
  • 网络carbon pollution;carbon contamination
  1. 但最明智的适应方式肯定是通过调整能源系统来减少碳污染。

    But the most sensible form of adaptation is surely to adapt our energy systems to emit less carbon pollution .

  2. 污染行业辩称我们已经输掉了控制碳污染的战斗,现在只能适应。和往常一样,这些话都是编造的无稽之谈,好让他们能从中获利。

    When the polluting industries argue that we 've lost the battle to control carbon pollution and have no choice but to adapt , it 's a nonsense designed to make the case for business as usual .

  3. 在SPS过程中碳污染的研究

    Study on the Carbon Pollution in SPS

  4. 新工艺避免了MCP同水及有机膜的直接接触,MCP的通道内表面不受碳污染。

    New technology avoids the contact of MCP with organic substrate and the carbon contamination in inner channel surface .

  5. (Ga,In)As半导体MOVPE生长过程中源物质的热分解及半导体碳污染的分析

    Analysis of Pyrolysis of Precursor and Carbon Contamination in MOVPE Process of ( Ga , In ) As Alloy Semiconductor

  6. FTIR、XRD和SAED显示生成的GaN奇异面呈六方纤锌矿多晶结构同时含有少量的碳污染。

    FTIR , XRD and SAED patterns reveal that the formed bizarre surface is polycrystalline GaN with hexagonal wurtzite structure and it contains trifle carbon contamination .

  7. 欧盟(EU)表示可以在航空公司碳污染问题上做出新的让步,旨在说服一家联合国机构支持一项解决同样问题的全球计划。

    The EU is offering fresh concessions on its scheme to tackle airlines ' carbon pollution , in an effort to persuade a UN agency to back a global plan to deal with the same issue .

  8. 这些企业担心,如果没有立法,美国环保署(epa)会强行实施自行制定的温室气体排放标准,或者各州将推出不同的降低碳污染体制。

    The companies fear that without legislation , the US Environmental Protection Agency would impose its own rules on greenhouse-gas emissions or states would introduce different carbon pollution regimes .

  9. 结果表明,冷基底溅射方法制膜工艺的失败对MCP造成了严重的碳污染,污染的MCP不可回收;

    It is found that the failing technique of cold basement sputtering causes the serious carbon contamination on the active channel surface of MCP , such MCPs cannot be rejuvenated .

  10. 这意味着要实施充满政治争议的政策,比如对碳污染征税、创造基于市场的总量控制和交易(cap-and-trade)项目,或者实施新规定。

    That means enacting politically controversial policies such as taxing carbon pollution , creating market-based cap and trade programs , or setting new regulations .

  11. 无碳污染的MCP防离子反馈膜新工艺方法是提高Ⅲ代微光管性能的有效途径。

    New technology of ion barrier film at the input of the MCP free of carbon contamination is the effective way to improve the characteristics of the third generation image tube .

  12. 通过XPS分析,证明离子清洁可以提高光阴极的灵敏度,然而离子清洁过度会带来碳污染,从而降低光阴极灵敏度的稳定性。

    It is also shown from XPS analysis that the ion cleaning can be used to improve the sensitivity of photocathode , however , an excess ion cleaning may cause C contamination to decrease the stability of photocathode sensitivity .

  13. 当激活工艺稳定状态下,光谱性能差是因GaAs发射层表面氧化,受碳污染及玻璃粘接应力过大等因素造成。

    We found that after steady activation , three major factors , including the oxidation and carbon contamination of the GaAs surfaces , and the glue-induced high stress at the interface of glass and GaAs , inversely affect the electron emission .

  14. 金属粉末注射成形(MIM)是一种极具竞争潜力的钛零件低成本近终形规模制造技术,控制氧、碳污染和收缩畸变是工艺过程的关键。

    Metal injection molding ( MIM ) is a low cost near-net shape manufacture technique on a large production scale for titanium parts . Key points in the process are contamination of oxygen carbon and shrinkage distortion .

  15. 两种清洗技术都在硅片表面产生氧化硅层,在硅片表面都存在有机碳污染,但新型半导体清洗工艺产生的有机碳污染少于标准RCA清洗。

    Moreover , the two techniques are of the carbon contamination in equal quantity . Organic carbon contaminants are formed in both types of cleaning techniques , but they are significantly less in the new technique than in the RCA standard system .

  16. 利用静电贴膜技术在MCP输入面制备了4nm厚Al2O3非晶态电子透射膜,此工艺不造成MCP通道壁内表面碳污染。

    Amorphous Al2O3 electron transmission films , 4 run thick , were successfully coated by electrostatic film posting on the front surface of a microchannel plate ( MCP ) with no observable carbon contamination in its inner wall of the pores .

  17. 放电等离子烧结钛酸钡陶瓷的碳污染及脱碳工艺研究

    Study on carbon pollution and decarbonization process of spsed batio_3 ceramics

  18. 碳污染对钛膜吸氢能力影响的研究

    Effect of C Contamination on H_2 Uptake of Ti Film

  19. 并减少对我们的地球构成威胁的碳污染我们大家的日子会过得更好我们知道

    And reduce the carbon pollution that 's threatening our planet We know that .

  20. 分析了熔炼过程中的铀和铀合金的碳污染源和污染机理。

    The resource and mechanism of carbon contamination were analyzed during metal uranium and its alloys melting .

  21. 事实上,有超过12个州已经在实施各自的市场化的减少碳污染排放的计划。

    In fact , nearly a dozen states are already implementing their own market-based programs to reduce carbon pollution .

  22. 通常,只有在发生了经济危机、导致发电厂和工厂碳污染减少时,全球碳排放量才会下降。

    Global emissions normally fall only when economic crises slow the power plants and factories that pump out carbon pollution .

  23. 中国是全球最大的碳污染排放体,2014年中国占全球碳排放量的27%。

    The country is the world 's largest carbon polluter , responsible for 27 per cent of world emissions in 2014 .

  24. 他们上一个泡泡刚破掉,现在又有了市场的新点子:交易碳污染。

    Well their latest bubble just burst and now they 've got a new idea for a market – trading carbon pollution .

  25. 过去8年间,美国碳污染排放减少量比世界其他任何国家都要多。

    Over the past eight years , the United States has reduced our total carbon pollution more than any other nation on Earth .

  26. 当然,它是能源是清洁的能源,有助于减少导致气候变化的碳污染。

    And , of course , its the energy & the clean energy that helps cut the carbon pollution that contributes to climate change .

  27. 更少的服务器意味着需要更少的空间(减少数据中心占用的空间)和更少用于制冷的电力(减少碳污染)。

    Fewer servers means less required space ( minimizing the data center footprint ) and less power for cooling ( minimizing the carbon footprint ) .

  28. 我们必须发现和生产清洁可再生能源,我们要减少碳污染排放,因为这会威胁我们的气候。

    We 've got to discover and produce cleaner renewable sources of energy that also produce less carbon pollution , which is threatening our climate .

  29. 我们还承诺通过全面的能源与气候问题立法,创造工作机会,降低我国对外来石油的依赖性,同时减少碳污染。

    We are also committed to passing comprehensive energy and climate legislation that will create jobs , reduce our dependence on foreign oil , and cut carbon pollution .

  30. 我推出的旨在减少碳污染、保护我们的国家不受气候变化冲击的计划是我们所必须经由的道路。

    The plan I have put forward to reduce carbon pollution and protect our country from the effects of climate change is the path we need to take .