
  1. 应弟子王浩以下之提请,我已手书F1447。

    As requested by disciple Wang Hao below , I had written F1447 in calligraphy .

  2. 中国水资源管理需要新思维&中国工程院院士王浩访谈录

    The management of water resource in China needs the new thought

  3. 王浩是中国工程学院的一名学者。

    Wang Hao is an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  4. 陈洪艳已经设置了14个闹钟作为王浩的上下课铃声。

    Chen has set 14 alarm clocks as Wang 's school bells .

  5. 在第29届奥运会上,马琳战败了王浩。

    In the29th Olympics , Ma Lin beat Wang Hao .

  6. 由射箭运动员周佳敏和跳远运动员王浩执旗率领。

    led by Chinese archer Zhou Jiamin and long jumper Wang Hao .

  7. 我让弟子王浩将我的回复译成中文。

    I have asked disciple Wang Hao to translate my replies into Chinese .

  8. 应弟子王浩以下提请,两首诗已书成翰墨。

    As requested by disciple Wang Hao below two poems are now in calligraphy .

  9. 王浩一天有七节课。

    Wang has seven classes a day .

  10. 于是王浩下定决心,置家人对这场婚事的反对意见于不顾。

    And so Hao decided to ignore his family 's refusal to approve the marriage .

  11. 王浩说居民也可以通过循环使用和重复使用水资源来节约用水。

    Wang Hao says residents can also save water by practicing water recycling and re-use .

  12. 王浩比以前胖了很多,他的腿骨至今还用钢板固定着。

    Hao is heavier than before , the bones in his legs now stiffened by steel .

  13. 刻得好,王浩。

    Well done , Wang Hao .

  14. 弟子王浩已经收到和他所刻印文相关的两件新作。

    Disciple Wang Hao had received the two new works related to the seals he carved .

  15. 三年半过后,红红和王浩终于出院了。

    Three-and-a-half years later Hong Hong and Hao were , at last , released from hospital .

  16. 王浩,不急,进行标志的构思并提供建议来征求我的指点。

    Wang Hao , no hurry , work on the logo and offer suggestions for my advice .

  17. 我当然听说过,但是红红和王浩的遭遇激起了我的愤怒。

    Of course I have , but Hong Hong and Hao 's story have rubbed it in .

  18. 车祸过后一年,尽管王浩的家人强烈反对,他们还是结婚了。

    One year after the accident , they got married over Hao 's family 's strenuous objections .

  19. 同时,刘海涛也到镇上为王浩买了新的教材和教学工具。

    Meanwhile , Liu goes to the town to get new textbooks and teaching tools for Wang .

  20. 王浩说全社会要采取各种措施提高水资源利用率,从而节约更多的水资源。

    Wang Hao says society should take comprehensive measures to increase water use efficiency to save more water .

  21. 车祸之前王浩有套房子,但为了支付巨额的医药费不得不转给了他人。

    Hao owned one before the accident , but had to sell it to cover the many medical fees .

  22. 此外,陈洪艳也鼓励王浩和村里的其他孩子一起玩儿,因为他担心王浩会感到孤独。

    Chen also encourages Wang to play with other kids in the village for fear that he may feel lonely .

  23. 今天弟子王浩刻成一枚中文爱字印给我。

    Today disciple Wang Hao had finished carving a seal of the Chinese character Ai ( Love ) for me .

  24. 红红和王浩现住在一个一楼的单间里,每月租金400元。

    Hong Hong and Hao now live in a one-room , ground floor flat that costs them RMB400 per month .

  25. 这回在北京弟子王浩供养我一个这种使用我诗句所刻的印章。

    This time in Bei Jing disciple Wang Hao offered me such a seal using one of my poetic sentence .

  26. 弟子王浩已经以中文写了一篇他如何制作遮诸妨碍神咒咒轮过程的详细报告。

    Disciple Wang Hao had written a detailed report in Chinese on how he constructed the Averting All Hindrances Mantra Wheel .

  27. 上回弟子王浩所印有关深寂的三个印文,将彼此的间距隔开。

    Last time disciple Wang Hao stamped the three seals of Deep Silence , Shen Ji , apart from one another .

  28. 在这次发帖初期,王浩在网上的乞求博客遭到访客的指责并且收到了少许金钱。

    At the beginning of this campaign , Wang was accused by his blog visitors of online begging and received little money .

  29. 我请弟子王浩书写。他花了几天练习后提供了附呈的档案。

    I asked Disciple Wang Hao to do the calligraphy . He spent days practicing them and came up with the attached files .

  30. 弟子王浩,没告诉我们他的心意,刻了一枚有她名字的印章给我的妻子。

    Disciple Wang Hao , without telling us his intentions , carved a seal for my wife that has her name on it .