
  • 网络British newspapers;UK Newspapers
  1. 这将让老默多克实际上成为了他的传媒帝国中英国报纸业务的孤独的守卫者。

    That leaves Rupert Murdoch as virtually the lone defender of the UK newspapers in the Empire .

  2. 新闻集团发表上述声明之际,美国司法部还展开了另外一项调查,以判断该公司在其旗下英国报纸的电话窃听丑闻中是否存在犯罪行为。

    The announcement comes as the US Department of Justice conducts a separate investigation into potential criminal conduct at News Corp related to the phone hacking scandal at UK newspapers .

  3. 一家英国报纸称,英国航空公司计划接管环球航空公司。

    A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways .

  4. 一家英国报纸最近询问了人们对他们的看法。

    A   British   newspaper recently   asked   people   for   their opinions   about   them .

  5. 默多克表示,将出版、教育和澳大利亚控股业务与福克斯(fox)、天空(sky)和星空(star)等电视电影品牌拆分的决定,与英国报纸部门窃听丑闻引发的调查“无关”。

    The decision to spin off publishing , education and Australian holdings from the fox , sky and Star TV and film brands had " nothing to do " with investigations stemming from the hacking scandal in its UK newspaper arm , he said .

  6. 乔纳森•福尔曼(JonathanForeman)在《Standpoint》杂志上写道,当他就职于一家美国报纸时,发现该报有条官方政策是不要相信任何英国报纸上的任何东西,英国《金融时报》除外。

    Jonathan Foreman writes in Standpoint magazine that when he worked for an American paper , he discovered that " it was official policy not to trust any item in any British paper except the FT " .

  7. 西班牙的报纸比之英国报纸更尊重他人。

    The Spanish press has more respect than the British one .

  8. 即使是英国报纸也非得报导。

    Even the English newspapers would have to report that .

  9. 试析19世纪英国报纸发行量上升的原因

    Reasons of Britain 's Newspaper Circulation Rise in 19th Century

  10. 28岁时,我成为另外一家英国报纸的专栏作家。

    Aged 28 , I became a columnist at another British newspaper .

  11. 英国报纸到目前为止被限制刊登这些照片。

    British newspapers , so far , have refrained from printing the photos .

  12. 他是英国报纸记者。

    He 's a fleet street journalist .

  13. 整个19世纪,英国报纸的发行量呈明显的上升趋势。

    During the whole nineteenth century there is a rise of Britain 's newspaper circulation .

  14. 他们的指挥官最近告诉英国报纸,警察腐败现象使反叛活动愈演愈烈。

    Their commander told a British newspaper recently that police corruption is ing the insurgency .

  15. 据英国报纸报道哈里王子和他的伴侣已声明分手。

    A British newspaper says Prince Harry and his longtime love have called it quits .

  16. 英国报纸曾经估算他现在身价的净值已高达三千五百万英镑。

    British newspapers have estimated that he has a total net worth of $ 35 million .

  17. 由诺思克利夫勋爵创办的英国报纸《每日邮报》创刊。

    1896 The British newspaper Daily Mail , founded by Lord Northcliffe , was first published .

  18. 在时代的变迁中,英国报纸经历了许多具有突出意义的变革。

    Along with the change of the time , British news paper experienced many significant reforms .

  19. 一家英国报纸曾报道,2001年英国科学家将开始克隆人类胚胎;

    According to an English newspaper , scientists could begin cloning human embryos in Britain in 2001 .

  20. 这起事件成了多数英国报纸的头条新闻,媒体开始密切关注游览海滨度假区的年轻人。

    The story led most British newspapers , and the media began monitoring young people visiting seaside resorts .

  21. 布朗在英国报纸《观察家报》上撰文,指出英国需要一个更加负责任的银行系统。

    Writing in the Observer newspaper , Prime Minister Brown says Britain needs a more responsible banking system .

  22. 休斯有许多英国报纸,而且以前每年至少去伦敦一次,以购买英国报纸。

    Hughes has many British newspapers and used to travel to London at least once a year to acquire them .

  23. 英国报纸报道称,一名沙特阿拉伯王妃与一名英国男子非法生子,在英国获取庇护权。

    British press reports say a Saudi princess has been granted asylum after having an illegitimate child by an Englishman .

  24. 很久之后,英国报纸《泰晤士报》使用这一表达,描述了19世纪60年代糟糕的经济时期。

    Much later , the Times of London newspaper used the expression about bad economic times during the eighteen sixties .

  25. 32岁的佩雷将于晚些时候出庭。他对英国报纸媒体宣称自己是无辜的。

    Peree , 32 , who is expected to appear in court later , told an Indian newspaper he was innocent .

  26. 据英国报纸《邮报》报道,受影响的使馆、领事馆及特派使团多达40余个。

    More than 40 embassies , consulates and high commissions have been affected , according to the British newspaper The Mail .

  27. 而在我当时工作的英国报纸,调查二字意味着周二着手工作、周日就发表文章。

    On the British paper I then worked for , an " investigation " was something we started on Tuesday and published on Sunday .

  28. 该集团已经占据英国报纸发行量的37%,这宗收购会使其占据约35%的电视市场。

    It would give News Corp , which already owns 37 per cent of newspaper circulation , about 35 per cent of the television market .

  29. 新闻国际表示,默多克还将在周六出版的英国报纸广告上为他们的“严重错误”公开道歉。

    News International said Mr Murdoch would also apologise for what he called " serious wrongdoings " in advertisements to be placed in British newspapers on Saturday .

  30. 休斯表示,英国报纸往往受到美国收藏者的欢迎,因为它们精湛的报道覆盖了从17世纪到19世纪的世界大事。

    Hughes says British papers have always been popular with us collectors as they had excellent coverage of world events from the 17th to the 19th centuries .