
yīnɡ měi fǎ
  • Common Law;Anglo-American Law
  1. 英美法国家的减刑假释程序则通常是具有司法化元素的行政程序。

    While in Anglo-American law countries , it is an administrative procedure mixed with judicial procedure elements .

  2. 在英美法国家刑事诉讼中,保释是被逮捕人或者被羁押人的一项重要诉讼权利。

    The Bail is an important action right of an arrester or a prisoner in the criminal procedure of Anglo-American law system .

  3. 保险利益是起源于英美法上的一个概念,英文的术语是InsurableInterest(可保利益)。

    Insurable Interest is a terminology originating from Common Law .

  4. lien在英美法上大致可以分为两个大类:衡平法上的lien和法律上的lien。

    In Anglo-American legal system , lien can be roughly divided into two broad categories : equitable lien and legal lien .

  5. 从theDGHarmony案看英美法下海上危险货物托运人归责原则之演进

    An analysis of the principle of imputation for the shipper in respect of dangerous goods shipped by sea in common law countries by way of the DG Harmony case

  6. 虽然笔者认为将lien翻译为担保更为适宜,但lien制度代表的并不是英美法担保制度的全貌。

    Although I believe that it will be more appropriate to translate lien into security , but lien is not the whole representative of the security system in Anglo-American Law .

  7. 在英美法中,并不存在债的概念及体系,所以大陆法中的债的相对性规则在英美法中被称为合同的相对性(PrivityofContract)。

    There is no concept of " debt " and related system in Common law , so " privity of debt " in Roman law is known as " privity of contract " in Common law .

  8. 楼花按揭作为一种担保方式起源于英美法上的Mortgage,所以本文第一部分首先探讨了Mortgage在英美法上的含义:特定财产权利的转移;

    This article consists of five parts as following : Mortgage of uncompleted building was originated from the Common Law and the Law of Hong Kong , so the paper probes into its meaning - the transformation of the specific property right ;

  9. 在英美法中,只要某一制度或程序具有相同的功能,人们就会使用相同的术语来表述它们,这一点在对lien这一词的使用上体现的淋漓尽致。

    In Anglo-American law , if a system or procedure has the same function , people will use the same terminology to express them , and the using of lien thoroughly shows the point .

  10. 但《合同法》中预期违约的规定,相比英美法、CISG中预期违约的规定显得极为单薄,且法律条文之间互相重叠、冲突。

    But the provisions in " contract law ", which is compared to the common law and CISG , is exposed provisions to extremely simple , overlap , conflict .

  11. FIDIC合同条件源于英国的ACE文本,具有英美法的特色,因而其在英美法系的适用本应无任何障碍。

    FIDIC Conditions of Contract originated from ACE standard form in the United Kingdom , with the characteristics of the common law , and thus there should be no obstacles of suitability in the common-law system countries .

  12. 在英美法国家的法学教科书和审判中,我们经常会看到准合同(quasi-contract)一词,并且准合同作为债的一种在英美法国家中发挥着重要作用。

    We always see the word " quasi-contract " in the textbook and trial of Common Law System , which plays an important role in those countries as a kind of obligation .

  13. 首先对英美法lien制度作简要概述,并对英美法的相关制度以及大陆法人在理解英美法时容易陷入的误区加以说明,为后面的论述打下基础。

    First , as the foundation of later study , we have a brief overview of lien in Anglo-American legal system and some note related to Anglo-American law as well as the misunderstanding which people in Civil Law system often fall into when they understand the Anglo-American law .

  14. 专家证据是英美法中的一项证据类型。

    Expert evidence is a type of evidence in Anglo-American Law .

  15. 惩罚性损害赔偿制度是英美法上特有的法律制度。

    Punitive damage system is a characteristic system of England-America Law .

  16. 禁令制度在英美法历史悠久、应用广泛,但在我国还是一个新生物。

    Injunction has long history and wide-ranging application in Anglo-American law .

  17. 引进并完善英美法上的禁令制度;

    Import the institution of injunction from the common law countries ;

  18. 论英美法上对持少数股份股东权益的法律保护

    The legal protection of the minority shareholders in England and US

  19. 试论英美法对台湾战后法学教育的影响

    The Influence of Anglo-American Law on Post-war Law Education in Taiwan

  20. 浅谈英美法对国际贸易法的影响

    Shallow Talk on the Influence of Common Law Towards International Trade Law

  21. 本论文第二章关于英美法之履约受挫原则。

    The Chapter 2 is about the " doctrine of frustration " .

  22. 这与英美法和法国法的规定相似,与德国法、日本法和我国台湾地区的规定不同。

    These regulations differ from the German law and the Japanese law .

  23. 依次考察英美法、大陆法和国际性文件的规定。

    Inspection followed by Anglo-American law , civil law and international documents .

  24. 惩罚性赔偿本系英美法中的一项制度。

    Punitive damages is a legal system of Anglo - American law .

  25. 论英美法的合同落空原则

    On the Failing Contract Principle in Great Britain and the U.S.Law Systems

  26. 第二部分探究了英美法严格责任的理论基础。

    The second part explores the Anglo-American law , strict liability theory .

  27. 英美法过失侵权中的注意义务

    Duty of Care in Negligent Tort of Anglo-American Law

  28. 第一节:论证英美法和罗马法的联系。

    The connection between common law and Roman law .

  29. 船舶的拟人化处理使得英美法对于船舶所涉及的多种社会关系采取了更进一步的拟人化法律调整&对物诉讼。

    In rem is a further personified treatment on ship in common law .

  30. 英美法上的新闻侵权损害赔偿

    On the Damages in the Anglo-American Press Infringement Cases