
  1. 安徽战场的胜利有不同于其它战场的原因,包括主要的作战对象是安国军等。

    The Battle of Anhui has some characteristics different from other fields , including the main operation object is the An Guo Army .

  2. 在安徽战场上,国民革命军的主要对手是安国军,但安国军内部矛盾重重,无力阻止国民革命军占领安徽。

    In the field of Anhui , the main opponent of the National Revolutionary Army is an army , but the An Guo Army internal contradictions , powerless to stop the National Revolutionary Army occupied Anhui .

  3. 经过与安国军的反复争夺,激烈作战,国民革命军驱逐了安国军在安徽的势力,完全占领了安徽,取得了安徽战场的胜利。

    With the repeated contention and the fierce battle to the An Guo Army , the National Revolutionary Army expelled the forces of the An Guo Army in Anhui , occupied fully Anhui , obtain the victory of the Battle of Anhui .