
  • 网络Hero Complex;hero-worship
  1. 欺凌欺凌者正是英雄情结的主要表现。

    Bullying bullies is kind of the very definition of a hero complex .

  2. 我根本没有英雄情结!

    I do not have a hero complex !

  3. 试论美国电影中的英雄情结

    Analysis the Heroic Complex of the USA movies

  4. 从文化差异看拜伦、梁启超的英雄情结

    An Overview on the Heroic Complex of Byron and Liang Qichao from Culture Difference

  5. 刚才你说到我有英雄情结?

    You were saying about my hero complex ?

  6. 李清照的英雄情结

    Interpretation on Li Qing-zhao 's Hero Affection

  7. 你要么有英雄情结,要么有死亡愿望。到底是哪个?

    You either have a hero complex or a death wish . So which is it ?

  8. 路遥的英雄情结

    Lu Yao 's Heroic Complex

  9. 这几方面构成了她英雄情结的具体内涵。这种英雄情结使其作品既增加了历史厚重感,又富有强烈的时代色彩。

    Her hero affection consists of these three aspects , which make her works colorful and historical .

  10. 东西文化底蕴下的英雄情结&论拜伦、梁启超英雄情结之差异

    Heroic Passion of the Eastern and the Western Cultures & The Different Heroic Passion of Byron and Liang Qichao

  11. 理想主义的多元互动&十九世纪法国小说的英雄情结及三类范型

    The Diversified Interaction of Idealism & The Complex of Heroes and Three Types of the 19th Century French Novels

  12. 英雄情结与帝王情结的比较分析&兼论英雄情结的缘起与走向

    The Comparative Analyses on the Heroic Complex and Monarch Complex & The Origin and Tendency of the Heroic Complex

  13. 陕北的地域文化和来自现实生活的苦难,是其英雄情结形成的主要原因。

    The local culture of Northern Shaanxi and the hardship from the actual life are the main causes of the formation of his heroic complex .

  14. 我们接着上次的话题:你的英雄情结。大多数有英雄情结的人小时候都被人欺凌过。

    We can start where we left off , your hero complex , which men often develop in response to being bullied as a child .

  15. 路遥的小说塑造了一系列硬汉子形象,这是作家本人根深蒂固的英雄情结艺术地投射的结果。

    Lu Yao 's novels portray a series of dauntless , unyielding men , which artistically reflects the deep-rooted heroic complex of the writer himself .

  16. 但是实际上支撑起她小说传奇性外观的内核依然是她的市民英雄情结,这也即她的传奇性的特殊性之所在。

    But actually , the support of her legend is still the " citizen hero " complex , and it is also the point of her legendary speciality .

  17. 吴均的“游侠情结”从某种意义上说是一种“英雄情结”,它包含着功名渴望、恩遇希冀、身世感慨等多重内涵。

    In a sense , Wu 's complex can be called heroic complex that is endowed with longing for achievements , gratitude and hope , plaint for life experiences and so on .

  18. 基弗将人类的建设等同于毁灭,在人类这部史诗和整个宇宙面前,个体人类就像一粒粒沙子,消解了英雄情结,否定了个体的重要性。

    Kiefer will equal to destroy human construction , in this epic and the front of the whole universe , human individual human bits like sand , dispelling the hero complex , denying the significance of the individual .

  19. 上述人士说,如今,库克更为看重风险的分散,而不是依靠乔布斯和郭台铭这两位同样看重英雄情结的商业领袖(其中一位知情人士的原话)结下的独特的密切伙伴关系。

    Now , instead of relying on the uniquely close partnership between ' two leaders with a hero complex ' as one of the people said Mr. Cook is putting a greater premium on risk diversification , they said .

  20. 传统的文学艺术的风格是美与和谐,现代主义艺术则主要展现为崇高,二者都有一种英雄情结和自恋倾向。

    The style of traditional literature and art is beauty and harmony , and modernism art is represented for being lofty mainly , the two both have a kind of " hero " complex and " narcissism " inclination .

  21. 上述人士说,如今,库克更为看重风险的分散,而不是依靠乔布斯和郭台铭“这两位同样看重英雄情结的商业领袖”(其中一位知情人士的原话)结下的独特的密切伙伴关系。

    Now , instead of relying on the uniquely close partnership between ' two leaders with a hero complex ' -- as one of the people said -- Mr. Cook is putting a greater premium on risk diversification , they said .

  22. 北方民歌所具有的英雄情结与故土情结的冲突、爱情与婚姻的悖离、物质与精神的双重煎熬,表明它是一种忧患人生的歌;

    The north folk songs which have the confliction of the heroic complex and the native land complex and the disobey of the love and the marriage and the dual sufferings of the material and the mental , has the connotation of careworn life ;

  23. 分析功夫电影背后的意识形态,即成龙功夫电影中表现的江湖英雄情结与好莱坞语境下的个人主义及全球化语境下的超级英雄主义。

    Analyze the Ideology of Jackie Chan 's Kongfu Movie , which it is about the " Hero inJianghu " in Jackie 's plays and the " Hero in Individualism " in Hollywood 's plays and the " Super-Heroism " in the context of Globalization .

  24. 他把我们看做四个有英雄崇拜情结并努力模仿我们喜爱的乐队的孩子。

    He saw us as four hero-worshipping kids trying to replicate our favorite bands .

  25. 清前期文人英雄崇拜情结初探&以《清诗别裁集》英雄形象为例

    The Hero Worship Complex of the Intellectuals in Early Qing Dynasty & Taking Heroic Figures in Poems Collection of Qing Dynasty for Example

  26. 最后,新时期的关东话剧还体现出明显的英雄膜拜情结。新时期关东话剧全面展现在关东人的心中的人的野性未驯的原始力量。

    Finally , the new period Kanto drama also reflects the obvious hero worship complex , comprehensive display of the Kanto heart wild raw power .

  27. 我们从传统文学及戏剧里看到的主人公通常以英雄的形象出现,悲剧英雄最能唤起出人们的崇高感,自我牺牲带来的全命圣化是英雄情结的本质之所在。

    We see the hero from the traditional literature and drama usually appear in the image of the hero , the tragic hero can evoke a sense of lofty , self-sacrifice to bring the whole life of sanctification is the essence of a hero complex where .