
  • 网络granular pearlite;spheroidal pearlite;globular pearlite
  1. CRE偏聚使珠光体转变的开始温度降低,从而减小珠光体的片层厚度及层间距,并导致粒状珠光体的形成。

    The C-RE segregation lowers the transformation temperature of pearlite , which lessens the thickness of lamellas and lamellar spacing of pearlite and induces the granular pearlite .

  2. 粒状珠光体形成对屈氏体分级机叶片耐磨性的影响

    Effect of Formation of Granular Pearlite on Wear Resistance of Troostite Classifier Blade

  3. 获得粒状珠光体可锻铸件的热处理工艺

    The Process of Heat Treatment for Particle Pearlite Malleable Cast Iron

  4. 锻造、正火后,基体组织为粒状珠光体。在860~950℃之间正火,可以得到理想的粒状珠光体组织。

    In range of 860-950 ℃ normalizing , ideal spheroidal pearlite can be achieved after normalizing .

  5. 另外本文在研究过程中,发现在锻造和正火条件下得到了粒状珠光体,这在球墨铸钢领域里是未见报道的。

    During the study , spheroidal pearlite of spheroidal-graphit cast steel has been achieved after hot-forging or normalizing first .

  6. 热处理:通过退火,基体组织为粒状珠光体,强度、硬度下降,韧性大幅度上升;

    Heat treatment : Through annealing , spheroidal pearlite can be achieved , and toughness rises , and on the other hand strength decreases .

  7. 热丝焊接的堆焊层组织则由垂直于熔合线的柱状铁素体、块状铁素体、粒状珠光体、少量贝氏体等组织构成。

    The microstructure of cladding layer by hot-wire welding composed by cylindrical ferrite which was perpendicular to the fusion line , massive ferrite , granular pearlite and a small amount of bainite .

  8. 热加工时,位错密度大大增加,使碳出现偏聚,增加了奥氏体不均匀的程度,促进粒状珠光体的形成。

    At last , the density of dislocation of the material increases greatly after hot forging , then segregation of carbon occurs , which also result in non-uniformly austenite and then spheroidal pearlite .

  9. 此粒状珠光体由两部分构成:一部分来自块状铁素体或奥氏体中直接析出的粒状的不连续渗碳体;一部分来自等温过程中片层状渗碳体的不断熔断。

    The granular pearlite consists of two parts : one part is from the discontinuous granular cementite which precipitated directly from ferrite matrix ; another part is from the " fusing break " of the lamellar cementite during isothermal treatment .