
xú fēng
  • zephyr
  1. 与此同时,银监会银行监管三部主任徐风已被任命为上海浦东发展银行行长。花旗集团(Citigroup)在上海浦发银行持有3.8%的股份。

    Meanwhile Xu Feng , a director at the CBRC , has been named president of the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , which is 3.8 per cent owned by Citigroup .

  2. 草海波荡,随着阵阵徐风轻叹,朝她的脸送来丝丝暖意,丹妮只觉心情平静祥和。

    The grass sea swayed and sighed with each breath of wind , the air was warm on her face , and Dany felt at peace .

  3. 坐在公园的长椅上,徐风拂过,听着学校社团唱着各种各样的夏威夷歌曲,很是愉快。

    It was delightful to sit on a bench in the park with balmy breezes blowing and listen to a school group sing a variety of Hawaiian songs .