
  • 网络Ieng Sary;leng sary
  1. 英萨利1996年被柬埔寨政府大赦,以此作为他断绝同红色高棉关系的奖励。他的数百名支持者也断绝了同红色高棉的关系。

    Leng Sary was given an amnesty by the government in1996 as a reward for breaking with the Khmer Rouge , along with hundreds of his supporters .

  2. 英萨利被指控在红色高棉统治的1975年到1979年间犯下反人类罪。那段时间将近200万人死于饥饿、疾病、过度劳累和处决。

    Leng Sary is charged with crimes against humanity , committed during the brutal 1975-1979 rule by the Khmer Rouge , when almost two million people died from starvation , disease , overwork and execution .

  3. 尤区汉说,对很多柬埔寨人来说,起诉英萨利被认为尤其意义重大。

    Youk Channg says his prosecution is seen as particularly important for many Cambodians .

  4. 英萨利利用其职位鼓励居住在国外的数以千计的柬埔寨人回国。

    Using his position , he encouraged thousands of Cambodians living abroad to come home .

  5. 对于英萨利请求不要对他审前羁押的裁决预计不会在几个星期之内做出。

    A decision on leng Sary 's appeal is not expected for a couple of weeks .

  6. 因此,对于我们这些受害者来说,逮捕英萨利意义非凡。

    So for all of us who is the victims having him arrested makes a huge difference .

  7. 英萨利是特别法庭羁押的5名被告之一。特别法庭计划今年晚些时候首次开庭审理。

    leng Sary is one of five defendants being held by the tribunal , which plans to begin its first trial later this year .

  8. 82岁的英萨利看上去身体非常虚弱。他星期一在法庭上以身体有病为由呼吁法庭不要再对他进行审前羁押。

    Looking visibly infirm , 82-year-old leng Sary appeared in court today to appeal for his release from pre-trial detention on the grounds of ill-health .

  9. 英萨利76岁的夫人英蒂丽曾担任红色高棉的社会事务部长,目前也因被指控犯下反人类罪受到关押。

    His wife , 76-year-old Ieng Thirith , who served as the Khmer Rouge 's social affairs minister , is also being held on charges of crimes against humanity .

  10. 英萨利在红色高棉内部的秘密排名中以“第三把手”著称。他曾经是民主柬埔寨的副总理兼外交部长。柬埔寨后来被改名为红色高棉。

    Known as ' Brother Number Three ' in the organization 's secretive hierarchy , he was deputy prime minister as well as foreign minister of Democratic Kampuchea , as Cambodia was renamed by the Khmer Rouge .

  11. 他的律师说,英萨利年老体弱,不会构成逃跑的风险,也不会威胁可能的目击者。他们要求法庭在审理之前,对他实行软禁。法庭预计可能于明年开始审理。

    His lawyers said that he is too old and frail to pose a flight-risk or to threaten potential witnesses , and asked that he be placed under house arrest until his trial begins , probably next year .