
  • 网络Japan Ground Self-Defense Force;GSDF;JGSDF;JGSDF PHOTO
  1. 日本陆上自卫队参加年度军事演习。

    Japan 's Ground Self-Defense Force take part in an annual military exercise .

  2. 知情人士表示,空中客车(Airbus)正考虑对日本防卫省采取法律行动,原因是该公司在向日本陆上自卫队供应直升机的竞标中败北,丢掉了价值数十亿美元的订单。

    Airbus is eyeing legal action against Japan 's ministry of defence after losing out on a multibillion-dollar deal to supply helicopters to the country 's ground self-defence forces , said people familiar with the situation .

  3. 贝尔直升机驻日本董事总经理理查德∠楽利(RichardThornley)表示,贝尔-富士的方案会为日本陆上自卫队现有的日益老化的贝尔-富士UH-1J(Bell-FujiUH-1J)直升机群,提供成本低廉、功能适用而又可靠的替换品。

    Richard Thornley , managing director for Bell Helicopter in Japan , said the Bell-Fuji proposal would deliver a cost-effective , capable and reliable replacement for the ground self-defence forces " current fleet of ageing Bell-Fuji UH-1J aircraft .