
  1. 有一大批拿高薪的公关人员可以确保这样的新闻不会见诸报端。

    There were battalions of highly paid publicists to see that such news didn 't make the press .

  2. 6月,一个名叫蕾切尔·多尔扎尔(RachelDolezal)的女人频频见诸报端。

    In June , the story of a woman named Rachel Dolezal began its viral spread through the news .

  3. FatWire此前就曾见诸报端,去年,曾传闻EMC有兴趣收购该公司,不过交易最后并未发生。

    Fatwire has been in the news before , as last year EMC ( EMC ) was rumored to be interested in picking the company up , a deal that never happened .

  4. 他在得知这消息时所发的议论不宜见诸报端。

    His comment when he heard the news is not printable .

  5. 暗示强暴案造假的报道见诸报端。

    With a story implying the rapes might have been faked .

  6. 对囚犯施以酷刑和非人对待的相关报道见诸报端。

    Reports of torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners circulated .

  7. 最终,撰稿者和他们的编辑决定了见诸报端的东西。

    Ultimately , the writer and their editor decide what goes in the piece .

  8. 那样有意思的一份战略文件,却几乎没有见诸报端。

    Interesting as that strategy document is , it was hardly hot off the presses .

  9. 随着选举日期的临近,有关新的丑闻的报道开始见诸报端。

    As election day neared , reports of new scandals began to appear in the press .

  10. 这条消息一直在私下传播,但还没有见诸报端。

    The news has been passed on underground , but hasn 't appeared in the newspapers .

  11. 而近年来,有关研究生就业前景黯淡的新闻不断见诸报端。

    But media headlines in recent years have repeatedly focused on the grim job prospects for postgraduates .

  12. 根据见诸报端的您和法国大使馆发言人的反应,我深信您是中国人民的朋友。

    According to you and your colleague spokesman 's response , I trust you are a friend of Chinese .

  13. 关于华为有中国军方背景的传言经常见诸报端。

    Unverified assertions that the company is " linked " to the Chinese military appear regularly in news articles .

  14. 麦克-杰克逊的消息见诸报端,一些评论员都将杰克逊定位成“媒体追求轰动效应的牺牲品”。

    A clip reel displayed tabloid headlines , and several speakers portrayed the singer as the victim of sensationalism .

  15. 如果外国学生懂得美国社会的运作方式,就可以让有关他们的报道更多地见诸报端。

    Foreign students could get the story into the papers more if they knew how to work the system .

  16. 他在得知这消息时所发的议论不宜见诸报端(语言粗俗难登大雅之堂)。

    His comment when he heard the news was not printable ! ie was too rude to be printed .

  17. 教师体罚学生事件多次见诸报端,受到社会大众的广泛关注。

    Incidents of physical punishment of students by teachers are often reported in newspapers and cause wide concern to people .

  18. 在见诸报端的案件中,很少有婚前协议发挥了重大作用或得到成功支持的情况,这一事实也支持了他们的观点。

    Their view is upheld by the paucity of reported cases where prenuptial agreements have been significant or successfully upheld .

  19. 近年来,刑事错案不断见诸报端,严重破坏了法律的权威性。

    In recent years , criminal misjudged cases have been frequently reported , which undermines the authority of the law seriously .

  20. 尽管沃尔玛的高管们多年来一直不遗余力地维系其美国精神典型代表的形象,但这家公司的不良表现却多次见诸报端。

    Over the years , Walmart has made headlines for behaving badly even as executives work tirelessly to maintain its All-American image .

  21. 屡屡见诸报端和电视的残留农药中毒事件,使百姓在日常选择中无所适从。

    Repeatedly hit the newspapers and television residual pesticide poisoning incidents , so that people know what to do in their daily choices .

  22. 他廉洁奉公,开拓创新,业绩斐然的各种报道经常见诸报端。

    He honest in performing official duties , pioneer and invent , achievement marked various kinds of report often see all newspaper ends .

  23. 然而,不管中国有多少起整容失败案例见诸报端,人们渴望拥有大眼丰胸这些西方外貌特征的愿望仍丝毫未减。

    No matter how many botched procedures are reported in China , the desire for Western-looking features such as wide eyes or large breasts continues .

  24. 最近一段时间,“中国留学生骗手机”事件在西班牙频频见诸报端,在西班牙民间也引起不少议论。

    Recently ," Chinese students cheat mobile phone " incident turned up in news paper in Spain frequently and also , it has generated debates .

  25. 尽管美国2000家规模最大的公司中约有1/10依照新条例进行了通报,但负面新闻还是不断见诸报端。

    Although barely one-tenth of the 2000 biggest American companies have yet reported under the new rules , the tally of negative headlines is already mounting .

  26. 当前,虽然大批移民返乡的消息见诸报端,但移民工人仍在奔赴目的国,但增速减缓。

    Although newspapers are reporting a large number of migrants returning home , migrant workers are still moving to destination countries , although at a slower pace .

  27. 与此同时,网络游戏中虚拟财产纠纷也是不断发生并见诸报端,引起社会的广泛关注。

    At the same time , online games in virtual property disputes continue to occur and also copious amounts of press coverage , causing widespread concern in society .

  28. 之所以这样,部分原因是因为商界人士或政客们往往认为走廊里的谈话不会见诸报端,与记者的谈话尤其是这样。

    Part of the reason why is that , particularly when talking to journalists , the businesspeople or politicians tend to regard those conversations as off the record .

  29. 但在那些不那么惊天动地、不太值得见诸报端的事例中,对人,对使命,对职业的真诚在我们身边无数人身上都得以体现。

    But in less flashy , less news-worthy forms , fidelity to a mission or a person or an occupation shows up in countless lives all around us .

  30. 目前,国内对物体形状测定的研究才刚刚起步,尤其在透明物体的形状测定方面尚未有研究成果见诸报端。

    The domestic study of shape measurement is just initiated , especially , there is no research finding of the shape measurement of transparent object in recent reporting .