
CDM projects is one of the three emission reduction for the fulfillment mechanism which developed by the Kyoto protocol , and also one of the only fulfillment mechanism which developing countries can participate in .
In the Kyoto Protocol carbon reduction , including the Joint Implementation mechanism , emissions trading mechanism and the three mechanisms of clean development mechanism , clean development mechanism is only to reduce emissions in developing countries related to institutional arrangements .
Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) is adopted on the Third Conference of the Parties ( COP3 ) of " United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change " . It is a flexible compliance mechanism to assist Annex I countries achieving greenhouse gas emission reduction .
A Survey on the Fulfillment Mechanism of Informal Finance in Rural Areas
A Study on the Implement System of Maritime Labor Convention Draft and Our Countermeasures
In this operation mechanism , the position choice of agency will affect the punishment effect and the behavior of labor user .
The self-enforcing mechanism , the theory of assets allocation and ac - cess theory provide successfully the solution to resolving the problem .
Through the research on the implement of contract system , the structure of all types of independent auditing responsibility and their scope are probed ;
In order to improve accounting information quality , it is imperative to strengthen fulfillment mechanism building in terms of institution , contract and credit .
In addition , the thesis design the performance of financial statements insurance mechanism , we think that financial statement insurance is more suitable when use the public bidding system USES .
The author tries to design the better contract to protect the creditor through the research on the debt contract . And it is useful for the contract market and development of the debt market .
In fact , firm is a special mechanism of carrying out a contract , which accomplishes its production through the mutual exchange of manpower capital and non-manpower capital , manpower capital and manpower capital .
The convention implementing mechanism decides the implementation of the conventions to a large extent , for its establishment has a supervisory role over the implementation of conventions and offers direction for the implementation of conventions .
The aim of the protection conventions helps to promote the establishment of the convention implementing mechanism , while at the same time , the system plays an important role in the effective implementation of the conventions .
The paper illustrates the history of the international law on IEM and considers that some international treaties including The Convention on Biological Diversity and their application mechanisms have promoted the maturation and popularization of IEM approach .
Then I introduce the EU ETS in detail , including sources of law , implementation phases , allocation mechanism , trading and penalty mechanism and flexible mechanism , and analyze the experiences and lessons China should learn from .
The Kyoto Protocol provides detailed reduction target to the relevant developed countries , and allows developed countries using three kinds of flexible mechanism to achieve carbon emissions index . The three mechanisms are clean development mechanism , emission trading mechanism and joint performance mechanism .
The research on the fulfillment mechanism of informal finance in rural areas in domestic and foreign literature in this field includes information and credibility mechanism , hard budget constraint mechanism , collective punishing mechanism , flexible guarantee mechanism , and female market 's positioning mechanism etc.
Study on the Performance Monitoring System in PFI Project
As the only project mechanism which joins the developed and developing countries , the Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ), since been proposed , has played a significantly important role in the global carbon market .
Klein emphasizes that ransomer and anti-ransomer combat each other and ransomer has to carry out the contract .
For good performance of company are suggested : strive for actively bank loans ; active bond issue , strengthen performance sinking mechanism construction ; keep the appropriate the ownership concentration degree .
In implementing by self , the reputation mechanism plays the principal role .
Although there are a variety of performing barriers , franchising has incentives for self-enforcement itself .