
  • 网络a British Invasion;Britain Invasion
  1. 今晚是“英国入侵”之夜。

    It is British invasion night .

  2. 一八八○年,阿富汗力拒英国入侵,梅万一役把一队英军杀得几乎片甲不留。

    In1880 , when Afghanstan was trying to repel British invasion , a British force was virtually wiped out at Maiwand .

  3. 东印度公司(eastindiacompany)的商业冒险曾促使英国入侵中国,从而引发了鸦片战争。

    The commercial Adventures of the East India Company compelled the British state to intervene in China , sparking the Opium Wars .

  4. 约翰逊称,英国入侵过171个国家。看上去,他似乎把这件事视为一种骄傲,而不是需要道歉的事。

    Mr Johnson appeared to regard the observation that Britain had invaded 171 countries as a matter for pride not apology .

  5. 自17世纪60年代英国入侵特拉华并成功从荷兰手中夺取此地起,特拉华的处境就一直颇为尴尬,它位于宾夕法尼亚州与马里兰州之间,但既不单独成州,也不属于任何州。

    After the British invaded the region and stole it from the Dutch in the 1660s , the Delaware territory was juggled between Maryland and Pennsylvania .

  6. 苏格兰有个国王叫布鲁斯,在英国入侵苏格兰的时候,他们由于寡不敌众,一连进行了六次大战,都失败了。

    A king is called Bruce in Scotland , when invading Scotland in Britain , because they are hopelessly outnumbered , last six the World Wars continuously , failed .

  7. 1964年2月7日,甲壳虫乐队第一次美国之旅抵达纽约,拉开了摇滚乐“英国入侵”的序幕。

    On Feb. 7 , 1964 , the Beatles arrived in New York for their first American tour , kicking off rock ' n ' roll 's " British invasion . "

  8. 布什对第一个危机的反应是,告诉全球其它国家:要么支持我们,要么反对我们,并拉上英国入侵伊拉克。

    Mr Bush 's response to the first was to tell the rest of the world that you are either with us or against us and invade Iraq with the UK in tow .

  9. 披头士乐队站在了这场改变了未来几十年流行音乐发展方向的英国入侵的最前沿,他们成为了那时影响青年人的一股重要社会和文化力量。

    The Beatles stood in the forefront of British Invasion which changed the progress of Pop Music in the next few decades . The Beatles became an important social and cultural idol influencing young people during that period .

  10. 披头士乐队当时被当地和全国性的报纸称为英国的入侵。

    The Beatles were described as a British invasion by local and nationwide newspapers at that time .

  11. 事情的真相是:富有的银匠、“警报系统”(用于发布英国人入侵的警报)的组织者Revere,收到了JosephWarren的密报,说英国军队正在搜捕SamuelAdams和JohnHancock。

    While her retelling of history was creative , the truth of the matter is that the wealthy silversmith and organizer of the " alarm system " set to warn of British invasion , Revere , was tipped off by Joseph Warren that British troops were heading after Samuel Adams and John Hancock .

  12. 在英国撒克逊人入侵以前居住在南部英国的居。

    An inhabitant of S Britain prior to the Anglo-saxon invasions .

  13. 一个名为小丑瓢虫调查的网上观测数据库正在追踪这种昆虫对英国的入侵。

    The Harlequin Ladybird Survey , an online database of sightings , is tracking the U.

  14. 吉姆和玛丽婚前同居了。在英国撒克逊人入侵以前居住在南部英国的居。

    Jim and Mary sleep together before they were married . an inhabitant of S Britain prior to the Anglo-saxon invasions .

  15. 但是后来被英国殖民者入侵后,直到独立,才变得贫穷的。

    However , after much siphoning by invaders and post independence by the British , it inevitably became a very poor country .

  16. 在RupertMurdoch的英国公司雇员入侵死者电话的新闻轰炸下,你可能会感兴趣到底入侵一个人的手机去窃取语音信息有多容易,答案是非常容易。

    In light of news of Rupert Murdoch 's goons hacking dead people 's phones in England , you might be wondering about just how easy it is for people to snoop on your voice mail . It 's very easy .

  17. 最近的一次是,2003年,法国拒绝支持英国赞同的入侵伊拉克。

    Most recently , France refused to support the British-backed invasion of Iraq in2003 .

  18. 起初的荷兰移民为了抵御英国人的入侵而建立的。

    That the original Dutch settlers built as a defence to keep the British out .

  19. 最近的一次是,2003年,法国拒绝支持英国赞同的入侵伊拉克。1.jointadj.共同的,联合的

    Most recently , France refused to support the British-backed invasion of Iraq in 2003 .

  20. 印度民事诉讼法法典化的历程是伴随着英国人的入侵而起步的。直至今天,在印度一共实施了五部民事诉讼法典。

    The course of codification of Indian civil action laws has begun with the British invasion .

  21. 如果不是因为那时英国人害怕入侵,隧道早已建成了。

    If , at the time , the British had not feared invasion , it would have been completed .

  22. 如果当时不是英国人害怕入侵的话,它早就完工了。

    At the time , the British had not feared invasion , it ( 18 )( 19 )( 20 ) completed .

  23. 但是,在法国军队入侵埃及几年之后,英国军队也入侵了埃及。英国索要大量古代物品和文物。

    But , the British Army invaded Egypt a few years after the French Army . They demanded many of the ancient objects and artifacts .

  24. 他的贡献首先表现在抵御英国殖民者的入侵、加强海防、维护中华民族尊严方面;

    Ruan Yuan made great contribution to the country by resisting the aggression of the British colonists , strengthening the coastal defense and vindicating the Chinese national honor .

  25. 近代,随着英国殖民者的入侵,印度人民受到了疯狂的掠夺和残酷压榨,但与此同时英国人也把他们的政治制度带到了印度。

    Recently , Indians had suffered cruel rob and press from UK colonist , but at the same time , English people had spread their political systems through India .

  26. 美国和英国政府2003年入侵伊拉克时也是这样想的。

    So did Washington and London when they invaded Iraq in 2003 .

  27. 语言与文化息息相关,承载着文化的重量,英国殖民者通过语言入侵对爱尔兰文化加以控制。

    Language and culture are closely related to each other , so the English colonizers tried to control Irish culture through language invasion .

  28. 只有在英国人受到外敌威胁,英国领土受到入侵的时候,只有这个时刻,做出的反应才无与伦比。

    British people had to be threatened by foreign soldiers and British territory invaded and then why then the response was incomparable .

  29. 英国的现代足球是在中国古代的足球运功动传入英国以后逐步形成的,然后伴随着清代末期英国对于中国的入侵又返回到了中国。

    The Britain modern soccer was gradually formed after introducing from Chinese ancient football and returned to China again along with the British invasion to China at the last stage of Qing Dynasty .