
  • 网络Minorities;minority group;LGBT
  1. 检验一个社会是否文明的办法就是看它怎样对待其少数群体。

    The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities .

  2. 不同类型的人融入普通人群中,同时造成了少数群体成员与普通大众成员之间的紧张关系。

    The merging of diverse peoples into a common mass has produced tension among members of the minorities and the majority alike .

  3. 种族主义的抬头让锡克教徒很担忧,因为他们是力量非常薄弱的少数群体。

    The rise of racism concerns Sikhs because they are such a visible minority .

  4. 最终的解决方案必须尊重少数群体的权利。

    A final settlement must respect minority rights .

  5. 我们属于少数群体,必须赢得人们对我们的正义事业的支持。

    We are a minority and must win people round to the justice of our cause .

  6. 我们的提案尽量照顾到少数群体的特殊需要。

    Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority groups .

  7. 社会学教授CharlesGallagher说大部分美国人认为自己可以接纳少数群体。

    Sociology professor Charles Gallagher says most Americans believe they are accepting of minorities .

  8. 明尼苏达大学(UniversityofMinnesota)有一项研究的结论如今已出名:在共享有关美国社会的愿景方面,无神论者在美国人心目中的地位低于穆斯林、新移民、同性恋以及其它少数群体。

    A now famous University of Minnesota study concluded that Americans ranked atheists lower than Muslims , recent immigrants , gays and lesbians and other minority groups in sharing their vision of American society .

  9. 出于研究的目的,伦敦商学院(londonbusinessschool)教授琳达格莱顿(lyndagratton)把少数群体定义为占比“不到30%”,不管标准是性别、种族还是有粉红色的头发。

    For research purposes , Lynda Gratton , a professor at London Business School , defines a minority as " less than 30 per cent " , whether it is by gender , race , or having pink hair .

  10. 出于研究的目的,伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)教授琳达?格莱顿(LyndaGratton)把少数群体定义为占比“不到30%”,不管标准是性别、种族还是有粉红色的头发。

    For research purposes , Lynda Gratton , a professor at London Business School , defines a minority as " less than 30 per cent , " whether it is by gender , race , or having pink hair .

  11. 美国最高法院以不具有实质性(insubstantial)为由驳回这类主张。但这些主张开始让这个历史上隐形的少数群体露出了人的面目。

    The Supreme Court rejected that claim as " insubstantial . " But the mere claim began to put a human face on a minority that had been historically invisible .

  12. 有人声称,商学院开发Mooc的动机是为发展中世界以及其他地区的少数群体提供教育机会。

    It has been claimed that business schools are motivated to develop Moocs to provide access to education in the developing world and to under-represented groups elsewhere .

  13. 韩国拥有朝鲜缺乏的军事必需品,比如食物、燃料和F16战斗机。食草男和鱼干女引起人们的兴趣,正因为他们是新生的少数群体。

    South Korea has those little military necessities the North lacks , such as food , fuel and F-16s . Herbivores and dried-fish women are of interest precisely because they are newish minorities .

  14. 在民族、族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人

    Persons belonging to national , ethnic , religious and linguistic minority

  15. 这表明科研界长期以来对少数群体的排斥依旧存在。

    highlighting how scientific research continues to exclude specific minority groups .

  16. 至少在伦敦的学校,他们仍然是少数群体。

    In London schools at least , they are still a minority .

  17. 非公民的少数群体成员身份国际规则解析

    On the International Rules about the Minority Membership of Non-citizen

  18. 它们保护少数群体免受多数人暴政的侵害。

    They protect minorities from the tyranny of a majority .

  19. 多元文化主义对族裔少数群体权利的理论建构

    The Theoretical Construction of the Multiculturalism on the Group Rights of Ethnic Minorities

  20. 但老外仍然是中国的少数群体。

    But foreigners remain a tiny minority in China .

  21. 这是因为研究对象只是少数群体中的一小部分。

    That is because the study included only a small percentage of minorities .

  22. 我们为尚未进入主流的少数群体说话。

    We speak for the minorities who have not yet entered the mainstream .

  23. 这一少数群体在法国的顶尖学校中的代表人数不足。

    This minority is under-represented at top French schools .

  24. 而由富裕的印度人组成的少数群体则不会立即受到气候变化的影响。

    The smaller group of affluent Indians is not immediately impacted by climate change .

  25. 食草男和鱼干女引起人们的兴趣,正因为他们是新生的少数群体。

    Herbivores and dried-fish women are of interest precisely because they are newish minorities .

  26. 对于黑人和其他少数群体来说,

    For blacks and other minority groups ,

  27. 当少数群体发出不满的声音,

    that when minority groups voice discontent ,

  28. 因此当少数群体烦恼种族问题时,荷兰人往往难以理解。

    So when minorities fuss about ethnic issues , Dutch people often struggle to understand .

  29. 它使孤立的政治、宗教和性取向少数群体能够建立全球联盟。

    It enables otherwise isolated political , religious and sexual minorities to forge global alliances .

  30. 可能在许多港口我仍被看做少数群体,以及在欧洲,在中东地区。

    I was probably seen that way in many ports and in Europe and Middle East .