
  1. 徐策和王元表示,超宽松的货币政策、政府投资计划极少或根本没有监督,以及扭曲的官员激励结构,在很大程度上酿成了这些浪费。

    Mr Xu and Ms Wang said ultra-loose monetary policy , little or no oversight over government investment plans and distorted incentive structures for officials were largely to blame for the waste .

  2. 均匀设计是中国统计学家方开泰教授和中科院院士王元首创,是处理多因素多水平试验的卓有成效的试验技术。

    Uniform Design is created by Chinese mathematician Professor Fang Kai-tai and Chinese Academician of Sciences Wang Yuan . And it is an excellent experiment technique for handling multi-factor multi-level designed by combining the number theory and the multivariate statistics .