
  • 网络ALLIANZ ARENA;Allianz Stadium
  1. 在安联球场的比赛结果是国际米兰3-2逆转胜出,并晋级欧冠四分之一决赛。

    Inter registered a3-2 victory at the Allianz Arena and progress to the quarter-finals of the competition .

  2. 米兰是一支很伟大的俱乐部,他们将会在安联球场尽全力想要击败我们的。

    Milan have a great team and they will try everything possible to beat us at the Allianz Arena .

  3. 这位现拜仁中场已经确定会在今夏以博斯曼条款的形式离开安联球场。

    The midfielder 's departure from Bayern Munich has already been confirmed and he will be leaving on a Bosman transfer .

  4. 拜仁新年的首个主场比赛将会在下周二,波鸿将作客安联球场。

    Bayern 's first home game of the year takes place as early as Tuesday when VFL Bochum comes to the Allianz arena .