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  • 网络japanese magazine;mina
  1. 担忧主要源自一份日本杂志上月发表的鸠山由纪夫的一篇文章,包括《纽约时报》(newyorktime)网站在内的美国媒体刊登了文章摘要。

    Much of the concern stems from an essay by Mr Hatoyama carried in a Japanese magazine last month , extracts from which have been published by US media , including the New York Times website .

  2. 一家日本杂志日前评论说。

    A Japanese magazine has critics said .

  3. 日本杂志上展出铸造新技术的启示

    Comments on the Japanese New Foundry Technology Show on the Magazine

  4. 由日本杂志的美国飞机轰炸摧毁了附近的街道编织逃去。

    Bombing by the American planes of a Japanese magazine nearby destroyed the street as weavers fled .

  5. 现年30岁的北川景子于2003年以日本杂志《17》模特的身份正式出道。

    The 30-year-old female celebrity made her debut in 2003 as a model for Japanese magazine ' Seventeen ' .

  6. 我坚持用自己的风格来画画,讲故事。终于,我在一本日本杂志上发表了自己的作品。

    I persisted drawing and telling stories in my own style , and finally I published my work in a Japanese magazine .

  7. 日本杂志编辑出版文化的深刻影响和当时国内的编辑出版语境是郭沫若编辑实践观生成的重要条件。

    Make up his view of practice , the productive conditions of which arises from the profound influence of the editing culture of Japanese journals and domestic editing circumstances .

  8. 许多大规模的全国性调查已经揭示了日本人倾向于喜欢女儿,日本杂志上也发表过这一主题的实证论文。

    The tendency for preference for daughters among the Japanese has been revealed by a number of large-scale national surveys . Empirical papers on the topic have also been published in Japanese journals .

  9. 维多利亚王平时喜欢读《Elle》以及日本时尚杂志《瑞丽》。她说:我尝试着模仿杂志里的模特。

    " I try to imitate the models in magazines ," said Wang , who reads Elle and the Japanese fashion magazines Ray and Lee .

  10. 直到一名举报人在2011年夏天联系了日本Facta杂志后,此类不当操作才开始浮出水面。

    Only when a whistleblower contacted Facta , the Japanese magazine , in the summer of 2011 , did the scheme begin to unravel .

  11. 日本周刊杂志

    Weekly magazines in Japan

  12. 比如说给日本设计杂志写信,就是说,我成了给自己打下手的学徒工。

    Sending mail to Japanese design magazines and things like that . So I became my own intern .

  13. 在接受日本月刊杂志《文艺春秋》的采访时,44岁的安倍昭惠坦言她对生孩子有很大的压力,因为丈夫是家族中的第3代政治家。

    In an interview with the monthly magazine bungei shunju , Akie abe , 44 , confessed she felt strong pressure to bear children because her husband is a third-generation politician .

  14. 所以当一本日本男士杂志最近发布了一项类似调查结果时,我们毫不惊讶得出的平均身材标准是多么的严格。

    So when a men 's magazine in Japan recently published the results of a similar survey , we weren 't surprised that the compiled average of the physical parameters were pretty strict .

  15. 争议的焦点:嘎嘎小姐这次的“创新”举动一方面是登上了日本的男性杂志Vogue的封面,一方面的确引起了很大的争议。

    Controversial : Lady Gaga has angered animal rights campaigners by posing in a raw meat'bikini'on the cover of Japanese Men 's Vogue magazine .

  16. 论日本动画资讯杂志与动画产业的互动关系

    The Interaction of Japanese Animation Magazine and the Animation Production

  17. 在许多日本报纸和杂志的描绘中,这件事是上世纪80年代美日贸易紧张关系和美国人对日本企业敌视态度的再现。

    Many Japanese newspapers and magazines have portrayed the issue as the resurgence of1980s-era trade tensions , and hostility to Japanese commerce .

  18. 在动漫产业发达的日本,动漫杂志是整个产业链条的运作的基础,引导决定着作品的动画化,杂志的市场细分程度与发行量很高。

    In Japan , animation magazine , the basic element of whole industry chains , has a high level of market segmentation and a large circulation .

  19. 日本《SPA》杂志近日在一篇题为《懒汉的终极形态》的文章中描述了这一流行趋势。

    Japanese magazine SPA described the trend in an article titled The Ultimate Form of Slob .

  20. 日本《SPA》杂志近日在一篇题为《懒汉的终极形态》的文章中描述了这一流行趋势。这篇文章探讨了女性的男性化,比如不像以往的女性那样爱打扫房间,不剃毛,还穿纸尿裤。

    Japanese magazine SPA described the trend in an article titled " The Ultimate Form of Slob . " In the article they talk about the masculinization of women who don 't clean their rooms as often as they used to , don 't shave and wear diapers .