
lǚ xínɡ bǎo zhènɡ
  • performance bond
  1. 在英国法中,被保险人是否履行保证义务是保险人承担保险责任的先决条件。

    Whether the insured undertakes the obligation of warranties is the condition precedent for the insurer to undertake the obligation of insurance in the British law .

  2. 出租人的债权有第三人提供保证的,出租人也可以要求保证人履行保证责任。

    Where a third party has provided security for the credit of the leasor , the leasor also may request the guarantor to perform his obligations as a guarantor .

  3. 专员署也会密切监察这些人回国后的情况,确保越南政府完全履行其保证。

    Returnees are also closely monitored in Vietnam by the UNHCR to ensure that these guarantees are fully respected .

  4. 明确案例中借贷合同上第三方的签名行为不应认定为免责的债务承担、第三人代为履行和保证,应认定为债务加入。

    That signature behavior of a third party in the loan contract should not be identified to assume the debts of the exemption , the third party to perform and guarantee should be recognized for the debt to join .

  5. 并提出相应的立法建议,认为首先应该将医疗服务合同进行有名化规定,同时通过完善相关的法律法规,来调整和规范医疗服务合同的履行,保证和提高其履行的质量和效果。

    And propose appropriate legislative proposals , should be considered first of all medical services contract with the provisions of the famous through the perfection of the applicable laws and regulations , to adjust and standard medical services contract , guarantee and improve the quality and effectiveness .

  6. 也即,适当的市级政府人员编制规模与结构是市级政府职能有效履行的人事保证。

    Namely , the appropriate municipal government staffing size and structure of municipal government functions ensure the effective discharge of personnel .

  7. 如今履行义务或保证就,是作出承诺,意志记忆的位置,控制于他所谓的承诺之权。

    Now since undertaking an obligation or commitment is like making a promise the position of a memory of the will under rides what he calls the right to make promises .

  8. 央行或者国家保留的黄金储备是重要的资源,是对储户,持票人或者货币安全履行承诺的保证。

    A gold reserve is held by a central bank or nation as a valuable resource and as a guarantee to redeem promises to pay depositors , note holders or to secure a currency .

  9. 坚持和完善人民代表大会制度,保证人民代表大会及其常委会依法履行职能,保证立法和决策更好地体现人民的意志。优化人大常委会组成人员的结构。

    We should uphold and improve the system of people 's congresses and ensure that the congresses and their standing committees exercise their functions according to law and that their legislation and policy decisions better embody the people 's will .

  10. 我国是SOLAS公约的缔约国,为履行国际义务和保证在我国海域航行的中外船舶的航行安全,中国海事AIS工程建设是十分必要和紧迫的。

    Our country is the contracting party of SOLAS , and for performing the international duty and pledging navigation safety the China and foreign shipping of china 's sea area navigation , China 's maritime affairs build of AIS is very necessary and urgent .

  11. 履行主债务的保证人取得代位求偿权。

    The surety who pays the principal obligation is subrogated to the rights of the creditor .

  12. 注册船舶可根据本条例藉抵押而被用作履行任何义务的保证。

    A registered ship may be made security for any obligation by way of a mortgage under this Ordinance .

  13. 保证如果借方不能履行还款义务,保证承担贷款合同下的还款义务。

    To accept responsibility for repayment obligations under a loan contract if the borrower is unable to meet the loan obligations .

  14. 我国《合同法》中的抗辩权体系中应增加规定先履行抗辩权和保证人的抗辩权。

    The defense system in the Contract Law should enhance the regulation about the right of plea against the advance performance and the defense right of the guarantee .

  15. 信托的制度功能与理财优势的发挥、信托目的的实现以及受益人利益的保护全凭通过监管促使信托公司忠实、全面地履行义务才能得到保证。

    The trust system function and financing superiority , realization of trust purposes and assurance of beneficiary 's benefit all depend on trust company carrying out obligations faithfully and entirely .

  16. 全世界的政府权威部门对任何人的描述都不满意,他们希望确定医药制造商能够履行对于质量的保证。

    Government Authorities around the world are not satisfied by the word of anybody , they want to make sure that the pharmaceutical manufacturer is able to fulfill his guarantee .

  17. 大学教师确立责任意识、平等意识、朋友意识和亲人意识是高质量履行教师职责的保证。

    The sense of responsibility and equality , as well as the sense of a friend or a relative ensure a college teacher to fulfil his or her teaching successfully .

  18. 法律人格是任何法律实体享有权利和履行义务的基本保证,而国际组织的法律人格是该国际组织在国际上甚至在国内法上享有权利和履行义务的首要条件。

    The law personality is basic assurance that any law entity possesses the right and implements the duty . This text is mainly law personality problem that inquired into the international organization .

  19. 如果时间许可,打算宣告合同无效的一方当事人必须向另一方当事人发出合理的通知,使他可以对履行义务提供充分保证。

    If time allows , the party intending to declare the contract avoided must give reasonable notice to the other party in order to permit him to provide adequate assurance of his performance .

  20. 第二章从合同关系的成立、生效、履行、担保、保证、消灭、诉讼时效等层次对合同法上的具体的证明责任分配问题进行分析。

    The second chapter analyzed the specific rules of the allocation of the burden of proof in the establishment , effect , guarantee , performance , exterminate and limitation of legal proceedings of the contractual relations .

  21. 为证券发行出具有关文件的专业机构和人员,必须严格履行法定职责,保证其所出具文件的真实性、准确性和完整性。

    The special organizations and personnel in charge of issuing relevant documents for securities issuance must strictly execute their legal duties , and ensure that the documents issued by them are truthful , accurate , and complete .

  22. 把保证的目的建立在当债务人不履行债务时,保证履行其债务或保证债权人的债权实现上会造成一系列理论和实践上的问题。

    Establishing the goal of guarantee on " if the debtor fails to pay a debt ' , the guarantor shall ' perform the debt ' or ensure ' the realization of creditors ' rights ' " can create a series of problems .