
  • 网络meme;cultural factor
  1. 在人与自然对话的语境中,拜物是必不可少的文化因子。

    In the linguistic context between man and Nature , fetishism is an inevitable cultural factor .

  2. 作为中国民间艺术和民族特色的重要展现,中国动画片也是今天提倡文化产业发展不可忽视的重要文化因子。

    As an significant exhibition of the Chinese folk art and ethnic characteristics , nowadays Chinese cartoon is also an important cultural factor to promote the development of cultural industries which can not be ignored .

  3. 而乡愁、爱情和生命意识等超时空的文化因子,拓展了常德诗墙的文化内涵;

    Love and the consciousness of life expand its cultural connotations .

  4. 浅析动漫产业化及其文化因子对民族文化的影响

    The Animation Industrialization and it 's Cultural Element Affect the National Culture

  5. 管窥芭蕉俳句之中国文化因子

    A Restrictive View on the Chinese Cultural Elements in Matsuo Basho 's Haiku

  6. 而前贤忽视了这一有关构思根本的外来文化因子触媒。

    But scholars in the past neglected the foreign cultural factors when plot of a novel was conceived .

  7. 追寻厄勒克特拉原型的古希腊神话渊源,从理论上探讨这一原型的世界文化因子,并致力于后世重构的神话文本中现代意识的分析和读解。

    Attempting to explore into the world culture factor of the archetype , and demonstrate modern conscious of those reconstructed texts .

  8. 没有哪一种无酒精饮料象普洱茶这样承载了如此丰富悠久的文化因子;这与当今社会多元文化价值观相符合;

    There is no non-alcoholic beverage that contains so many cultural factors , which is consistent with today 's multi-cultural society values .

  9. 二要汲取国外先进的法律文化因子,做好法律移植工作。

    On the other hand , we must learn from advanced factors of foreign legal cultures and try to manage legal transplantation .

  10. 变迁中起作用的主要因素有7个:(1)输入新的文化因子。

    There are seven elementary factors that have played a role in the shifts : first , the import of new cultural factors ;

  11. 第二部分较为全面地考察和研究了隐藏在腐败现象背后的政治文化因子,具体剖析了腐败发生的传统政治文化根源和西方政治文化根源;

    The second part thoroughly studies the factors behind the corruption phenomenon and corruption roots both from traditional Chinese and western political culture .

  12. 在此篇中,笔者从成长成本、文化因子和制度等角度分析了弱势群体子女成为高校中成长不利一方的外部原因。

    This part discusses the outer reasons of why descendants in disadvantaged group become the disadvantaged group from costs , cultural factors and institutions .

  13. 它们既是政治过程的一种持久动力因素,也是观察不同社会政治特性的重要文化因子。

    They are both a sustainable factor to propel the political progress and an important cultural element to observe the political features of different societies .

  14. 妙悟是在中外文化因子共同作用下产生的富有世界意义的民族诗学话语。

    Subtle Enlightenment is a kind of national poetic discourse engendered by the joint efforts of Sino-Foreign cultures and it has had the worldwide significance .

  15. 第二章从长沙市既有条件出发,研究其影响长沙市道路景观环境的主要因子,包括环境因子、区位因子、文化因子;

    The second chapter research on the main genes that affect roads in Changsha bases on present condition , which includes environment , location and culture genes .

  16. 在瑶族社会中,许多汉文化因子经改造后成为瑶族文化的一个组成部分。

    In the community of the Yao Nationality , many factors of the Han culture , through reform , have become a part of the Yao culture .

  17. 另一方面,前者因袭了后者较浓的传统男权性别意识,特别是贞与柔等父系文化因子。

    On the other hand , the former inherited from the latter heavy consciousness of male chauvinism , especially the element of paternal culture of pudicity and gentleness .

  18. 从古至今,历来学者都试图对这一链条进行解说,并得出了这一影响根源就是中国古代文化因子的可喜结论。

    From ancient times , many scholars have always tried to explain the chains and come to a conclusion that the root of the affect is ancient Chinese culture .

