony becomes small obviously at a low finishing temperature .

  25. 热轧无缝钢管终轧温度实时监测系统设计

    Design of Real Time Monitors System of Steel Tube Rolling Eventually Temperature

  26. 提高热轧板卷终轧温度的研究

    A study on increasing finishing temperature of hot rolled plates

  27. 终轧温度对热轧双相钢组织细化的影响

    Effect of Finishing Rolling Temperature on Microstructure Refinement for Hot Rolled Dual-phase Steel

  28. 高氮钒微合金钢中终轧温度和锰的综合作用

    Synthesis Effect of Manganese and Finish Rolling Temperature on High Nitrogen Vanadium Microalloyed Steels

  29. 终轧温度和轧后冷却对含钛微合金钢屈服强度的影响

    Influence of rolling technology on yield strength of microalloyed steel with 0.064 % Ti

  30. 终轧温度目标值:800~850℃;

    Target temperature for finish rolling : 800-850 ℃;