
  1. 基于四驱式阶梯递进的《C语言程序设计》课程教学体系设计与实践

    Design and Practice of the Curriculum and Teaching System of " C Language Programming " Based on " Four-wheel-drive-style " Progressive Ladder

  2. 四驱车辆ABS控制算法

    ABS control algorithm for four - wheel drive cars

  3. 但是这样的事情是不会发生在装备有ABS的四驱车上。

    This is not supposed to happen with a car equipped with four-wheels ABS .

  4. 基于CVT的四驱混合电动汽车能量优化策略研究

    Research on a Energy Optimizing Strategy for 4WD Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on CVT

  5. 本文提出了一种基于CVT的四驱混合电动汽车能量优化策略。

    This paper presents an energy optimizing strategy for 4WD hybrid electric vehicles based on a Continuously Variable Transmission ( CVT ) .

  6. 大多数轿车,四驱轿车和卡车的汽油和柴油发动机调校,ECU调校,ECU重测图和芯片调校。

    Petrol and Diesel Performance Tuning , ECU Tuning , ECU remapping and Chip Tuning for most production cars , 4x4 's and vans .

  7. 在四驱车的EMP炮充能完毕的时候,电脑对抗能力大约充能到一半左右,不过没关系。

    The Master Computer Countermeasures ability will only be about half way done recharging after the Raider Buggies EMP is ready again , but that is fine .

  8. 你可以使用EMP,然后让四驱车死掉,或者让它们逃跑然后等电脑对抗能力充好能后再重复上面的做法。

    You can always just re-EMP and leave the Raider Buggy to die , or just flee with it and re-use the EMP when Master Computer Countermeasures is ready again .

  9. 比亚迪E6是一款纯电动四驱轿车,是比亚迪继F3DM之后打造的第二款新能源车。

    The BYD E6 is an electric-only powered car , the second model of new-energy cars developed by BYD after the F3DM .

  10. 而另一款菲亚特车型可能会被命名为500X,会同时提供两驱和四驱版。

    The Fiat , perhaps to be named the 500X , will be available with either two - or four-wheel drive , the trade monthly revealed .

  11. 四驱混联电动汽车的燃油经济性优化

    A Study on Fuel Economy Optimization for 4WD Hybrid Electric Vehicles

  12. 你看到这辆四驱卡车了?很漂亮,对吧?

    You see that truck ? Beauty , ain 't it ?

  13. 它还可以配备先进的电动四驱系统。

    It is also equipped with an advanced electric all-wheel-drive system .

  14. 更宽的轮胎时因为新的全时四驱技术。

    The wider track was required because of a new all-wheel-drive option .

  15. 四驱车需备有良好的配备和绞车。

    Enhanced off road equipment is required . A winch is desirable .

  16. 虽然如此,它仍然是马路上最出色的中轻型四驱。

    Yet , it is excellent on normal road condition .

  17. 四驱的,有啥不喜欢?

    Fourmatic all-wheel drive . what 's not to like ?

  18. 二四驱挡板落料拉伸模设计

    Design of Blanking and Drawing Die for Two-four-drive Baffle

  19. 半时四驱和全时四驱,其衡量标准是一样的。

    Part-time and full-time four-wheel-drive systems can be evaluated using the same criteria .

  20. 此款车型是目前四驱驱动的旗舰。

    It is currently Toyota 's flagship4WD .

  21. 早在1972年,我们已经着手设计一款车装备四驱系统和91发动机。

    In1972 , we were already working on a car with all-wheel drive and a91 engine .

  22. 每年冬天,他都会驾驶这辆四驱车去他在法国阿尔卑斯山的冬季别墅。

    Each winter , he takes the four-wheel-drive vehicle to his winter home in the French Alps .

  23. 蜂巢和吞食者:用吞食者对付蝎子和四驱车。

    Buzzer Hives and Devourer Tanks : Use the Devourer Tanks to deal with Scorpion Tanks and Raider Buggies .

  24. 在同样情况下,四驱轮车就可以顺利的转向路侧,因为车轮没有被抱死。

    In a similar case you would be able to turn aside because the wheels wouldn 't be locked .

  25. 爸爸回来了,我们请教了爸爸,爸爸将这辆四驱车拼好了,啊!

    Dad came back , we asked a daddy , daddy will the raider buggies spell well , ah !

  26. 然而就在昨夜,一整队的四驱车和轻型小货车开着微弱的头灯穿越在崎岖的山路上。

    But last night a whole convoy of four-wheel-drive vehicles and pick-up trucks was negotiating the climb with dimmed headlights .

  27. 四驱和全驱在低附着力的条件下是最有用的,比如在雪地里和光滑的山坡上。

    Four-wheel and all-wheel-drive systems are most useful in low-traction situations , such as in snow and on slippery hills .

  28. 要说这款美人奴跨界敞篷车还是获得了一些女性评论员的好评的,她们喜欢它较高的坐姿和载物能力以及四驱功能。

    The crosscabrio does appeal to a few female reviewers who like the high seating position , carrying capacity , and all-wheel-drive .

  29. 它们将会迫使你的对手转向制造摩托和四驱车,而这两者都很容易被支援的搜索者干掉。

    They will force your opponent to switch over to Bikes and Buggies , which are easy to kill with some Seeker support .

  30. 他们请求派遣医疗直升飞机过来急救,约翰逊走回到他的四驱警车,安德森和他的律师还坐在车上等候。

    While they called for a medical emergency helicopter , Johnson walked back to the four-wheel drive where Anderson and his lawyer sat waiting .