  19. 随着历史的发展,中国各地也产生了一些吸收外来建筑文化因子的特色建筑,像上海的石库门。

    As the history develops , there was a group of characteristic buildings that absorbed the foreign architectural cultures in many places in China , like the Shikumen in Shanghai .

  20. 然而,这一传说在日本的历史发展过程中并非是一成不变的,它一直处于一个开放、流动的语境中,并随着外来文化因子的强力辐射和影响而改变。

    However , this legend is not static in Japanese history , it has been in an open , mobile context , and changed with the effects of exotic cultural factors .

  21. 在当代农村回族婚姻的走势中,由于导入了新的文化因子,及现代强势文化的冲击和经济发展浸润性的影响,传统而相对单纯的回族婚姻过程裂变为相对复杂的婚姻形态。

    However , considering the evolution of the Hui 's marriage in contemporary rural areas , traditional form of marriage is undergoing radical changes because of the powerful cultural and economic impacts from outside .

  22. 古代的北欧人不仅创造了独具特色的北欧文明,而且在皈依基督教之后又把自己的文化因子带进了欧洲大陆,为欧洲文明的发展做出了独特的贡献。

    The ancient northern Europeans not only created a unique civilization , but also made a unique contribution to the whole European civilization through their introduction of their culture after Christianization came into europe .

  23. 以还俗和证情引入作为异质文化因子的情不清,呼唤中国文化男性人格的回归。

    With the introduction of resuming secular life and confirming the love regarded as the different culture factor 's " affection - disaffection ", it calls for the regression of male character in Chinese culture .

  24. 本文的重点即是考察周星驰电影中的传统文化因子,特别是其对于传统喜剧手法的继承和使用,以及对传统题材和价值观念的偏爱。

    The emphasis of this thesis is to review the traditional culture factors in Stephen Chou 's movies , especially the inheritance and use of traditional comedy skills and the partiality for traditional subjects and values .

  25. 在此基础上,本文对部分太原市高新技术企业管理人员以及部分高校相关专家进行了问卷调查,通过因子分析发现,影响组织创新的因子主要是组织文化因子、组织结构因子、市场环境因子。

    On this basis , a questionnaire survey of Taiyuan High-tech business executives and experts is conducted . Factors that affect organizational innovation showed by the analysis are organizational culture , organizational structure and market environment .

  26. 对发生在近代、现代的文化因子进行必要的整合,为人类文化未来发展提供系统浑厚的近现代文化基石,已成为解决人类文化未来发展问题的基础性任务。

    The necessary integration to the modern times and up-to date culture divisors , providing a systematic and profound modern times and up-to date culture foundation stone has become a foundation task to solve the tomorrow progress of the humanity culture .

  27. 如何本土化改造早已渗入的西方传统文化因子,使之契合我国的特殊国情,从而形成一套具有中国特色,能够解决我国实际问题的刑事法律制度?这是本文力求要解决的问题。

    But how shall we transform those deeply rooted western traditional cultural elements and make them dovetail into the special national conditions of China so as to form a criminal law system with Chinese characteristics to solve the practical problems of China ?

  28. 作为本课题的研究对象,拟从文化因子、美学维度和技术魅力三个方面深入细致地分析和解读他的作品,从而全面地展示其作品奇异多彩的形态语言及其构成特点。

    As the object this project research on , I will research and unscramble his works from the three aspects : the cultural gene , aesthetical dimensionality and technical charm , and then present the fantastical and colorful shape language and its constitutive character comprehensively .

  29. 动漫产业的文化生态因子的影响也越来越凸显。

    The influences of eco-cultural factors in animation industry are increasingly prominent .

  30. 其中效应最大的是企业激励因子,其次分别是市场激励、政府激励、文化激励因子。

    The most important factor is enterprise stimulation , market stimulation , government stimulation , culture stimulation is successively important .