
  • 网络bulldozer;track-type tractor;Crawler Dozers;Caterpillar
  1. R系列履带式推土机是美国Caterpillar公司推出的最新系列品,本文以D10R推土机为例,介绍了推土机动力传动系统的最新技术特点。

    R series track bulldozer is the newest product introduced by Caterpillar Inc. , USA. The new features in the power system of bulldozers is described with Model D loR as an example .

  2. 对大功率履带式推土机传动系统的热平衡分析

    Transmission System Heat Equilibrium Analysis for Big Power Crawler Bulldozer

  3. 以国内外履带式推土机多采用的多片湿式摩擦离合器为例,以功能强大的三维设计软件MDT为平台,对转向离合器进行了参数化设计。

    Taking wet multi-disc friction clutch , which is widely used on dozers home and abroad , as an example , parametric design is applied to steering clutch on the platform of powerful MDT 3D design software .

  4. 本研究所获参数己应用于新开发的386kW履带式推土机粘弹性悬挂机构的疲劳试验,经4000h的工业应用,实际结果与试验预测相吻合。

    Through the investigation the results are applied to fatigue experiments for the suspensions used in 386 kW track-type bulldozers . Through 4 000 h application , practical data are accordant with predictive analyses in the experiments .

  5. 履带式推土机推土装置&面向对象设计的研究

    Research on the Object Oriented Design Method for Crawler Bulldozer Blade

  6. 履带式推土机总体方案设计的模糊优选

    The indistinction optimization of population plan design of track bulldozer

  7. 我国履带式推土机的现状和发展方向

    The Current Situation and Development Orientation of Track Bulldozers in Our Country

  8. 履带式推土机粘弹性悬挂机构的开发研究

    Study on Viscoelastic Suspension Structure Used in Crawler Bulldozers

  9. 本实用新型公开了一种履带式推土机用推松装置。

    The utility model discloses a bulldozing and ripping device for crawler bulldozers .

  10. 履带式推土机追求最大生产率的驱动控制技术

    Drive Control Technique for Track Dozers Pursuing Maximum Productivity

  11. 履带式推土机外观质量浅析

    Briefly analysis of visual appearance of crawler type bulldozer

  12. 自动变速箱是工程机械的核心部分,广泛应用于自行履带式推土机、挖掘机和拖拉机等工程车辆中。

    The transmission is the core of construction machinery in the running vehicle .

  13. 纵向找平履带式推土机模型及仿真

    Longitudinally Leveling Track Dozer Model and Its Simulation

  14. 履带式推土机的先进技术

    Advanced technology of track - type bulldozer

  15. 履带式推土机的模糊智能换挡策略

    Fuzzy Intelligent Shift Strategy of Bulldozer

  16. 履带式推土机动力学控制系统的研究

    Dynamic Control System of Crawler Dozer

  17. 全液压履带式推土机

    Full hydraulic crawler type dozer

  18. 综述了履带式推土机在外观造型设计、表面质量方面的水平现状。

    This article summarizes the status quo of plastic design and surface quality of crawler type bulldozer .

  19. 在履带式推土机中安装弹性悬架,可对其行走机构中的振动冲击进行有效的缓冲。

    To equip elastic suspension on a crawler dozer can effectively dampen vibration and shock in its travel mechanism .

  20. 近年来,国际上对自动找平技术在履带式推土机上的应用也有所发展。

    In recent years , there is a great progress for automatic leveling technology applied to crawler dozers in the world .

  21. GB/T8595-1988履带式推土机和履带式装载机司机操纵装置基于新型履带式全液压钻机的螺旋钻进试验研究

    Crawler tractors and crawler loaders & Operator 's controls Testing Research on Auger Drilling by New Type Crawler Hydraulic Drilling Rig

  22. 在对履带式推土机主离合器接合过程分析的基础上,建立了其数学模型。

    On the basis of an analysis of the engagement process of the main clutch on tracked bulldozer , a math model is established .

  23. 履带式推土机的转向离合器是其转向机构的主要组成部件之一,其手工设计、绘图是一个复杂的过程。

    Steering clutch is one of the important parts in steering mechanism of crawler dozer , its manually designing and drawing are very complicate procedures .

  24. 履带式推土机司机安全保护结构是一种用于保护司机安全的被动保护装置,具有翻车保护和落物保护两种功能。

    Operator safety protection structure for crawler type dozer is kind of passive protection device to protect operators , consisting of two functions of ROPS and FOPS .

  25. 文章针对应用于大型履带式推土机驱动链轮橡胶减振新结构,建立了其减振模型并推导出相应的传递率函数。

    Aiming at the new damping design of rubber drive sprocket for large crawler bulldozers , a damping model is established and appropriate transfer function is derived in this article .

  26. 经对拆分模型特性分析及对履带式推土机样机的仿真分析,掌握了在不同路面状况下车辆的响应,为新型粘弹性悬挂机械的开发提供设计参数。

    Through characteristic analysis of the " splitting " model and simulation analysis of a crawler type bulldozer prototype , vehicle responses to different road surface conditions are mastered , which provides design parameters for the development of new type viscoelastic suspension machinery .

  27. 通过分析全液压传动履带式推土机(以下简称全液压推土机)独具的特点,探索其有效的性能试验方法,为合理评价全液压推土机的性能提供依据。

    Through the analysis of the exclusive features of fully hydraulic driven and crawler type bulldozer ( simplified as " fully hydraulic bulldozer " below ), effective performance test methods are explored , which may present a basis for rational evaluation of fully hydraulic bulldozer performances .

  28. 履带式推土机的最大生产率是推土机设计的主要参数之一,其最大生产率取决于推土机对履带滑转率的控制,当滑转率低于30%时,可使推土机的驱动力达到最佳状态。

    Maximum productivity of track dozers is one of the major parameters in dozer design . The maximum productivity depends on the dozer 's control of track slip . When the slip is lower than 30 % , the drive force will be in optimum condition .

  29. 针对橡胶材料所具有的粘弹性特性,分析了橡胶减振垫材料的选择方法,对减振垫设计参数的合理选取开展研究,并把结果应用于大型履带式推土机弹性悬架橡胶减振垫设计中。

    Aiming at the viscoelastic characteristics of rubber materials , methods to select materials for rubber pads are analyzed and rational selection of design parameters of damping pads is studied . The result is applied to the design of damping rubber pads on elastic suspension of large-sized crawler type bulldozer .

  30. 为提高履带式推土机平地作业的效率和精度,本文在提出表示铲刀纵前向运动的履带式推土机模型的基础上,进一步设计出带地形探测器的履带式推土机模型,并据此提出纵向找平原理。

    In order to increase the efficiency and precision of eveling operation of track dozer , a track dozer model with blade moving straight forward was presented . A crawler dozer model with terrain sensing device was further designed on its basis , and a longitudinal leveling principle was suggested .