
  • 网络Finance Minister
  1. 日本财务大臣尾身幸次(kojiomi)表示,在埃森举行的会议上,欧洲国家表达了对日元的担忧。

    European countries voiced concern about the yen at the meeting in Essen , said koji Omi , the Japanese finance minister .

  2. 日本财务大臣尾身幸次(kojiomi)曾表示,日本能够实现在2011年前达到可持续的初级预算盈余的目标。

    Koji Omi , finance minister , has said Japan could beat its target of reaching a sustainable primary surplus by 2011 .

  3. 另一方面,日本财务大臣安住淳(JunAzumi)说,他尚未决定是否延长扩大日韩货币互换协议规模的措施。

    Separately , Finance Minister Jun Azumi said he hadn 't decided whether to extend the expansion of a currency-swap agreement with South Korea .

  4. 72岁的日本财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)最近开玩笑说,老年人应该赶紧去世,这样他们就不会挤占公共资金。

    Taro Aso , the 72-year-old finance minister , recently joked that old people should hurry up and die so that they did not drain the public purse .

  5. 日本财务大臣安住淳(junazumi)也呼吁冷静处理争端,并强调称,围绕钓鱼岛的紧张局势不应让经济合作脱轨。

    Finance minister Jun Azumi also called for calm in dealing with the dispute and stressed that tensions over the islands should not derail economic co-operation .

  6. 会议结束后,日本财务大臣安住淳(JunAzumi)说,日本政府尚未决定是否延长韩日两国间的一项货币互换协议。

    After the meeting , Finance Minister Jun Azumi said a decision has yet to be made on whether to extend a currency-swap agreement with South Korea .

  7. 72岁的日本财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)最近开玩笑说,老年人应该“赶紧去世”,这样他们就不会挤占公共资金。

    Taro Aso , the 72-year-old finance minister , recently joked that old people should " hurry up and die " so that they did not drain the public purse .

  8. 日本财务大臣野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)昨日在临时记者招待会上承诺,要针对日元走强采取适当行动。他是什么意思?

    Yoshihiko Noda , in an unscheduled press conference yesterday , pledged appropriate action against the strong yen . What does the Japanese finance minister mean ?

  9. 日本财务大臣安住淳(JunAzumi)认为,日元的持续升值属于投机性的,并未反映经济基本面。

    Jun Azumi , Japanese finance minister , arguing that the continued rise in the yen had been speculative and did not reflect the fundamentals of the economy .

  10. 日本财务大臣与谢野馨(kaoruyosano)表示,正在考虑购买股票等托市措施,但投资者未予理会。

    Investors ignored comments from Kaoru Yosano , finance minister , that he was considering support measures such as buying shares .

  11. 但日本财务大臣中川昭一(shoichinakagawa)本月表示,日本准备向imf提供一部分外汇储备,以支持其纾困方案。

    But Shoichi Nakagawa , finance minister , this month said Japan was ready to offer some of its foreign reserves to the IMF to support aid packages .

  12. 日本财务大臣野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)本月初表示,如果韩国一再干预低估韩元的价值,韩国作为峰会东道主的地位将受到质疑。

    Japan 's finance minister , Yoshihiko Noda , earlier this month said South Korea 's role as summit chair would be called into question if it repeatedly intervened to weaken its currency , the won .

  13. 日本财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)在一个新闻发布会上说,日本不会考虑加入亚投行,除非该行证明自己拥有严格的放贷标准,包括对开发项目的环境和社会影响的评估。

    The finance minister , Taro Aso , told a news conference that Japan would not contemplate joining until the new bank demonstrated that it had strict lending standards , including assessments of the environmental and social impacts of development projects .

  14. 尽管日本财务大臣野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)警告称,日本政府准备在外汇市场上采取“大胆的行动”,但他同时强调,日本不会采取持续积极干预、以获取竞争优势的路线。

    Yoshihiko Noda , Japanese finance minister , despite issuing a warning that Tokyo was prepared to take " bold action " on the currency markets , stressed that Japan was not going down the route of sustained aggressive intervention to gain a competitive edge .

  15. 路透社一项民意调查显示,日本财务大臣野田佳彦更受金融市场青睐,有可能接替菅直人成为下届首相人选。

    Japanese Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda is the financial markets'preferred choice among candidates to succeed the unpopular Prime Minister Naoto Kan , a Reuters poll suggests .

  16. 与此同时,日本财务大臣对市场作出口头干预,称政府愿意抑制日圆走强势头。

    Meanwhile , in Tokyo , Japan 's finance minister verbally intervened in the market by suggesting the government is willing to counter the strengthening yen .

  17. 日本财务大臣中川昭一由于被指在一次记者会上酒醉失态而辞职,这对不受民众欢迎的麻生太郎首相的政府是一个打击。

    Japan 's finance minister has quit over allegations he was drunk at a news conference , dealing a blow to the unpopular government of Prime Minister Taro Aso .

  18. 日本新任财务大臣藤井裕久(hirohisafujii)已表示,日元走强可赋予日本消费者更大的购买力,这可能提振日本的消费支出,减轻该国经济增长对出口的依赖。

    Hirohisa Fujii , the new finance minister , has said that a stronger yen could give shoppers more buying power , which could boost consumer spending , reducing reliance on exports for economic growth .

  19. 日本前财务大臣在不久前七国集团会议的一个新闻发布会上昏昏欲睡、语无伦次,看过他这段录像的日本人现在可以在一款新的手机游戏中让他保持清醒了。

    Japanese who watched footage of their former finance minister slur his words and appear to nod off at a Group of Seven press conference can now try to keep him awake in a new cell phone game .

  20. 上月,日本副首相兼财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)对通胀目标表示怀疑,称需要相当长时间才能达到这个目标。

    Last month , Taro Aso , his deputy who also serves as finance minister , cast doubt on the target , saying a considerable period of time was needed to reach it .