
  1. 科技英语论文写作的语篇模式探析

    A Probe into the Writing Patterns of Scientific and Technical English Theses

  2. 如何指导学生克服英语论文写作中的中文定势

    How to Guide Students to Shake off Mother-tongue Shackles in English Thesis Writing

  3. 畜牧科技英语论文写作的几个问题

    English Writing in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences

  4. 英语论文写作研究&以易得论文写作软件专家系统为案例

    Research Study into English Thesis Writing : A Case Study of a Computer-based Design System for Academic Writing

  5. 英语论文写作是高校英语专业本科教学的一个重要环节。选题关系到论文写作的成败,是写好论文的关键。

    English thesis writing is one of the most important parts for college English majors teaching , while the topic choosing is the key for successful thesis .

  6. 内容结构错误主要根据审稿人意见分类,而语言表达错误主要根据华中科技大学英语论文写作中心辅导老师的辅导经验分类。

    Then , structural errors are classified according to the reviewer comments , while linguistic errors are classified by the tutors in the English Academic Writing Center at Huazhong University of Science and Technology ( HUST ) .

  7. 英语毕业论文写作引用资料的合理使用

    Fair Use of the Cited Sources in the Thesis of English Majors

  8. 一项对理科博士生在英语学术论文写作过程中母语思维现象的个案研究

    L1 Thinking in FL Composing Process of Academic Papers

  9. 论逻辑连接词在英语议论文写作中的应用

    Oh the Use of Logical Connector in English Argumentation

  10. 情态动词、模糊语言与英语学术论文写作风格

    The Impact of Modal Verbs and Vague Language on the Styles of Academic Writing

  11. 重视英语学术论文写作中的引用问题

    Using Correct Citation in English Academic Writing

  12. 研究生英语科技论文写作探究式学习体系的思考与构建

    Reflections on and Construction of Exploratory Self-Access Learning System for Graduates ' English Academic Writing

  13. 批判性思维与英语议论文写作

    Critical Thinking and English Argument Writing

  14. 英语议论文写作常见问题初探

    Problems in Writing English Argumentation

  15. 模糊限制语,作为英语学术论文写作中的重要策略,越来越受到重视。

    Hedging , as an important strategy in English academic writing , has received more and more attention recently .

  16. 对中国大学生英语议论文写作衔接连贯的分析

    A Discursive Study of Chinese College Students ' Argumentative Writing in English from the Perspective of Cohesion and Coherence

  17. 如何才能让中国大学生更好地掌握英语议论文写作的方方面面,是众多学者和一线教师思考的问题。

    How to enable Chinese English learners to master argumentative writing better is the problem that is thought by lots of scholars and teachers .

  18. 目前,对大学英语议论文写作也已有了不少的研究,但是针对论点句的实证研究是非常之少。

    Though lots of research has been done on the English argumentative writing in universities , case studies of the thesis statements are still insufficient .

  19. 英语专业毕业论文写作存在问题分析

    Analysis of the Deficiencies in BA Thesis of the Graduating English Majors

  20. 英语专业学士论文写作现状分析

    An analysis of the current state of English majors ' BA thesis writing

  21. 综合教学模式在英语专业学士论文写作中的运用

    An Integrated Approach to English Major BA Thesis Writing

  22. 英语专业毕业论文写作现状分析与对策

    The Analysis and Solution of the Problems in Writing Bachelor 's Degree Thesis

  23. 英语医学科技论文写作中的常见错误(Ⅱ)

    Frequent mistakes in English medical papers (ⅱ)

  24. 论题句是英语专业毕业论文写作中的一个重要环节,在一定程度上,它直接影响论文写作的质量。

    Thesis statement plays an important part for English majors in writing theses . It makes or mars the thesis directly .

  25. 华东师范大学英语专业学士论文写作过程调查

    An Investigation into the Process of Thesis Writing of the Senior Students in the English Department at East China Normal University

  26. 对旨在学术领域获得成就的学者们而言,用英语进行学术论文写作是必不可缺的技能。

    It is one indispensible skill for scholars and researchers who aim to gain achievements in the academic field to write academic papers in English .

  27. 英语专业学士论文写作既是检验英语专业教学质量的重要指标,也是培养学生综合运用语言知识和专业知识的过程,又是突出专业优势的重要环节。

    English major BA thesis writing is a significant index of English major teaching and an important learning process for students to incorporate language skills with content knowledge .

  28. 英语科技论文摘要的写作范式研究

    A Study of the Writing Model of English Scientific Papers

  29. 英语医学论文摘要的写作要领

    On How to Write the Abstract of a Medical Paper Written in English

  30. 本文是语块理论之于大学英语四级议论文写作的实证性研究。

    This thesis is an empirical study on lexical chunks in CET-4 argumentative writing .