
  • 网络Equality awareness;sense of equality
  1. 平等意识的加强与当代伦理道德建设

    The Reinforcement of Sense of Equality and the Construction of Modern Morality

  2. 公民意识的内涵包括国家意识、权责意识、平等意识、法律意识和道德意识五部分。

    There are five parts , Including national consciousness , responsibility awareness , and sense of equality , legal awareness and moral consciousness .

  3. 戴震是一个深具同情心和平等意识的思想家。

    Dai Zhen was a thinker with sympathy and consciousness of equality .

  4. 论跨文化交际中平等意识的培养&从英语教学谈起

    On the Cultivation of the Equal Awareness in Cross-cultural Communication by English Teaching

  5. 到底生殖健康权带出哪些平等意识?

    What ideas of equality does the right of reproductive health bring out ?

  6. 他尊重公众的道德感,有强烈的平等意识;

    He respected the morality of the common , had the sense of democracy .

  7. 当代中国人的独立自主与平等意识;

    Contemporary Chinese sense of independence and equality ;

  8. 转型时期影响男女平等意识的因素分析

    Effective Factors on the Conciousness of Equality Between Men and Women in the Transition Period

  9. 跨文化交际实践与研究应树立平等意识,不应存在文化迁就倾向。

    The equal awareness should be established in the cross-cultural exchange without any cultural accommodation .

  10. 高层决策者的社会性别平等意识

    Decision-makers Reveal Awareness of Social Gender Equality

  11. 提高家庭平等意识,共担家庭义务。

    The day hopes to raise awareness of equality within families and of sharing domestic duties .

  12. 从《东方时空》看主流媒介的性别平等意识

    The Gender Equality Awareness of the Mainstream Media as Seen from the " Oriental Horizon " Program

  13. 三是语文对话教学中的平等意识和自我实现得以感受和确证。

    Three is the Chinese dialogue teaching equality awareness and self realization to the feelings and confirmation .

  14. 将社会性别平等意识宣传纳入国家主流媒体的常规宣传;

    Orbiting the publicity of gender equality awareness into the routine publicity of the state 's mainstream media ;

  15. 在本体论意义上,“仁”具有人道主义、平等意识、人的自觉之价值。

    With regard to ontology , benevolence embodies such value as humanism , awareness of equality , and voluntariness .

  16. 在教育系统微观方面,重视教育机会均等理论研究,提高教师和教育管理人员的平等意识。

    Paying attention to the theoretical research of equal educational opportunity and improving the equal consciousness of teachers and administrative staff .

  17. 从《东方时空》这个窗口,可以使人了解到目前我国主流媒介对社会性别平等意识的认知程度。

    Through this pro-gram , people can gain an insight into our mainstream media 's understanding of the gender equal-ity consciousness .

  18. 媒介中女性形象再现的直观性特点是判断媒介是否传递性别平等意识的重要标准。

    Media images of female sexual characteristics & the visual , media judge whether transmission is an important criterion for gender equality awareness .

  19. 清末民初教科书借鉴意义对于现代教科书如何构建性别平等意识和角色定位有丰富的意见与建议。

    How to build awareness of gender equality and role definition , take example by women textbooks , we can get abundant opinions and suggestions .

  20. 对话教学明显具有如下特点:平等意识、真诚倾听、多边互动、建构生成、和而不同。

    Dialogic teaching has the following characteristics : consciousness of equality , sincere hearkening , multi-lateral interaction , constructive generation , and harmony with dissimilarities .

  21. 当代媒体中性别歧视与偏颇的原因主要是商业利益的驱动,文化潮流、思维的惯性与缺乏性别平等意识。

    The reasons why this happens are owing to the drive of commodity interest , culture trend , habitual thinking and the lackness of gender equality .

  22. 性别平等意识不是天生的,也不是女性独有的,它可以通过学习而获得。

    The consciousness of gender equality is not innate , nor is it a monopoly of the female sex ; it can be acquired through learning .

  23. 强化公民的性别平等意识和观念,强化对歧视问题的政治和社会意识。

    Secondly , strengthen the citizens ' senses and concepts towards gender equality , and strengthen their political and social senses towards the problem of gender discrimination .

  24. 究其原因,一是因为受到我国传统法律文化的影响,人们的权利意识和平等意识淡薄;

    The reasons for the above-mentioned problems are :( 1 ) with the influence of Chinese traditional law culture , people lack consciousness of right and equality ;

  25. 平等意识在政治意识文明中具有基础地位,而它对于社会主义政治文明建设具有十分重要的作用;

    Equal consciousness has the fundamental status in the political conscious civilization , but it also play an important part in the constructing of socialistic political civilization .

  26. 大学生法律意识现代化的内容包括法治观念、权利观念、契约意识、尚法意识、平等意识等。大学生法律意识现代化的培养途径有学校教育、家庭影响、法学研究育、大众传播媒介和司法实践等。

    The contents of cultivation of college students law consciousness modernization are the law idea , right idea , contractual consciousness and equal consciousness and so on .

  27. 文化自觉是跨文化交际的新境界,体现了文化的平等意识、反思意识、互补意识和发展意识。

    Cultural awareness is a completely new state of intercultural communication , for it embodies cultural equality awareness , reflection awareness , mutual complement awareness and development awareness .

  28. 师生关系之于医患关系的暗合与影响&兼论医学生医患平等意识与医患沟通能力的培养

    The Coincidence and Influence on Doctor-Patient Relationship by Teacher-Student Relationship & discussion on the cultivation of the medical students ' equality consciousness and communicating ability in doctor-patient relationship simultaneously

  29. 不仅囿于此,小学语文教材还承担起了引导儿童形成其社会性别意识以及形成性别平等意识的重要任务。

    Not only confined to that , primary language teaching material is also assumed to bear the important task to guide children to form their gender and equality awareness .

  30. 大学教师确立责任意识、平等意识、朋友意识和亲人意识是高质量履行教师职责的保证。

    The sense of responsibility and equality , as well as the sense of a friend or a relative ensure a college teacher to fulfil his or her teaching successfully .