
  1. 萨科齐原本期望明天在巴黎召开的法德英意四国首脑会议上,能形成统一战线,并鼓励他的客人们考虑到危机的严重性,对大胆解决方案保持开放心态。

    Mr Sarkozy had hoped to forge a common front at a summit with his German , British and Italian counterparts in Paris tomorrow , while encouraging his guests to be open-minded about bold solutions given the gravity of the crisis .

  2. 第二,U&2飞机事件给1960年苏美英法四国巴黎首脑会议造成了严重的破坏;

    It severely spoiled " the 1960 Paris Summit Meeting " of U.S. , the Soviet Union , Britain and France ;