
  1. 在伦敦温布利绿茵场上,西甲巴萨以3:1力克英超曼联队捧杯。这也是巴萨在三个赛季第二度在同一球场两度高举欧冠杯,更是少帅瓜迪奥拉对阵老帅弗格森的完胜。

    The revered Catalans earned Guardiola his second Champions League trophy in three seasons and the club 's fourth in total with a3-1 win over Manchester United in London .

  2. 欧文在这个他擅长的领域比任何人都好,斯蒂文斯教练看起来不会阻止欧文继续这样打下去,但少帅会给欧文指明另一条创造进攻机会的道路。

    Irving gets his own bucket better than anyone . Coach Stevens won 't look to stop Irving from making those types of plays , but he 'll instead give him other avenues to create offense .

  3. 孔笙和李雪因执导了史诗巨作《琅琊榜》而获封最佳导演奖。江奇涛则因年代大戏《少帅》荣获最佳编剧奖。

    Kong Sheng and Li Xue shared the award for best TV series director for the epic " Nirvana In Fire . " Jiang Qitao won the best screenplay award for historical drama " Young Marshal . "