
  • 网络Carbon Tax
  1. 如果政府开始对公路运输征收碳税,那么水运就会变得更加具有吸引力。

    If the Government introduces a carbon tax on road haulage , then carriage by water will become more attractive .

  2. 进而,本文提出了相关政策建议,包括:完善碳税机制、改革能源资源定价机制、完善其他激励约束机制、加强对地方政府的规制、提高政策的区域辨识度等政策建议。

    Furthermore , the relevant policy recommendations are proposed in this paper including perfecting the mechanism of carbon tax , reforming the pricing mechanism of energy resources , improving some other incentives and restraint mechanisms , strengthening local government regulation , improving policy of regional recognition .

  3. 可以考虑提出一套碳税体系或一套限额交易体系,例如欧洲的排放交易方案(ETS),该方案对生产商的碳排量作出了限制,并允许他们买卖排放信用(emissionscredits)。

    That could be a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system , such as Europe 's Emissions-Trading Scheme , which limits how much producers can emit , and lets them buy and sell emissions credits .

  4. 通过应用电力部门综合资源规划评价模型(IRPA),对在电力部门引入碳税和能源税后对发电技术选择、电价以及相应的环境排放的影响进行了研究。

    With the Integrated Resource Planning Assessment ( IRPA ) model , effects of the carbon tax and energy tax introduction on technological selection , power price and local air pollution in power industry of China were studied .

  5. 《京都议定书》对我国碳税制度的影响

    " Kyoto Protocol " to our country carbon tax system influence

  6. 我自己偏好的政策就是采取一个简单的碳税。

    My own preferred policy would be a straightforward carbon tax .

  7. 碳税问题长期以来一直备受关注。

    The case for carbon taxes has long been compelling .

  8. 穷人实际上还可能从碳税中获益。

    The poor could actually benefit from a carbon tax .

  9. 敦促实行全球碳税或“总量控制和排放权交易”

    Global Carbon Tax or ' Cap and Trade ' Urged

  10. 征收碳税的裨益因此也大大增加。

    The benefit of imposing carbon taxes is therefore enhanced .

  11. 促进我国二氧化碳减排的碳税政策研究

    Research on Carbon Tax Policy of China 's Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction

  12. 碳税对我国的影响及其政策响应

    Effects and Policy Responses of Carbon Taxes in China

  13. 我们还切实地需要法规扶持,我们需要补贴,碳税。

    We really need regulation , we need subsidies , taxes on carbon .

  14. 在我国开征碳税是十分必要和可行的。

    In our country , collecting the carbon tax is very necessary and feasible .

  15. 碳税比碳交易能更直接、有效地促进这些调整。

    Carbon taxation , compared with carbon exchange can facilitate theses adjustment more directly and effectively .

  16. 强调了碳税在减缓二氧化碳排放中的作用。

    It is emphasized that Carbon Taxes play an important role in the carbon dioxide mitigation .

  17. 相信市场力量的保守派人士也应该赞同符合市场规则的碳税。

    Conservatives who believe in the power of markets should favour carbon taxes on market principles .

  18. 碳税多大规模合适呢?

    What size levy is appropriate ?

  19. 美国征收碳税在其他方面也将有助于应对气候变化的努力。

    A US carbon tax would contribute to efforts to combat climate change in other ways .

  20. 建议六,开征环境税,加快碳税的征收步伐。

    Six , introduce the environmental taxes and accelerate the pace of the carbon tax levy .

  21. 征收碳税和限额交易也能控制碳价。欧洲已经建立限额交易系统,美国,澳洲和日本也在努力之中。

    A carbon price can be set either by a tax or through a cap-and-trade system .

  22. 碳税与碳排放

    Carbon tax and carbon emission

  23. 从理论上讲,建立价格信号最简单的方法就是通过征收碳税来实现。

    Theoretically , the simplest way to establish a price signal would be through a carbon tax .

  24. 碳税给了我们碳排放价格方面的确定性,但却没有排量方面的。

    A carbon tax gives us certainty about the price of carbon but not the quantity of emissions .

  25. 而且这也无法代替其他的相关环境政策的作用,例如排碳税。

    And they would be no substitute for other sensible environmental policies , such as a carbon tax .

  26. 碳税与碳排放权交易对中国各行业的影响氯氟碳化合物的排放速度

    Analysis of impacts from combining carbon taxation and carbon emission trading on different industrial sectors CFC release rate

  27. 美国人对税收的厌恶意味着他们并未把征收碳税视为一个严肃的选择。

    America 's aversion to taxes means that a carbon tax is not regarded as a serious option .

  28. 将碳税收入返还给企业和居民,能在一定程度上缓解对企业和居民的负面影响。

    Negative impacts to enterprise and household will be alleviated if carbon tax revenues are recycled to them .

  29. 因此,碳税已经成为二氧化碳减排的有效经济手段之一。

    Therefore , carbon tax has become one of the most effective economic methods in cut carbon dioxide emissions .

  30. 其次,在列举比较了国外开征碳税的实践和经验后,从中得到启发。

    Cited compared the practice and experience of the introduction of a carbon tax abroad , and get inspired .