
  • 网络Safety barrier;Safety Shield
  1. 碳罐是防止汽车燃料挥发排放到大气的一道安全屏障。

    Carbon canister is the safety shield that can prevent car fuel to pour to the air .

  2. 身份认证作为操作系统的第一道安全屏障,起着至关重要的作用。

    As the first safety barrier , identity authentication play a very important role .

  3. IM环境提供了无法穿透的安全屏障,能够阻拦入侵企图以及消息中携带的恶意软件。

    The IM environment offers impenetrable security that thwarts intrusion attempts , as well as messaging-borne malware .

  4. 这为分支机构环境提供了另一安全屏障,假如DC“长腿跑了”,DC的硬盘驱动器上也没有密码信息。

    This provides yet another layer of security in a branch environment , such that if a DC " grows legs and walks away ," there is no password information resident on the DC 's hard drive .

  5. 为网络安全屏障的建立,提供了技术支持。

    It also provides the technique support for establishing the network security .

  6. 沈阳生态安全屏障&卧龙湖的退化原因分析与对策

    Discussion on the Barrier of Ecologic Safety in Shenyang City

  7. 安全屏障应用于高危药物管理的研究

    Application of Barriers in Safety Management of High-alert Medications

  8. 论保单持有人最后一道安全屏障:保险保障基金

    On Final Safe Protective Screen of Person Holding Declaration Form : Insurance Guarantee Fund

  9. 单元测试可以提供最重要的安全屏障,允许您按照自己的意愿重构代码库。

    Unit tests represent the primary safety net that allows you to refactor your code base at will .

  10. 第五是健全社会保障体系,构筑经济发展的安全屏障。

    The last one , it perfect social ensurance system and build up a protective screen of the economic development .

  11. 身份认证是第一道的安全屏障,通信安全总是始于身份认证的握手过程。

    Identity authentication is the first safety barrier , as communication security almost starts from the handshake process of it .

  12. 谢泼德称,目前黑客很少利用生物特征来绕过手机安全屏障,因为还有很多更容易的突破方式。

    At present , hackers rarely use biometrics to circumnavigate security because there are many easier paths , says Mr Shepherd .

  13. 草地是川西生态安全屏障的重要组成部分,是区域牧业经济发展的基础。

    Grassland is one of the most important segments of the ecological barrier in western Sichuan and the basis of the pasture development .

  14. 以上案例说明,便携式分析仪如又一层安全屏障,对保护公司文档及机密个人信息的安全大有帮助。

    As the above scenarios show , a portable analyzer adds another layer of security that helps keeps corporate documents and sensitive personal information safe .

  15. 继续把独联体外交作为“绝对优势”课题,全力保卫这一安全屏障和战略空间;

    Continue to treat the CIS diplomacy as a project with absolute predominance and go all out to safeguard the safe defense and strategic space ;

  16. 苹果公司悬赏100万美元(约合人民币706万元),奖励给能够远程攻破苹果手机安全屏障的黑客。

    Apple is giving away $ 1million to the hacker who can break the tech giant 's security protections to break into an iPhone remotely .

  17. 反应堆压力容器作为反应堆的基本安全屏障,承受高温、高压且内部包含具有放射性的工作介质。

    As the basic safe wall of nuclear reactor , the reactor pressure vessel not only bears high temperature and high pressure , but also contains radioactive working substance .

  18. 如果能够把滨海开发区的沿海防护堤有效建成,将在沿海地区建设成一道安全屏障,为滨海新城增添一条优美的景观长廊。

    To the coastal zone of coastal dikes to effectively completed the construction in coastal areas as a security barrier , the Marina Metro adds a beautiful landscape promenade .

  19. 基于安全屏障的理论得出了事故的产生主要是因为安全屏障的失效引起的,而控制风险的方法就是建立有效的安全屏障。

    It is concluded that the accident was caused mainly by the failure of safety barrier , and the method to control the risk is to establish effective security barrier .

  20. 防火墙作为本地网络与外部网络之间的安全屏障,可以隔离风险网络与本地网络的连接,同时不会妨碍人们对外部网络的访问,是一种非常有效的网络安全模型。

    As a safety barrier between local network and external network , firewall is an efficient model which can isolate the connection from unsafe network but not interfere with the access .

  21. 巴勒斯坦人愤怒地抱怨以色列在伯利恒周围建立的安全屏障,这个围墙是几年前为了应对自杀性爆炸袭击的猛增而修建的。

    Palestinians bitterly complain about Israel 's security barrier , or wall , surrounding Bethlehem , which was built in response to a wave of suicide bombings a few years ago .

  22. 然而,今年9月初,该公司在一份证券备案文件中宣布,它不知道存在任何(这样的)事件,即其系统的安全屏障被攻破、(系统)被未授权访问或使用。

    In early September , however , the company declared in a securities filing that it had no knowledge of any incidents of security breaches , unauthorised access or unauthorised use of its systems .

  23. 主换热器是铅合金冷却反应堆中关键的热传输设备,同时也是防止一回路放射性冷却剂外逸的一道安全屏障,此外,换热器结构设计合理性也将直接影响反应堆安全性及经济性。

    The primary heat exchanger ( PHX ) is a key heat transmission equipment of the lead alloy cooled reactor , and it is also a safety barrier to prevent the radioactive lead alloy coolant .

  24. 改革开放以来,作为我国生态安全屏障和资源基地的西部内陆欠发达地区,为东部地区的高速崛起做出了巨大贡献。

    Since the reform and opening , Ningxia as a national ecological security barrier and resource base in the western underdeveloped inland area , it marked great contributions to the rapid development of the eastern region .

  25. 入侵检测系统虽然能检测到入侵行为,却不能阻止入侵行为的发生,它可以作为防火墙后的第二道安全屏障,能有效的补充防火墙所不具备的功能,但不能代替防火墙。

    As for the intrusion detection , it can detect intrusions but can not prevent them . So it can be used to supplement firewalls as the second barrier though it can not replace firewalls completely .

  26. 由于饮用水中难以杀灭的,而又致命的细菌的历史性的爆发,人们发现膜可以作为去除这些细菌和病毒的安全屏障,从而被广泛用于引用水生产和供应。

    Since the historic outbreak of resistant , but lethal bacteria in drinking water , membranes have found their way to become a safety barrier for these bacteria and viruses in the drinking water production and distribution .

  27. 核燃料元件及其组件作为核电厂的一个关键部件和第一道安全屏障,其寿命和可靠性是保证和提高核电安全性和经济性的一个重要因素。

    Fuel rods and fuel assembly are key components in a reactor , serving as the first safety protection , the life and reliability of which are important factors to improve safety and economization in nuclear power industry .

  28. 草地作为我国重要的陆地生态系统类型,不但对维持我国自然生态系统格局、功能和过程,起到关键性的作用,而且是我国生态安全屏障保护的基础。

    Grassland as the main ecosystem-types in our country , is not only playing a key role in maintaining the natural ecological system structure , function and process , but also be the foundation of the ecological security protection in China .

  29. 长江上游森林生态系统是长江流域生态安全屏障的主体,其气候条件、植被组成和土壤动物群落结构沿流域海拔变化具有显著的时空分异。

    The forests in the upper reaches of the Yangze River serve as fundamental ecological barriers to the Yangze River . The climate condition , plant composition and soil faunal structure in these forests significantly vary with the change in altitudes in the Yangze River valley .

  30. 工厂是否有足够的实体安全及屏障来阻止未经授权的进出?

    The factory has adequate physical security and barriers to guard against unauthorized access .