
  1. 王平请张英跟他定约会时,她爱搭不理。

    When Wang Ping asked Zhang Ying for a date , she gave him the cold shoulder .

  2. 王平尽力救了孩子的命。

    Wang Ping tried his best and saved the baby 's life .

  3. 幸运的是,王平知道该怎么做。

    Luckily , Wang Ping knew what to do .

  4. 王平是个清洁工。

    Wang Ping is a cleaner .

  5. 在母亲的帮助下,王平把孩子倒过来,在她背上拍了几下。

    With the mother 's help , Wang Ping held the baby upside down and gave her a few patson the back .

  6. 王平:杰夫,昨晚的nba篮球赛看了没有?

    Wang ping : jeff , did you watch the NBA last night ?

  7. 王平在3M公司销售,市场和业务拓展方面担任过多种职务。

    He held various positions in sales , marketing and business management within3M.Mr .

  8. 熔盛重工在周三晚提交给港交所的一份文件中称,其将向私人股本投资者王平出售可转换认股权证,并更名为中国华荣能源(ChinaHuarongEnergyCo.)。

    In a filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange on Wednesday night , Rongsheng said it would sell convertible warrants to Wang Ping , a private equity investor , and change its name to China Huarong Energy Co.

  9. 王平:假如我们在国外旅行,更容易在异国他哆找到ESPN,因为它在16个国际体育频道拥有全部或部分股份。

    Wang Ping : If we travel abroad , it would be easier to find ESPN in another country , because it owns whole or partial stock for16 inter-national sports channels .

  10. 弗雷斯特(Forrester)分析师王平(BryanWang)说,与增长同样重要的是,阿里巴巴将能够控制成本,随着阿里巴巴开始整合其在2014年建立的十几个伙伴关系,成本可能会大幅上升。

    The Forrester analyst Bryan Wang said that just as critical as growth for Alibaba will be controlling costs , which could balloon as Alibaba works to integrate the more than a dozen partnerships it has forged in 2014 alone .

  11. 王平:评价一点也不为过啊。

    Wang ping : that comment was not excessive at all .

  12. 王平:欢迎你再过来!

    Wang ping : we welcome you to come next time .

  13. 王平:你说的是跳台滑雪吧?

    Wang Ping : You must speak about the ski jumping ?

  14. 王平:他从来不把其他守门员放在眼里。

    Wang ping : he never thinks highly of other athletes .

  15. 王平:还有:更高、更快、更强!

    Wang Ping : And more higher , faster and stronger !

  16. 李明讲英语比王平讲得好很多。

    Li Ming speaks English a lot fluently than Wang ping .

  17. 王平:那提电池箱,又是怎么一回事?

    Wang Ping : What is the " lift battery boxes "?

  18. 我们都去看了电影,只有王平没去。

    We all went to see the film except Wang Ping .

  19. 安妮:王平,你开车技术怎么样?

    Annie : Wang Ping , how is your driving skill ?

  20. 安妮:那还不是王平熏陶的结果。

    Annie : This is due to Wang Ping 's edification .

  21. 正如我已经告诉您的,我名叫王平。

    As I 've told you , my name is Wang Ping .

  22. 王平立即切断电源,避免了一些事故。(表结果)

    Wang Ping cut off the electricity quickly , preventing an accident .

  23. 王平:纯洁的白色,对体育运动来说,太有深意.了。

    Wang Ping : Pure white ! That is significant for sports .

  24. 王平:谁给你们开玩笑了?

    Wang ping : who is making fun of you ?

  25. 王平:他与别的冠军有什么不同?

    Wang ping : did he differ from other champions ?

  26. 王平:1998年,格林又上了新台阶。

    Wang Ping : In1998 , Greene 's accomplishments improved .

  27. 王平:是的,中国的俱乐部起步较晚。

    Wang Ping : Yes . China 's clubs started fairly late .

  28. 王平:还是奥林匹克运动宗旨之一。

    Wang Ping : This is also one of the Olympic tenets .

  29. 王平:其次,是看不起别人。

    Wang Ping : Secondly , he looks down on other people .

  30. 王平:这话还得从头说起。

    Wang ping : it should be talked about from the beginning .