
  1. 这位英国汽车司机被政府骗了。

    The British motorist has been conned by the government .

  2. 从中期来看,英国汽车行业前景将会更好。

    In the medium term the UK car industry has a brighter outlook .

  3. 英国汽车工人的工资远不足以购买自己制造的产品。

    British car workers did not earn nearly enough money to buy the products they were turning out .

  4. 下面的柱形图显示了过去几年英国汽车出口量的大幅增长。

    The bar chart below shows the huge growth of UK car exports over the past few years .

  5. 但英国汽车协会警告,需要进行更多测试,而且我们不应急着让司机的双手离开方向盘。

    But the AA has warned that more testing is needed and that we should not be in a race to take drivers ' hands off the wheel .

  6. 1994年,当宝马(BMW)从英国汽车公司(BritishMotorCorporation)买下罗孚集团(Rover)这块烫手山芋的时候,对这笔交易的质疑声此起彼伏。

    More than a few skeptical voices were raised in 1994 when BMW bought the failed assets of British Motor Corporation .

  7. 2013年,英国汽车市场研究公司HAGI(HistoricAutomobileGroupInternational)的顶级拍卖指数和交易商顶级珍藏汽车销售额增长了46.75%;

    In 2013 , the HAGI ( Historic Auto Group International ) Top Index of auction and dealer sales of exceptional collectable cars gained 46.75 percent ;

  8. 英国汽车救援服务供应商汽车协会(AutomobileAssociation)的研究支持上述观点。他们的调查显示,周五下午的交通高峰实际上从中午就开始了。

    And these findings are bolstered by research from the Automobile Association , the motor breakdown service , which suggests that the Friday afternoon rush hour in fact starts at noon .

  9. 南京汽车(nanjingautomobilecorporation)收购了英国汽车厂商mg,南汽英国公司董事会王宏彪显然不太欣赏英国的工作伦理或管理风格。

    Wang Hongbiao , the senior UK executive of Nanjing Automobile Corporation , which has taken over mg , apparently does not think much of the British work ethic or management style .

  10. 当罗孚(Rover)2005年进入破产管理程序时,在竞购这家陷于困境的英国汽车制造商资产的过程中,两家中国企业争夺得最为激烈。

    When Rover went into administration in 2005 , two Chinese companies fought hardest to buy the assets of the struggling British carmaker .

  11. 毕马威合伙人、上述有关英国汽车供应链的报告的作者约翰李奇(JohnLeech)表示,零部件制造商必须走向国际才能生存下去。

    John Leech , a partner with KPMG and author of the report on the UK motor supply chain , says component makers have to internationalise to survice .

  12. 在英国汽车业中也可以见到这种做法所产生的影响,英国汽车业已把针对制造商的技术培训、它们的供应链以及新组建的汽车委员会(AutomotiveCouncil)协调起来,以利于分析未来的行业趋势。

    The influence of these practices can be seen in the UK car industry , which has co-ordinated skills training for its manufacturers and their supply chains and a new Automotive Council to analyse future trends .

  13. 超速之后拿别人的分数顶算不算道德败坏?英国汽车协会(AA)的一项民调显示,英国有30万人都这么做过。

    Does agreeing to accept someone else 's speeding points count as moral turpitude when an opinion poll by the AA motoring organisation suggested 300000 people in the UK had done that ?

  14. 阿斯顿氠丁预计会公布一份有关收购集团信中利(ChinaEquity)的新一轮投资的协议,这笔资金将帮助这家英国汽车制造商生产一款纯电动的Rapide豪华轿车。

    Aston Marton is expected to announce an agreement on fresh investment from China Equity , a buyout group , which will help the British carmaker produce an all-electric version of its Rapide luxury saloon .

  15. 英国汽车委员会研究发现因沉迷于iPod每天会造成17起交通事故,严重危害驾车者和行人的安全。

    Research from the British Automobile Association discovered there are 17 auto accidents every day related to an iPod Oblivion that poses dangers to motorists and pedestrians .

  16. 英国汽车网站Carbuyer的数据显示,在英国,一辆配备1.4升涡轮增压汽油发动机的大众高尔夫Match售价为20955英镑(约合20.2万元人民币),而类似车型的1.6升柴油发动机车售价为21960英镑(约合21.2万人民币)。

    In Britain , a Volkswagen Golf Match with a 1.4-liter , turbocharged gasoline engine sells for 20955 , or about $ 31800 , while a similar model with a 1.6-liter diesel engine sells for 21960 , according to Carbuyer , a British website .

  17. 上个月,因旗下汽车公司收购英国汽车品牌捷豹(jaguar)和陆虎(landrover),塔塔集团被迫进行大力干预,发行了一批权证。

    His warning comes after the group was forced to intervene heavily last month to prop up a rights issue for the acquisition by its motor unit of Jaguar and Land Rover , the British car marques .

  18. 上个月,丰田(toyota)加入了英国汽车制造商的行列,在与德比附近burnaston工厂的员工进行谈判时发出裁员警告。

    Last month Toyota joined the ranks of UK carmakers warning of cuts in talks with its staff at its UK car plant at Burnaston near Derby .

  19. 上个月,gkn宣布整个英国汽车零部件业务将进一步裁员550人,但它还向自愿离开的工人开放了现有的相对慷慨的提前退休计划该计划很快就不再执行了。

    Last month GKN announced it was cutting a further 550 jobs across its UK autoparts business , though it has held open existing relatively generous early retirement terms to workers volunteering to depart - which will soon no longer be on offer .

  20. 一家英国汽车制造商的新的更加显著的身份。

    UK car maker with a new , more prominent identity .

  21. 英国汽车已领先数分钟。

    The British cars have been in front now for several minutes .

  22. 英国汽车工业的艰辛新闻很少有不报道的。

    The travails of the British car industry are Seldon out of the news .

  23. 英国汽车工业历史是一曲华丽的乐章,曲调清远回荡。

    The history of the British automotive industry is a beautiful music , melody echoed Qingyuan .

  24. 那是一辆英国汽车。

    That is am English car .

  25. 陷入困境的英国汽车工业。

    Britain 's troubled car industry .

  26. 一家英国汽车公司正要在德国出售其最新型的汽车。

    A British car company was about to sell its latest type of car in Germany .

  27. 英国汽车工业现状

    Presentation of British Motor Industry

  28. 双方的合作只是中方对英国汽车业兴趣日益浓厚的最新例证。

    The collaboration is just the latest example of growing Chinese interest in the UK motor sector .

  29. 但在汽车销售形势每况愈下的环境下,塔塔汽车收购这两个英国汽车品牌明显是吃亏了。

    But car sales are slumping , and it is clear that Tata Motors overpaid for its British trophies .

  30. 英国汽车市场销量正处于创纪录水平,生产的85%车辆用于出口。

    The UK car market is enjoying record sales , with exports accounting for 85 per cent of the vehicles produced .