
  • 网络Japanese education;education in japan
  1. 本文对吉林教育出版社最近出版的《世界教育大系》(共20卷)中的《日本教育》卷作了评介。

    The article makes a review on Education in Japan , which is a volume of A Series of International Education ( 20 volumes ) published recently by Jilin education press .

  2. 新世纪日本教育改革的总体规划与农业教育的发展特点

    The Overall Plan of Educational Reform and the Characteristics of Agricultural Education in Japan at New Century

  3. 终身学习是当代日本教育革新的核心内容之一。

    Life-long learning is the core of educational reform in Japan .

  4. 学力低下对日本教育界的困扰

    The Perplexity of Poor Ability to Learn for Japanese Educational Circles

  5. 教育借鉴的成功实践:从美国教育到日本教育

    Successful Practice of Educational Transplanting from American Education to Japanese Education

  6. 日本教育改革的新自由主义侧面

    A Glimpse of New Liberalism in Japan 's Educational Reform

  7. 日本教育病理学的理论基础:社会病理学

    The Theoretical Basis of Japanese Educational Pathology : Social Pathology

  8. 国际理解教育是90年代以来的日本教育国际化的主要特征。

    It has been a major trend in Japanese educational internationalization since 1990s .

  9. 目前日本教育存在的问题浅析

    Analysis on the Problems Existing in Present Japanese Education

  10. 日本教育法规研究

    A Study on the Educational Laws of Japan

  11. 日本教育制度以前曾以纪律严明、标准高而著称。

    The Japanese education system was once known for its discipline and high standards ;

  12. 当前日本教育问题现状透视

    The Present Perspective on Japanese Education Problems

  13. 其次,运用立法学工具从结构和形式上对日本教育法规的完整性、协调统一性进行分析。

    Moreover , the article analyzes the laws 's coordination and unity by legislation tools .

  14. 近代中国东北与日本教育交流研究(1905-1931)

    A Study on the Educational Exchange between Northeast China and Japan in Modern Times ( 1905-1931 );

  15. 日本教育大臣萩生田光一说,日本承诺要办好奥运会和残奥会。

    Education Minister Koichi Hagiuda says Japan is committed to make the Olympics and Paralympics a success .

  16. 从日本教育变革看东西方文化交融对教育的影响

    The Influence of Blending Eastern and Western Cultures on Education as Viewed from the Educational Changes in Japan

  17. 终身学习是当前日本教育改革的中心课题之一,而与之联系最为密切的是日本社会教育。

    As one of the key program of educational reform in Japan , lifelong learning relates to social education intensely .

  18. 内容,包括日本教育、日本实业、日本政治、日本文化和国民性,人们对日本的认识更深更广;

    Secondly , the content , i.e. the deeper and wider views of Japanese education , industry , politics , culture and nationality ;

  19. 现代国家教育目的的世界性与民族性&浅析日本教育中日本人形象的变迁

    The Cosmopolitan and National Traits of Educational Aims in Modern Nation-state & An Analysis on the Shift of Japanese Images in Japanese Education

  20. 这一部分主要分析了教育制度化的改革对于两国教育现代化的重要性以及中国和日本教育制度变革的差异。

    This section analyzes the importance of institutional reform in education modernization and the difference in transformation of education system in China and Japan .

  21. 此外,论述了外国专家对于日本教育近代化以及法制建设所起的作用,全面分析了外国专家对日本近代化的重要贡献。

    On the other hand , discussed the important role which foreign experts have played in the modernization of the Japanese education and legal system building .

  22. 本论文立足于日本教育发展及其在经济发展中的作用的研究,希望能对中国提供一些有益的参考。

    This paper is based on the study of educational and economic development in Japan , and I hope it can provide some useful reference for China .

  23. 对以战前和战后作为基本分段的不同历史时期日本教育法规实质和形态的细致剖析,探明日本当代教育法规的渊源和发端点。

    By analyzing the essential and conformation of Japanese educational laws both prewar and the postwar periods , the article proves up the origin of the current Japanese educational laws .

  24. 日本教育研究的历史性篇章&《世界教育大系》之《日本教育》卷评介

    A Historic Writings for Studies in Japanese Education A Review on Education in Japan , one Volume of A Series of International Education ; Excerpts from A Brief History of the World

  25. 经过近30年的摸索与发展,日本教育已达到世界先进水平,适应这一新变化,日本政府提出了超越欧美教育的学习方针。

    After studying and developing for nearly 30 years , Japanese education has reached the advanced world level and Japanese government makes a policy of surpassing the western education to adapt this change .

  26. 在不同的经济发展时期,日本教育政策和教育改革虽然有不同的内容和侧重点,但从其出发点和结果来看,都与经济发展有着密不可分的关系。

    In different periods of economic development , educational policy and educational reform took on different contents and focuses , but they all had close relationships with economic development in view of considerations and results .

  27. 但是,日本教育政策的另一面,即在重视发展本民族教育的同时,限制、排斥异民族的教育,则反映了日本教育政策的狭隘性,与标榜自己为教育大国的称号是不相称的。

    But Japanese education policy reflects its parochialism in that it limits and excludes the education of other nation while attaches great importance to its own , which is unsuited to its title as education power .

  28. 小说用喜剧式的手法,通过主人公哥儿在学校的一段短暂的经历,对日本教育界的腐败现象作了深刻的揭露和猛烈的抨击,凸现出初期的愤怒的漱石的创作个性;

    The novel applies the technique of comedy , through the hero 's brief experience at school , to profoundly reveal and vigorously attack the corruption in Japanese educational circles and therefore clearly shows the author 's personality in writing .

  29. 改变严重滞后于时代发展和科技进步的日本教育体制,使其与经济全球化和信息一体化相适应,是日本政府大力推进《21世纪日本教育新生计划》并组织实施的根本目的。

    It is the basic aim for Japan goverment promoting New Educational Plan in Japan at 21st Century to change Japan educational system that lags behind the development of era and scientific and technological progress to make it adapt to economic globalization and information integration .

  30. 1999年日本教育省审定了新的《学习指导纲要》,对日本高中数学提了新的要求,对其中的算法内容也提出了更具有时代特色的具体要求。

    In 1999 the Japanese Ministry of Education finalized the new " study guide outline " , which has made a new high school math requirements , which the " algorithm " also put forward a more specific requirements for characteristics of the times . In 2003 .