
  • 网络Cultural Linguistics;culturallinguistics
  1. 文化语言学视野中的民族语言研究

    On National Languages from the Perspective of Cultural Linguistics

  2. 日本文化语言学理论基础初探

    An Analysis of Theoretical Foundation of Japanese Cultural Linguistics

  3. 它也是交际学的一个新的研究领域。R.拉多1957年出版了《跨文化语言学》,最先提出跨文化交际这个概念。

    It is a new field of the study of communication . R. Lado published his famous book Linguistics across Cultures in 1957 ; and he was the first scholar to put forward the concept of cross-cultural communication .

  4. 本文以文化语言学为理论基础,对现行汉语国际教育教材和HSK考试中所出现的熟语进行分析,从文化来源角度将高频使用的熟语分为日常生活、历史典故、宗教信仰以及地域环境四类。

    The idioms in the text books of TCFL and HSK are mainly analyzed . From a perspective of cultural origin , these high-frequently used idioms are divided into four categories of daily life , historical stories , religious belief and terrains .

  5. 这是文化语言学在语言基础上对文化历史作出的重新认识,展示了汉语研究的又一新的前景。

    The study provides research on Chinese language with a new prospect .

  6. 山阴地名的文化语言学分析

    The Culture Linguistics Analysis on The Place Name of Shanyin

  7. 在文化语言学的视野中,网络语汇是一个有待开掘而且拥有丰富资源的矿藏,文化语言学将从其中获得无限的资源和生机。

    Cultural Linguistics will get the unlimited resources and vitality from the network Language .

  8. 《突厥语辞典》的文化语言学价值

    The cultural linguistic value of the Turki Dictionary

  9. 侗语空间方位词的认知和文化语言学研究

    A Cognitive and Cultural Linguistic Study of the Dong Words for Space and Locations

  10. 人体的文化语言学透视

    Human Body in Perspective of Linguistics Across Cultures

  11. 脚本理论的帕尔默文化语言学视角及其翻译研究

    Palmer 's Cultural Linguistics Approach to Script Theory and Its Implications for Their Translation

  12. 文化语言学认为,语言、文化和社会这三者是密切相关的。

    That cultural linguistics thinks that language , culture and society impact closely each other .

  13. 中国文化语言学范畴系统析论

    The Category System of Chinese Cultural Linguistics

  14. 中国文化语言学是在西方语言学基础上结合中国文化特点发展起来的。

    Chinese cultural linguistics is developed from western linguistics combining with the character of Chinese culture .

  15. 文化语言学硏究。

    A study on culture linguistics .

  16. 评《文化语言学论纲&申小龙语言文化精论》

    Review of The Outline of Cultural Linguistics & The Essence of Shen Xiaolong s Language of Culture ;

  17. 对此,从社会语言学和文化语言学的角度,分析探讨影响儿童语言习得的四个因素。

    The article explicates the four factors which influence children 's language acquirement through analyzing social and cultural linguistics .

  18. 框架理论在《Sonnet18》汉译中的应用研究&帕尔默文化语言学视角

    Research on application of frame theory in chinese translations of sonnet 18 & From the perspective of cultural linguistics

  19. 帕尔默文化语言学视角下英汉颜色词隐喻对比与翻译研究

    A Study on the Comparison and Translation of English and Chinese Color Metaphors from Perspective of Palmer 's Cultural Linguistics

  20. 中国文化语言学在20年的发展中逐渐丰富和完善,形成了的全新的范畴系统。

    The development of Chinese cultural linguistics in the last twenty years is gradually enriching and perfecting its new category system .

  21. 本文尝试用文化语言学和对比语言学的方法来对比研究蒙汉惯用语的异同点。

    This paper attempts to use Cultural linguistics and comparative linguistics theory , Contrast similarities and differences between Mongolian and Chinese idioms .

  22. 文化语言学将从民族语言中获得无限的资源和生机,同时,也将提高民族语言研究的社会价值。

    Cultural linguistics will derive limitless resources and vitality from national languages and in the meantime , enhance the social value of national language study .

  23. 民族个性、语言个性是当前俄语文化语言学研究的热点问题。

    Issues of national and linguistic characteristics have received increasing attention in Russian cultural linguistic studies . Hospital culture is an important position in hospital .

  24. 然而,目前对《红楼梦》意象的探讨多集中于花卉、颜色及诗歌等,从帕尔默文化语言学角度对庭院意象的研究相对不足,因此研究这些庭院意象具有一定的意义和学术价值。

    However , researches on images in Hong Lou Meng mainly focus on flowers , colors and poems and are insufficient in the aspect of courtyard .

  25. 詈骂语是语言的有机组成部分,是一种特殊的语言现象,是社会语言学、文化语言学乃至民俗学所研究的对象。

    Swear words are an organic part of language , a special language phenomenon , an object of study in sociolinguistics , cultural linguistics and even folklore .

  26. 广告语言的研究,在社会语言学、心理语言学、交际语言学和文化语言学等领域都已取得了诸多成果。

    In terms of the research of advertising language , there are also many achievements in the field of social linguistics , psycholinguistics , communicative linguistics and cultural linguistics .

  27. 目前关于死亡委婉语的研究主要是从文化语言学的角度对死亡委婉语所蕴含的人文观念和文化心理进行挖掘。

    So far , the studies of death euphemism are mainly at the point of social linguistics to dig the humane conception and cultural psychology from this kind of euphemism .

  28. 本文运用社会语言学和文化语言学观点透视汉语词的文化义与汉民族文化的特殊性。

    Based on the views of sociolinguistics and cultural linguistics , this paper presents a perspective of the cultural meaning of Chinese words and the particularity of Chinese national culture .

  29. 本文以帕尔莫的文化语言学理论为主要依据,将汉语诗歌中丰富的隐喻现象作为媒介,来审视人类不同的文化因素在唐诗英译领域内的影响和作用。

    This thesis chooses the abundant metaphors in Chinese Tang poetry as the media and uses the theory of Palmer 's cultural linguistics to study the function of different culture in language .

  30. 本文主要是对英汉两种语言中的基本颜色词的以下几个方面进行对比分析:根据文化语言学理论,语言与文化是密切相关的。

    This paper mainly makes contrastive analysis on the following aspects of the basic color terms in English and Chinese : In the theory of cultural linguistics , language and culture are closely related .