
  • 网络educational adaptation
  1. 加强工程技术知识教育适应注册建筑师制度

    Strengthening engineering technological knowledge education and adapting the registered architect system

  2. 我国教育适应劳动力市场问题初探

    How Does Education Keep Pace with Development of Labour Market in China

  3. 关于高师函授教育适应基础教育课程改革的思考

    On Correspondence Education for Teachers ' Higher Learning Adapting for Basic Education Course Reform

  4. 石柱县职业教育适应地方经济发展调查研究

    Investigation of Shizhu 's Adjustment of Vocational Education to the Development of Local Economy

  5. 改革城市规划教育适应新时代的要求

    Reforming planning education to cater the new demand

  6. 开办多层次的护理教育适应社会发展的需要

    To meet the needs of the society development and open nursing education in many layers

  7. 论高等教育适应农村发展的理论基础

    On Higher Education Adapting to the Countryside

  8. 行动导向教学是职业教育适应社会人才需求的重要教育方式之一。

    Thoughts on Building the " Action-oriented " Practical Teaching System of Higher Vocational Education ;

  9. 试论教育适应学生

    On the adaptation of education to students

  10. 强化大学生素质教育适应全面建设小康社会需要

    Consolidate Quality Education for College Students to Meet the Need of Building up a Well-off Society All-around

  11. 近代工业化时期,德国教育适应社会发展的要求,进行了发展和调整。

    During the modern industrialization German education developed and adjusted itself in order to meet the needs of social development .

  12. 在高等教育适应市场经济的过程中,对大学生的就业问题的研究已成为一个热点。

    As the Higher Education adapting the Marketing-economy , the issues about undergraduates ' obtaining employment have become a hot point .

  13. 高等学校推行双语教学,是现代教育适应社会发展需要的必然趋势。

    Implementing bilingual teaching at colleges and universities is the necessary trend for modern education to meet the needs of social development .

  14. 高等学校内部管理体系体例研讨是高校发铺内在的客观须要,是高等教育适应社会主义市场经济发铺的须要。

    Internal administrative system of universities is necessary to the universities development and to the adaptation of higher education to socialist market economy .

  15. 现代远程教育适应教育大众化与终身化趋势,在全球迅速兴起,且在我国方兴未艾。

    Modern distance education , adapting to the popular and lifelong trend of education , is on the upgrade in both China and the world .

  16. 国际化、应用型人才培养是高等教育适应科学技术进步和社会经济发展,适应经济全球化趋势的必然要求。

    High-level and applied talents training is the necessary requirement for the higher education to adapt scientific and technological progress , social economic development and economic globalization trend .

  17. 本文论述了创新人才培养在知识经济时代的重要意义,它是教育适应知识经济发展的根本所在;

    In this paper , the authors analyse the significance of cultivation of creative talents in knowledge-economic times . It is the key factor of education to adapt to the development of economy ;

  18. 大学多样性人才的培养是高等教育适应社会经济发展的需要,也是人的解放与全面发展的必然要求。

    To cultivate students with diverse abilities in university is the requirement of the development of the social economy , and the requirement of the liberation and all-round development of human beings as well .

  19. 以人为本一方面体现着青年学生的成长要求,另一方面也是高校德育教育适应教育体制改革和素质教育的必然要求。

    Moral educational work based on humanity embodies the demand of young students ' growth , on the other hand it 's essentially demand for moral education in universities to adapt to educational system reform and quality education .

  20. 新一轮课程改革的显著特征是转变学生的学习方式。这是教育适应知识爆炸的需要,也是培养学生终身学习的需要。

    The remarkable character of new curriculum innovation is to change the learning style of students , which fit both the demand of education to adapt the knowledge exploding , and the demand of students to learn the lifelong-learning .

  21. 实施教师聘用制,是教师管理制度上的一项重大改革,它既是教育适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,也是教育适应教育改革自身的需要。

    To implement Teachers Engagement System is a revolution of managing teachers . It is not only required for education to adapt to the development of socialist market economy , but also important for education to acclimatize itself to the procedure of revolution .

  22. 按学分收费是学分制管理改革由单纯的教学关系走向教学关系与经济关系相结合的重要举措,是高等教育适应社会主义市场经济改革的必然趋势。

    Credit-based charging is an important measure to make the credit system move towards the combination of teaching relation and economic relation from the simple teaching relation . It is an inevitable trend that the higher education should adapt to the socialist market economy reform .

  23. 社会存在决定社会意识,思想政治教育适应于计划经济的要求,以社会发展为单一的根本目的,形成了社会为本的教育理念。

    Social existence decides the social conscious . Education in Ideology and Politics keeps the same pace with the requirement of planned economy and its basic and sole aim is social development . Therefore , Education in Ideology and Politics forms a philosophy based on society .

  24. 安徽省政府提出将在十二五期间实现高教大省步入到高教强省,这些无疑为安徽民办高等教育适应经济发展以及政府政策提供广阔的发展空间。

    The government of Anhui province put forward a province with lots of higher education to a province with strong higher education in the " 12th Five-Year Plan ", which provides a broad development space for Anhui private higher education to adapt economic development and government policy .

  25. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。

    Education should be geared to the children 's needs and abilities .

  26. GIS教育不能适应产业发展的需要;GIS标准化工作滞后。

    GIS education could not meet the requirement and GIS standardization work lagged behind .

  27. 从1993年开始,针对博士生教育难以适应高等教育对大学新教师的要求,美国学院与大学联合会和研究生院委员会共同发起了未来师资培训规划项目(PFF)。

    Since 1993 , Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Graduate School Committee co-sponsored the " Preparing Future Faculty " project ( PFF ), according to the fact that it is difficult to make the doctoral education adapt to the requirements of new teachers in University .

  28. 因此,教育必须适应社会发展的要求,而培养学生的合作精神和合作能力是当代教育责无旁贷的重任。

    Thus , education must adapt to the development of society .

  29. 职业教育如何适应新形势的发展

    Adapting vocational education to the developments in the new situation

  30. 高等教育要适应知识经济的挑战

    Higher Education : to Meet the Challenge of Intelligence Economy