
  1. 车内空间比有些同类车宽敞。

    There is more interior space than in some rival cars

  2. 其中的一切,包括面容ID,也就是智能手机上最安全的面容认证系统,所占空间比之前小20%。

    Everything inside , including Face ID , the most secure facial authentication in a smartphone , fits into a space that 's 20 % smaller .

  3. 正电子寿命谱和多普勒展宽测试表明,掺Mg的ZnO薄膜缺陷的开空间比未掺杂的大。

    The results of the measurements of positon lifetime and coincident Doppler broadening spectra show that the open volume of defect in the ZnO film doped with Mg is larger than that in the undoped film .

  4. 大块二进制数据所占的空间比其编码的表示形式更小,因此MTOM可以减少传输时间(尽管它会引入某些处理开销)。

    A large chunk of binary data takes up less space than its encoded representation , so MTOM can reduce transmission time ( although it incurs some processing overhead ) .

  5. 结果表明:CRPM的平动工作空间比RRPM的大,而转动工作空间比RRPM的小;

    The comparison results show that the positional workspace of CRPM is bigger than that of RRPM , and the rotational one of CRPM is smaller than that of RRPM .

  6. 这些国家的财政动员空间比发达国家要小得多。

    These countries have far less fiscal room for manoeuvre than rich economies .

  7. 如果图形内容并不复杂的话,向量图形所占的储存空间比点阵图形少。

    For graphics which are not complicated , vector graphics occupy less storage space than bitmap graphics .

  8. 相对于有监督学习来说,非监督学习的研究起步较晚,其研究空间比前者更大。

    Compared to supervised learning , unsupervised learning of a late start has greater space for its research .

  9. 国有银行生产率增长空间比股份制银行生产率增长空间大。从引致银行生产率增长的因素来看,效率提高和技术进步一起促进了生产率的增长。

    In respect of productivity increase factor , the increase lies in the efficiency improvement and technical progress .

  10. 通常在利润空间比经济舱的放脚空间还要拮据时,航空公司老板们才会碰头——这鲜有好事。

    MEETINGS of airline bosses are rarely cheerful events , profits being tighter than leg room in economy .

  11. 随着城市人口的增长,建设所需的空间比现有的土地可用要多出很多。

    As the urban population grows , the needed program will require more space than suitable land is available .

  12. 如果可视区域内的空间比可视区域大,滚动条会显示为适当。

    If the space inside the viewable area is larger than the viewable area , Scrollbars will appear as appropriate .

  13. 再次,进程本身的信息在内存中占用的空间比线程大,因此线程更能允分地利用内存。

    Furthermore , for processes using a lot of memory , threads may allow substantially more efficient use of memory .

  14. 通过数值计算,得出该容屑槽空间比原来增加了8%。

    It proved that there is8 % increase in space of the chip flute than the original by numerical calculation .

  15. 细胞悬浊液占用的空间比鸡蛋少,并且还具有可以冷冻贮藏的额外优点。

    Cell suspensions take up less room than eggs and have the added advantage of being able to be stored frozen .

  16. 当你尝试了,你就会拥有一个井井有条的衣柜,而且会发现衣柜空间比以前大了很多。

    When you 're done , you have a nice , organized closet that somehow looks more spacious than it did before !

  17. 现在大都市里的住宅空间比以前越来越小,而价格则越来越贵。

    The residential space in the metropolitan cities is becoming smaller and smaller , but it is more and more expensive than ever before .

  18. 特别是用于表现三维室内场景,球面虚拟空间比柱面虚拟空间优越得多。

    Particularly , sphere virtual space has a better performance than the cylinder virtual space in presentation of the three dimension scenes , such as houses .

  19. 例如,德国倾向于使用英语之外,更长的话,而许多亚洲语言需要少得多的空间比英文文本。

    For example , German tends to use much longer words than English , whilst many Asian languages require much less space for text than English .

  20. 由于版本控制系统无需完整地存储每个新版本,因而用于数据存储的磁盘空间比标准文件系统要少。

    Because a version control system does not store each new version in its entirety , it requires less disk space for data storage than a standard file system .

  21. 从一定程度上讲,由于基础设施较差、工业表现令人失望,印度的增长空间比中国更大。但是,印度同样也面临着严重的阻碍。

    Partly because infrastructure is poor and industrial performance disappointing , the upside for Indian growth is also bigger than for China 's. But India also suffers from serious handicaps .

  22. 但据我所知,那里的空间比我们现在的要大得多,我们会有更多的房间开会。

    But from what I 've seen , there 's going to be a lot more space than we 've got at the moment and more rooms where we can have meetings .

  23. 这块地方大不过花园式天井,但每一样东西树木、石头、水面、苔藓显得错落有致,俨然感觉空间比原来大了一倍。

    The plot of land is no bigger than a garden patio but each element tree , rock , water , moss has been placed so thoughtfully that the space feels twice the size .

  24. 这种疲弱令人担忧,因为这类国家中许多政府放宽政策的空间比过去更小,同时它们还正在应对疲弱的大宗商品价格和美元走强。

    This weakness is worrying at a time when many governments in such countries have less room to ease policy than they did before and are already dealing with weak commodity prices and a stronger dollar .

  25. 同样重要的是,火狐3.5占用内存空间比大多数竞争对手都要小,使之更稳定,尤其是当你想要同时加载含大量媒体内容的网站时。

    Equally important , Firefox 3.5 takes up less memory space than most of its rivals , making it more stable , particularly if you tend to load a lot of media-heavy websites at the same time .

  26. 伯登在接受电子邮件采访时说,自己当年告诉相关官员,自行车是“无规划的汽车增加的受害者,不应该把自行车赶走”,因为它们占的空间比汽车少。

    Mr. Burden told officials in 1994 that bikes were a " victim of unplanned car growth and should not be shoved out of the way , " as they take up far less space than cars , he said in an email interview .

  27. 但是,如今工厂和建筑工地的农民工被雇主行为激怒的现象更多地蔓延到其他行业。在新年欢庆过后,本已受到需求低迷和工资升高打击的雇主,感到喘息空间比以往小多了。

    But factory and construction workers angered by their employers " behaviour are now joined more and more by those in other industries , with employers already squeezed by low demand and rising wages afforded far less breathing room after the new year festivities end .

  28. 美国人在借道时一般会说“Excuseme”,而英国人则说“Sorry”。即便距离别人还有10步的距离,美国人也会说“Excuseme”,因为他们习惯的间隔空间要比欧洲人大很多。

    Americans tend to say ' Excuse me ' when they accidentally get in your way , while the British say ' Sorry . ' Americans say ' Excuse me ' even when they are 10 paces away from you , since they are accustomed to a lot more space than we are in Europe .

  29. 改进提升小波变换的空间频率比图像融合

    Spatial Frequency Ratio Image Fusion Method Based on Improved Lifting Wavelet Transform

  30. 我认为它的内部空间还是比上海徐家汇大教堂小了一点。

    I thought its room was smaller than the one in Xujiahui in Shanghai .