
  1. 美国的碳交易机制仍在协商之中。

    In the us a carbon trading scheme is still being negotiated .

  2. 期权理论视角下的企业内部碳交易机制定价策略研究

    Research on Pricing Strategy of Corporate Internal Carbon Trading System in the Option Theory Perspective

  3. 从印度到澳大利亚,各种碳交易机制都在拟定或重启之中。

    From India to Australia , trading schemes of various types are being developed or revived .

  4. 然而,即便亚洲的碳交易机制获得成功,也不可能对美国市场有太大影响。

    However , even if the Asian schemes are successful , they are unlikely to have much impact on the US market .

  5. 自我国在哥本哈根会议上提出温室气体减排目标以来,国内对建立碳交易机制的需求十分迫切。

    Since China proposed the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in Copenhagen , domestic demand for the carbon trade mechanism urges a lot .

  6. 基于此,本文构建了成本分担机制、选择性激励机制、碳交易机制和环境非政府组织参与机制。

    Based on this , we construct the cost-sharing mechanism , selective incentives mechanism , carbon trading mechanism and participation mechanism for environmental non-governmental organizations .

  7. 本文在假定引入个人碳交易机制的基础上,研究个人碳排放标准值的估算方法。

    In this research , methodology and empirical study for personal carbon allowance estimation are both proposed based on the hypothesis of introducing personal carbon trading system ( PCT ) .

  8. 湖北省碳排放交易机制采用总量控制、排放交易的机制来运行。

    Hubei province will build a carbon emissions trading mechanism that works based on cap and trading .

  9. 韩国也在筹建一个碳排放交易机制,并将于明年投入测试,2015年正式启动交易。

    South Korea is also planning a scheme that will be tested next year and go into force in 2015 .

  10. 亚太地区是全球唯一碳排放交易机制真正蓬勃发展的地区。

    The one part of the world where there is a real sense of momentum on carbon trading schemes is the Asia-Pacific region .

  11. 湖北省需要建立一套完整的监管体系来确保碳排放交易机制的运行。

    In order to ensure that the carbon emission trading mechanism can work efficiently , Hubei province should build a detailed regulatory system .

  12. 湖北省将建立基于配额的强制性碳排放交易机制,其实施分三个阶段完成。

    Hubei province will build a compulsory carbon emissions trading mechanism based on quotas , and it will be achieved with three stages .

  13. 加州和魁北克正在探讨打通双方的碳排放交易机制,这将是自欧盟碳排放交易市场启动起来的第一次国际连接。

    California and Quebec are looking at linking their schemes in what would be the first international connection since the EU market started .

  14. 本文运用系统动力学、数学建模、模型分析和比较分析的方法,研究了基于强度减排的我国碳交易市场机制。

    This paper uses system dynamics , mathematical modeling , model analysis and comparison analysis method , based on the strength reduction mechanism of carbon trading market in china .

  15. 迄今,位于欧洲的大型污染者,如电力企业和水泥厂,都被纳入欧盟在2005年推出的碳排放交易机制。

    Until now , large polluters based in Europe such as power companies and cement factories have been covered by the emissions trading scheme the EU launched in 2005 .

  16. 欧盟在应对全球气候问题方面进行了积极的探索和实践,建立了碳排放交易机制,为全球气候问题的解决发挥了决定性的作用。

    The European Union has made positive exploration and practice in dealing with the global climate problem , established the trading mechanism of emission , and this scheme plays an important role for solving global climate .

  17. 碳排放交易机制以《京都议定书》为依托,已经形成一定的体系,能够提高议定书成员方的减排意愿和积极性,但可能同补贴规则不一致。

    Based on Kyoto Protocol , carbon emission trading mechanism has formed a basic system and can enhance the contracting parties their wiliness and initiative to emission reduction , but it may be inconsistent with the SCM rules .

  18. 与此同时,在美国,仍看不到设立联邦政府一级碳排放交易机制的前景,导致这种状况的政治僵局即使会被打破,也肯定不会是在下一次总统大选之前。

    Meanwhile , in the US , the prospects of a federal level carbon trading scheme are nil thanks to a political deadlock that will certainly not be broken this side of the next presidential election , if ever .

  19. 美方在诉讼中质疑,欧洲监管部门将欧盟以外的航空公司纳入其碳排放交易机制,是否超出了它的管辖范围。

    A Chinese suit , if filed , could differ from that launched by US airlines in the European Court of justice , which questioned whether EU regulators were exceeding their jurisdiction by applying the emissions trading scheme to carriers outside their borders .

  20. 因此,本文主要以欧盟ETS经验为例,分析了欧盟碳排放权交易机制的主要内容,并对欧盟建立碳排放权交易机制的经验进行了总结。

    Therefore , this paper mainly take the EU ETS experience as an example , a summary of the experience and the EU to establish a carbon emissions trading mechanism .

  21. 碳排放权交易机制是在《气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》等国际法文件的基础上产生和发展的。

    The development of carbon emissions trading is on the basis of international laws like UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol .

  22. 在该公约指引下,签署了《京都议定书》和巴厘岛路线图等重要减排法律文件,形成了碳排放权交易机制。

    Several law documents were signed , such as The Kyoto Protocol and Bali Road Map and carbon trading system had formed under the guidance of UNFCCC .

  23. 互补需求函数是对一般给定需求函数的合理改进;碳排放权交易机制是《京都议定书》中规定的一个减排机制。

    The complementary demand function is a function that is improved reasonably from a given demand function and the carbon emissions trading mechanism is a rule in Kyoto Protocol .

  24. 与其去争论谁要减得多或少,不如提早采取行动,未雨绸缪,构建符合本国实际的碳排放权交易机制,来积极应对未来的减排压力。

    Rather than arguing , it is better to adopt measures and take precautions to build the practical carbon emissions trading mechanism and positively deal with future emission reduction pressure .

  25. 对国际碳排放市场交易机制、交易类别、成交量价格及国内碳排放交易现状进行了分析。

    Articles on the international carbon emissions trading market mechanisms , transaction type , and volume and price analysis made , also on the domestic carbon emissions trading status analyzed .

  26. 新机制基于共同但有区别的责任原则、成本分担原则和选择性激励原则,通过连接的思想,建立了碳排放联合交易机制的基本框架。

    The new mechanism bases on the principle of common but differentiated responsibility , principle of cost sharing , and principle of selective promoting , through the thought of " connection ", forming the structure of carbon emissions union trading mechanism .

  27. 然而,运用碳税和碳交易机制进行温室气体排放控制面临着许多不确定因素,并且各个国家的政策环境不尽一致。

    However , the use of carbon taxes and carbon trading mechanisms for the control of greenhouse gas emissions are faced with many uncertain factors , and policy environment in each country are not the same .

  28. 低碳经济模式下中国碳排放权交易机制研究

    A Research on Mechanism of Chinese Emission Permits Trade of Carbon under Low-carbon Economy Mode

  29. 随着碳交易市场的不断发展及碳交易机制的日渐成熟,越来越多的企业参与到碳交易当中。

    With the growing size of the market for carbon trading and the development of carbon trading mechanism , more and more enterprises involve in carbon trading .

  30. 欧盟航空碳关税的实质是建立在其航空碳排放交易机制基础上的边境调节措施。

    The European aviation carbon tariffs is sort of border adjustment measures based on its aviation emissions trading mechanism .