
  1. 高等教育人口比重的国际比较

    The Percentage of Population with Higher Education : An international Comparison

  2. 基于人口变化的义务教育人口预测模型

    Prediction model of compulsory education population based on population change

  3. 世界人口大国高等教育人口比重的比较研究

    Comparative Research on the Proportion of People with Tertiary Education in Countries of Tremendous Population

  4. 在发达的沿海城市,例如上海,受教育人口数量相对较高,这种不平衡现象则更为显著。

    The imbalance is worse in wealthy coastal cities with highly educated populations , such as Shanghai .

  5. 区域教育人口与经济的分布特征与联动模式&以浙江省为例

    Distribution Characteristics and Linkage Pattern for Regional Educated Population and Economics & The Case Study of Zhejiang Province

  6. 农村教育人口的流动性与教育费用分担的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Relationship between the Rural Population under Education and the Sharing of Education Expenses

  7. 教育人口知识体系包括学科问题,一般原理,特殊人口与教育,人口教育四部分。

    E problems of a branch of learning , common principles , special population and education , and education of population .

  8. 全国受教育人口近3亿,在校正规学习的人口达到2.3亿。

    The educated population was close to 300 million persons , and the number of students enrolled reached 230 million persons .

  9. 结果显示:中国的高等教育人口比重比较低,甚至要低于印度。

    The result is that the proportion of people with tertiary education in China is relatively low , which is no higher than India .

  10. 近年来各地的高等教育人口比重呈现收敛的趋势,高等教育的持续平衡发展将有助于缩小地区间收入差距。

    In recent years , there is a converging trend of the percentage of population with higher education , which will help to reduce regional income disparity .

  11. 中国受教育人口不断增加,受教育年限不断增长,教育消费自然不断攀升。

    China is educated the population unceasingly to increase , is educated the fixed number of years unceasingly to grow , the education expends naturally unceasingly climbs .

  12. 从中国受教育人口基数大,城乡、区域发展不平衡等特性来看,教育投入对发展教育事业起着至关重要的作用。

    From the large population in China , the characteristics of urban and rural imbalance development , education investment on education plays an important role in the development .

  13. 总体来看,高等教育人口与经济、教育因素之间的调和性较高,而与总人口、地理面积和交通条件等因素的调和性较低。

    As a whole , the higher educational population is accordant to the factors of education and economy , and incongruous with the total population , acreage and traffic condition .

  14. 目前,普及九年义务教育人口覆盖率达到85%,青年壮年文盲率下降到5%;

    At present , the system of nine-year compulsory education covers 85 percent of the total population , and the illiteracy rate among the young and middle-aged has dropped to 5 percent .

  15. 通过回顾九五时期中国落实科教兴国制定的一系列方针政策,中国教育人口、经济社会、教育事业的发展状况,阐明云南九五教育发展的大环境。

    Reviewing relevant policies and principles that promoting the development of China through science and technology during the ninth five year plan , the environment of the development of Yunnan education was analyzed .

  16. 本文采用高等教育人口比重作为衡量高等教育发展规模的指标,用计量经济回归分析的方法对中国高等教育发展规模进行了国际比较,并进行了分地区比较。

    Based on econometric methods , international comparisons have been given to the development scale of higher education in China on both national level and regional level , using the percentage of higher educated labors as an indicator .

  17. 具体而言,高等教育人口比例与海拔高度呈显著负相关,我国80%以上的高等教育人口集聚在海拔500米以下地区,其中100米以下地区占65%左右。

    Generally speaking , the proportion of higher educational population and the altitude is negative correlation , 80 percent of higher educational population live in the altitude of 500 meters below , and 65 percent below 100 meters .

  18. 但是在我国,由于受国情(诸如受教育人口,地区差异,经济发展水平等)以及教育体制、考试制度的影响,造成导致该理论与实践研究相差甚远。

    In China , however , the research in this field has dropped far behind the developed countries , and the theory and practice of developmental assessment has been greatly disjointed due to the state of our country as well as the system of education and examination .

  19. EPD教育是人口、环境、健康与发展教育的总称。

    EPD education is name of education in population , environment , health , development and so on .

  20. 协整检验结果显示,中国大专以上教育程度人口占总人口比重的指标对KIBS实际出口有着显著的正影响。

    Cointegration test results show that indicator of the Chinese population proportion beyond college education level has a significant positive impact on the actual export of KIBS .

  21. 以教育外来人口为重要环节。

    ( 3 ) The important part is education .

  22. 教育在人口中的分配:中国的经验研究

    Educational Distribution of the Population : Empirical Evidence from China ; UNESCO Population Division

  23. 相比之下,中国的最大弱点是受过高等教育的人口比例小得令人难以置信。

    In contrast , the greatest weakness of China is its incredibly small proportion of educated people .

  24. 我们所了解经济增长的所有因素都表明,良好教育的人口和高质量的经济基础至关重要。

    Everything we know about economic growth says that a well-educated population and high-quality infrastructure are crucial .

  25. 与此同时,却出现高等教育学龄人口数量逐年减少的趋势。

    Meanwhile , there is a trend that the quantity of school-age population of higher education gradually declines .

  26. 面对严重的民族危机和社会危机,马寅初主张从经济、教育和人口等方面入手加以应对。

    The face of grave national crisis and social crisis , Ma Yin-chu advocated to be addressed from an economic aspect .

  27. 建议增加接受过高等教育体育人口的比重,建立高层次的体育人口文化结构。

    It suggests increasing the proportion of sports population received higher education and setting up the high-level educational structure of sports population .

  28. 如城市化、工业化、新农村建设、教育和人口等各方面都有这样或那样的问题。

    Such as urbanization , industrialization and new rural construction , education and population and so on various aspects have this or that kind of problem .

  29. 如果中国找不到教育农村人口的更好方式,那么该国的未来将不甚乐观。

    And as long as China finds no better way to educate its rural poor , it 's staring down a future with a100 million-strong underclass .

  30. 新时期朝鲜族语言教育面临人口减少和流动及由此带来的一系列问题。

    Whereas , in the new time , education of the Korean language has met a series of problems brought about by population decline and population migration .